Discloses His Intention
to Fully Unfold Gyan Shakti—the Power of
Supreme Knowledge in Eternal Silence
22 November 2007
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, gave
the following historic address to the First European Parliament of National
Directors of the Global Country of World Peace, in MERU, Holland. Maharishi
announced his intention to focus on fully awakening Gyan Shakti—the
power of Total Knowledge in eternal silence—now that he has
‘laid a complete, complete, deep, never-shakeable foundation of
Guru Dev. When 192 Super(powers), then the whole thing becomes unified—no
more 192 countries, but one Global Country administered by total administrative
power. And total administrative power is in two sections: Total Knowledge
and Total Activity—Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti.
‘So what I am feeling just now, with all Europe rising to invincibility,
is that Kriya Shakti has started to show its performance. Kriya Shakti,
divided in 192 sections, has worked out its own unification. "United
Nations" was a word, but in actuality, it was still disunited. Now
somehow, somehow, the Gyan Shakti is awake. And Gyan Shakti waking up
is Kriya Shakti woken up—Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti.
‘And I feel now that having been active for all these fifty years,
the Kriya Shakti has woken up and has started to show the evidence of
its waking up. At least twenty-four countries are invincible out of 192.
So I am tempted to tell you my feelings, that with twenty-four countries
rising to invincibility and with all these Rajas and the National Leaders,
during the next week, the Rajas will take over the Kriya Shakti in silence.
‘So I am thinking of shifting my role from Kriya Shakti to Gyan
Shakti, because I feel the awakening of Kriya Shakti has been through
my basing the Kriya Shakti in the Gyan Shakti. People opened up to their
self-referral intelligence, and now, enough. Enough I say, but not complete
yet in my assessment.
‘Quite a lot of Kriya Shakti is woken up on the basis of, I would
say, one-tenth, or I could even say one-fourth of the Gyan Shakti. And
I feel now responsible to make that one-fourth of Gyan Shakti raised to
100% Gyan Shakti.
‘And how it is going to be done? The field of Gyan Shakti, which
we have realized to be Veda, and Veda we have realized to be the flow
of Atma. And the flow of Atma has been put to practice from the level
of Kriya Shakti, transcending—getting into the first stage of transcending,
second stage of transcending, getting to Transcendental Consciousness,
and stirring the Transcendental Consciousness to make it function through
our intention on it.
‘Now, the Gyan Shakti, to be fully 100% awake what is needed remaining
is the intellectual understanding, and I want to devote my time to that.
And that, in simple words, is bringing out the commentary of the Veda.
I have not yet spelled out in complete clarity, from A to Z, the flow
of the Veda in terms of the flow of eight Prakritis. But whatever has
been done amounts to maybe 10%, 8%, 4%—whatever percent, a part
of the Total Knowledge aspect of it. Even a part of Total Knowledge unfolded
has unfolded, along with its unfoldment, the Kriya Shakti. And I see that
the Kriya Shakti is in good hands.
‘Rajas Conference will be from tomorrow, and I am going to finally
lay out my intellectual understanding. And from that level I think I have
created a competent body to continue reinforcing action, continuing Kriya
Shakti. The body of the Rajas, and so many Yogic Flyers, Ministers, and
all will continue on the Kriya Shakti, and I will devote my time, whatever
is left, in the unfoldment of pure Gyan Shakti.
‘And this will be, I will have to lay out all the details of how
Atma flows in terms of the Veda, how the first letter of Atma is the flow
of Total Veda, and how Total Veda, on the level of knowledge, flows is
the diversity of knowledge—all the Veda expanding to become the
universe—how knowledge expands from its compactified state in one
syllable “A”, from “A” to “Ma”, and
Atma to Veda, and Veda to Vishwa, the universe, the intelligence part
of it.
‘Kriya Shakti has been witnessed, and there are enlightened individuals
in the world, all the Rajas, and more Rajas will come. And more thoroughly
the administration of the universe on the physical level will be completely
automatically growing from day to day, from day to day, from day to day.
‘Now, so far, twenty-four countries are invincible. We want to hear
all the 192 countries together have risen to a state of invincibility.
But now it will need, it will need the theory of it to be brought to the
awareness of those who will be engaged in the field of action, action,
‘To do the Gyan Shakti, I know how many pockets of different values
of Gyan Shakti have to be brought to light and have to be put together
in one glance of every Raja.
