Address at the
Celebration of Dipavali — the Festival of Lights
9 November 2007
the global celebration of the Festival of Lights, the Vedic Day of Maha Lakshmi,
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, performed
global Puja (Vedic ceremony of gratitude) to his Master, Guru Dev* and
then, following a brief speech in Hindi, addressed the assembly.
Maharishi: 'Jai Guru Dev, Jai Guru Dev, Jai Guru
Dev. Having performed today's Puja to Guru Dev, the Puja of Maha Lakshmi,
this day out of the 365 days of the year [is] dedicated to Maha Lakshmi—the source of affluence, the
inexhaustible source of affluence—Maha Lakshmi. Maha Lakshmi the source of all
orderly, affluent administration of the universe [is] enlivened in our awareness
in waves of offerings to Guru Dev—one after the other, offerings to Guru
impulse of creativity through the levels of administration of the ever-expanding
universe, the Custodian, the Mother of all beings in our universe, the
unified state of administration of the versified, infinitely-differentiated universe,
but compactified, unified, on the lap of Mother Divine, Maha Lakshmi
‘Fortunate, very fortunate we are. Our fortune today is beyond description,
beyond speech. It is on the transcendental level. Fortunately, we are
aware on the level of our intellectual understanding and also in our experiential level of direct knowledge, we are aware of the source of all
order, affluence, integration, unification of all diversity in Maha Lakshmi
Maiya—the Mother Divine of affluence, affluence of infinite compactified
divine bliss, the characteristic quality of the administration of the
‘Our offer to Guru Dev takes away today all the disorders and distinctions
and mutual challenges and restlessness in the administration of the universe.
This is what we are sunk in today—transcendental bliss, self-referral Brahm. Aham Brahmasmi, Tat Tvam Asi, Sarvam Kalvidam Brahm, Ayam Atma
Brahm. All our Puja to Guru Dev comes out with the Puja to this Paramba**, Maha Lakshmi, comes co-existing with our self-referral Purusha consciousness***. We are a part of that divine, orderly administration of the universe today by
having awakened the reality of Maha Lakshmi Maiya, Mother Maha Lakshmi, Mother
‘This comes to us as representation of the silent administration
of Brahm [Totality], of Raam Brahm, of Rajadhiraj**** Nader Raam,
representing this great Lakshmi of human race at the basis of all that
we call the universe—unified, versified reality in the state of
unified existence—Maha Lakshmi Maiya, the most precious level of administration
of the universe, inseparable from the personality of the administrator,
Maha Lakshmi Maiya, inseparable.
‘We are fortunate. On the surface of it, it is the Festival of Light,
today, Dipavali—the Festival of Light in the Indian calendar, the Festival of Light, the Festival of Light. It
is in the Festival of Light that the world is breathing its existence,
its evolution, its fulfilment. That we have faced in all these waves of
offerings to Guru Dev.
‘Fortunate we are to have the Day of
Light celebrated with the whole world family and with the administrator of the whole
world family in silence—Maharajadhiraj, Raja Nader Raam—the
first ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, putting the fragmentations
and differences of the world in a grand unity on the level of silence
where this grand unity is undivided, eternal. And this eternally unified
world is going to be the blessing of the silent administration of Raja Nader Raam, in whose presence, and with him, we have performed Puja to
Guru Dev.
‘In that act of performance of Puja, we have celebrated the Festival
of Light, the most awakened day out of the 365 days of the Vedic Calendar.
And that momentum gained today, in the unification of our scattered awarenesses
of the 6 billion people of the world, stands unified in complete light—the Festival of Light. And the world festival belongs to all the species,
all different variations of the span of life of all the species—the
Festival of Light.
‘We are fortunate. Dr Feldman, the Finance Minister of Rajadhiraj,
Raja Nader Raam's Finance Minister, is holding the inexhaustible
treasury of Raja Raam, the currency of Raam, the Treasurer of Raam currency,
the inexhaustible range of authority upheld, sustained by that inexhaustible
treasury, which is the natural structure of Mahalaksmi Maiya, Mother Divine
in charge of inexhaustible affluence in the currency of Raam.
Dr Feldman, invite the Vedic Pandits to shower on us the traditional,
eternal blessings of Maha Lakshmi Maiya. Mother Divine, the custodian of
the administration of Brahm, shower on us the blessings of Maha Lakshmi
Maiya, the custodian of the treasury of Brahm, inexhaustible treasury of
Kubera*****. And the unlocking of it, the turnkey operation to unlock it, is in the custody of
the Vedic Pandits.
‘Please ask them to unlock, to unlock, to unlock the inexhaustible treasury of Brahm through
the recitations of the Constitution of Brahm, the Veda. Tell them
all we have performed the Puja, and now we are waiting to bask in the
sunshine of the showers of Maha Lakshmi from the inexhaustible treasury
of Brahm. Please invite them.
‘[These are] very fortunate moments for our world family, very fortunate
moments for the custodians and administrators of the world family, all
the Devatas in heaven and earth, everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. Please
invite them to bless us from their traditional expressions of the Constitution
of the Veda. The actual items of that perform orderly administration
of the universe. We are wanting to bask in the sunshine of those showers
of blessings. All glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.'
Dr Benjamin Feldman then concluded the introduction to the celebration and welcomed the Vedic Pandits. Then the Vedic Pandits then began their recitation.
* Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmananda
Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
'Para' means transcendental. 'Amba' means the all-nourishing power of Natural Law.
***Purusha is the silent, self-sufficient quality of Transcendental Consciousness.
title for the highest of Rajas, the Raja of Rajas.
is the impulse of creative intelligence that oversees the infinite treasury
of wealth.