the Day of Clearing the Obstacles
to Invincibility in National Life
5 September 2007
Maharishi: ‘Jai
Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. We have performed Puja to Guru Dev [in celebration
of] Ganapati. Today is the day of Ganapati. Ganapati is the Devata* to
eliminate all obstacles. Where are the obstacles? Between Jiva and Brahm—if
there are obstacles that separate Jiva and its own potential Brahm.
Complexities eliminated to enjoy steadfast existence in field
of Brahm
‘The entire Puja to Ganapati today took us from the very gross through
all the subtle levels of travel between a mixed-up world of diversity
to pure unity. Step to step, from complications to purity, complexities
were eliminated in order that we could begin to enjoy our steadfast existence
in the field of Brahm.
‘Through the Puja today, one Puja, Ganapati clears the passage of
all that exists between Atma and Brahm. It is a great day for us. From
the world of conflicts and uncomfortable complexities to the world of
purity—the field of Being—from the field of becoming to the
field of Being, all the obstacles were cleared today.
‘It has been a great day for us with the Puja to Guru Dev. This
is the Vedic Calendar of Veda Bhumi Bharat**.
Our passage is from gross multiplicity to subtle levels of purity
‘With all the obstacles that are on the way to pure transparent
Being, we are reminded of our passage from gross multiplicity to subtle
levels of purity. Ganapati has brought us to the field of pure Being.
‘Today we are having the day of clearing—clear, clear, clear—through
the whole field of Veda, Pure Knowledge, to the end of diversity, ruled
by the Devatas that are all the way through the Veda to Vedanta, from
multiplicity to Unity.
‘It was a very special performance and the Pandits from India have
helped us. It is like when you sit in the train and the train helps you
get from one station to the other, from one station to the other. Like
that, all the Pandits chanting has been just like a travel from the present
level to the destination level of the whole passage.
Today has taken us from complexity to simplicity
‘The glory of today, has taken us from complexity to simplicity.
All the obstacles that make the whole path complex and rather long and
diversified have been cleared by the chantings of the Vedic Mantras, by
Ganapati. The very name of Ganapati, Devata Vigneshwara, means the Devata
of eliminating all the obstacles. That takes us directly from here to
here, not from here to there, but from here to here.
‘The passage is through the Veda. And where is the Veda? Veda is
in the Atma, from “A” to “Ma”, and “Ma”
to “A”, just this area—from “A” to “Ma”,
from “Ma” to “A”—Atma, Atma, Atma.
The long journey from infinite diversity to absolute unity has
been cut short
‘So today has been the day of clearing the passage, and the long
journey from infinite diversity to absolute unity has been cut short.
By whom have the obstacles been eliminated? By the Devata of purification,
‘Devatas are like various aspects of transforming agencies. At every
step, innumerable performances are necessary to cross beyond the ocean
of diversity. And that happens with the help of, with the Grace of, with
the kindness of Vigneshwara, the Devata of eliminating obstacles.
The destiny of mankind is being cleared so that all national life
shines in invincibility
‘It is a great day for our aspirations to establish Raam Raj, the
rule of Raam. It is a beautiful day of clearing the destiny of mankind
so that the quality of all national life everywhere shines through invincibility.
All Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.
‘We continue our march, free from obstacles through the Grace of
Ganapati, through the Grace of Guru Dev. All Glory to Guru Dev. Guru Dev,
Brahmananda Saraswati, Vijayante-Taram. Vigneshwara Vijayante-Taram. Guru
Dev, Brahmananda Saraswati, Vijayante-Taram.’
*Devatas are the laws of nature that structure creation
**India, the land of the Veda