‘Rajas have been trained so far to carry the Kriya Shakti, and they
will control Kriya Shakti by being themselves, four hours morning and
evening, themselves, and that will continue to strengthen the Kriya Shakti.
‘But I have to give them, and I know what are the separate values
of Gyan Shakti that have to be put together, and that will be my bringing
to light the different values, the different united values of the Gyan
in simple words, I will devote my time in the commentary of the Veda.
I have done commentary on Bhagavad-G¡ta*. It is a compactified state
of Gyan Shakti, Kriya Shakti. I have to open the petals of knowledge that
are still calling me to put the attention and open—open the lotus
flower petals and make the petals in the opening. Nothing should remain
hidden from view, either from the level of Being, from the level of intellect,
from the level of mind, from the level of behaviour—all these different
values of knowledge, knowledge, knowledge.
‘Just that example, the lotus petals are closed. They will open
up. And they only can be opened up from inside. Lotus petals have to be
opened from inside, from the gap within, which is level of pure knowledge.
Opening will be through the Kriya Shakti, but something has to be there
for Kriya Shakti to be opening, opening, opening, and this will be intellectual
understanding of the whole Kriya Shakti.
‘Why Kali Yuga came? Kali Yuga came, Kriya Shakti became blurred.
Nobody knew what to do. Everyone lost the Dharma, and losing Dharma, all
suffering and all kinds of negativity all come up. This is because of
the loss of Gyan Shakti, and loss of Gyan Shakti is a loss of the intellectual
level. And that I hope to do in one or two years, if time is allowed.
‘That I am going to undertake to do after expressing great satisfaction
for those who are upholding the fort on the level of Kriya Shakti. And
we’ll have Gyan Shakti floating, strengthening, as Gyan Shakti blossoms
on the surface of the world consciousness, as Gyan Shakti blossoms.
‘And for Gyan Shakti to blossom, I have only to indicate, it’s
not my intelligence that will do it. It is just that what I see, I speak—that’s
all. What I see, I speak. So I have to speak what the Veda blossoms into,
Vishwa; what Atma blossoms into, the Veda; what Veda blossoms into, Atma,
on this side; and what Atma blossoms into, Brahm—Saguna Brahm—and
Saguna Brahm blossoms into Nirguna Brahm. So Nirguna Brahm, Saguna Brahm,
Atma, Veda, Vishwa, all expressions of the pure intelligence, Gyan Shakti—this
I have to give to the world and that will be my total contribution.
‘The day will not be long [for that], because the Kriya Shakti is
lively. That will take me just to say what I see, say what I see. So that
is the career that I have designed for myself—Gyan Shakti to blossom
in its full. And as Gyan Shakti will blossom, Kriya Shakti will naturally
be more and more blossomed.
‘So I, from my side, have won half the race, and I will win the
other half. But all of you are the winners of the race. You go ahead,
go ahead, and on the same line you will see that nothing is obscure to
‘And all Glory of Guru Dev. All Glory of Guru Dev. All Glory of
Guru Dev. We are halfway to achievement of our target. We are half way
to achievement of our target. Half way achievement of the target of Guru
Dev’s grace is Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnur, Guru Devo Maheshwara.
This much we have achieved. What we have to achieve is Guru Sakshat Param
Brahma. We have to see Brahm Sakshat personally, purely, clearly, vividly.
We have to yet see the Grace of Guru Dev.
‘So we, I will keep on doing Puja, Puja, Puja, Puja , and the last
target of Guru Dev’s Grace will be in our vision. And that will
be, that will be, that will be the bell of invincibility in time. That
our Communication Minister has started to ring—very well doing,
very well doing.
‘So I am expressing my confidence on the achievements of all the
enlightened nations in the world, twenty-four. They will grow into 192,
and we will have laid a complete, complete, deep, never-shakeable foundation
of invincibility in the changing times around, all that, all that.
‘This is my feeling that has started, that I have expressed to you,
with all my admiration for your achievements of the Kriya Shakti. Jai
Guru Dev.'
Maharishi's speech was followed by a standing ovation and very long
clapping reminiscent of the long clapping that occured when Maharishi
started the Movement on the historic day of 27 December 1957 in Madras.
* Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad Gita: A New Translation and Commentary,
Chapters 1-6, Penguin Classics, 1990..