Address on the Vedic Day of the Awakening
of All the Laws of Nature
20 November 2007
During the global celebration on 20 November 2007, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, explained that silence functions not through human endeavour, but from surrender from where silence operates. Silence functions beyond any speech. Any thought or desire from that level spontaneously 'comes on our lap'. This is Guru Dev's gift to us.
Maharishi: 'Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. I just want for all the shining leaders of our world Movement, all the Rajas, and all the National Leaders and all the Initiators [Teachers of Transcendental Meditation], I want to present them a secret, and that is to realize and to see how silence functions.
'All that we have been through today and yesterday is not from human endeavour. It is from human surrender from where silence operates. Our Movement, simple, sincere, silent for all these years, and I just want you all to see how silence functions.
'When silence functions, it is beyond any speech. It is beyond any action. It is spontaneous. It is the spontaneous function of silence. Everything comes to our lap. Everything comes to our lap in the waves of thought, in the waves of our understanding, in the waves of realization. This is how silence functions. And this gives us a real, real, real undoubtable proof that the silence, which we are engaging to administer the world affairs, is our right path. It is a pathless path to us.
'Just the thought of ours is good enough to get us what we desire—spontaneously it comes to our lap. This is how we have known today; we have got the proof today that the silence, which we are wanting to administer our scattered world and put it on an integrated state of invincibility, that is going to be truthfully realized by us without much doing because Guru Dev* has given us, again, the effortless technique to let our attention float in the transcendental field where we don't have even to desire.
'So, that is the gift of Guru Dev. He has given to us the awareness of that silence where we don't have even to desire. Spontaneously, all that we can ever desire from that silence will be on our lap, from now, from today, from tomorrow, from this week, from this month, from this year, for all the time of our human race.
'So having shown the insight into the reality of administration through silence, now I want to worship to Guru Dev. That has brought this day as the day of awakening of all levels of creativity at our disposal, which has given us the proof that the infinite creative of silence came at our disposal. Guru Dev has given us the entry into that area, where spontaneously we come in possession of that which can do everything as everything has been achieved. Everything will be achieved, day after day, as a wave, a fresh wave every day of our administration of silence.
'For this, again and again, we offer Puja** to Guru Dev. Puja is that instrument with us. We perform the Puja, and all silence at our disposal. This will be the fruit of our Puja. It happened to be a day well marked in the Indian Calendar—the day of awakening of all the gods [Pravodhani Ekadashi], the day of awakening of all the silent level of administration of the Constitution of the Universe, the Will of God, the Veda.
'With this understanding, that we are so blessed, with this great fulfilment, we are offering ourself to Guru Dev, our Puja to Guru Dev.'
(Maharishi performs Puja.)
'Having awakened the eternal silence and the ruler of the silence, Brahm, and his retinue, all the Devatas***, having awakened them through this Puja, now we want to take Raja Raam-ji to see his universe, to see his domain, to see his world, with all the Rajas, representing the Devatas. This beautiful going around, all the Rajas taking Raja-ji around the trip, now this amounts to taking Raam Raja-ji to see his world, and see, this is the world that is being served, silently, through silent administration. This is the world that will be ruled by the forthcoming Rajas representing all the Devatas that have been awakened today.
'Prime Minister, take Raja-ji and all the Ministers take Raja-ji around the universe, as the universe has to be small, because the whole universe is starting to be served by the silent presence of Raja-ji. Let him witness, let him witness, his status lively now. Take him around the procession. And after the procession, just rest to resume the European Parliament from tomorrow.
'Jai Guru Dev.'
* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmananda Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
** Puja is a Vedic ceremony of thanksgiving.
***Devatas are the Laws of Nature, the administering intelligence of Natural Law that governs the entire universe.