National Security and Invincibility
A Unified Field-Based Approach to Defence
2 May 2007
Guru Dev. I was listening with great joy to every sentence of yours, Dr
Hagelin. I will ask the world press to inform their government.
‘The concept of a government organization was from the need of a
nation. Every nation needed an organization which will consider whether
all different aspects of life in the country are on the right side of
evolution. The very existence of a government throughout the ages has
its basis in the need for an organization. Throughout the history of nations,
throughout the history of society, the need was felt that there should
be an organization which should take care of the education, health, industry,
commerce—all in one centralized organization—and that was
called government. Every government has rules for its fulfilment.
‘Now, a concept has come for the need of an administration which
will be prevention-oriented, and which will be problem-free itself. What
we find is that every government is full of problems and full of questions.
Every ministry of every government decides to do this and this and this,
but whatever they are doing, there is the concept of changing the government.
In five, six years, the government must be changed. For five years, some
people are given the chance to let the society run intelligently, without
problems, but all the problems grow in economy, in politics, in behaviour—in
everything. So, there is the concept of changing government. Democracy
came into being. . . .
‘People believe some people, and they are rulers for five years.
They make their gestures and all, but nothing comes out of it to fulfil
the purpose of their assembly. No government, with all its different departments,
is able to fulfil the purpose of any department, just because humanly
conceived laws will always remain incompetent for the total purpose of
‘Therefore, now, a plan has come that life could be upheld by cosmic
law, by total law, by total knowledge of Natural Law. It just evolved,
and it has proved its value. Every government—every minister and
every ministry—can fulfil its purpose by having a hundred or two
hundred people, every employee in every ministry, make it a part of their
natural duty to spend half an hour twice a day in their home or office
practising Transcendental Meditation for their own enlightenment. The
effect will be that they will be more efficient in passing on papers from
table to table, plus they will be producing an effect of invincibility.
They will be fulfilling the purpose of the government. The total purpose
of the government will be in favour of the life of everyone in the country.
‘All the government people are being paid by the money of the people,
but they are not able to fulfil the required goals. Dr Hagelin is proposing
a plan of Total Knowledge. It does not have to remain restricted to the
schools and colleges. Every government is going to be hooted out in five
years or six years anyway. The next year's government or the present government
could create the fulfilment of its expected duty, and that government
will be lasting.
‘Every government has a choice to be hooted out after six years
or to be welcomed and honorably requested to remain in its position, since
they have produced a problem-free administration, a problem-free nation,
a peaceful nation, an integrated nation where there is no disintegration,
is no conflict, no problems. Such a government can be now—in one
month, in two months, in three months—now.
‘Dr Hagelin's voice today is being conveyed from the centre of New
York. New York is supposed to be a New York; every year is a New York.
It cannot continue to be an Old York. New York is also revived today with
the presence of our team there—intelligentsia who are lighthouses
of intelligence, the home of Total Knowledge, and have a vibrant vitality
of infinite creativity, bringing out a new phase of administration.
‘Those, who are in the helm of affairs on the top level of every
organization on the economic level or on the political level or on the
social level or on any level, have only to understand. Now, I love the
sentence Dr Hagelin said today, “They do not have to understand
the equations of physics or chemistry.” They do not have to understand
anything. So, instead of innocently going to hell, they are asked to innocently
go to heaven. Absolutely, they can return from hell today. . . .
‘The world press in every country is dedicated to the country. This
is the voice that they should bring out to the people. They should bring
out the responsibility of the government, and tell the government how
simply, knowingly or unknowingly, they can step onto it. Unknowingly,
they are making laws which fail to bring the desired effect.
‘What Dr Hagelin said was very interesting. The chief military man
does not have to understand. When a part of the military—not the
whole military, just a very insignificant part of a military, one or two
battalions—is closing their eyes, they are not asked to relinquish
their rifles. If the need is there, they will fight. But before the need
arises, they can cancel the need by closing the eyes. Just a little battalion
of a few hundred people can do this.
‘Every country has thousands in the military. We are not asking
all the military to run away, because we know the present fearful administration
will never allow it to be disbanded. But they should realize that this
destructive means of protection is a false notion. It has existed throughout
the history. Murder of the youth has been throughout history in the name
of securing the nation. What a stupid principle. Some people, who have
gathered money from the people, pay them. They think, “Give money
to the youth and keep them inspired in the name of bravery and all very
good inspiring words, then put them to death. Feed the youth like you
feed the goat to someday eat him up.” Very, very barbarian and very,
very uncultured and very, very criminal is this approach of every government,
as far as the national integrity, national security, defence, and education
are concerned.
‘Here is a call to wake up. Either wake up or get out—finished.
Every government can save itself from being hooted out, being removed
in six years. Then the same people, who will remove the government, will
respect the government: ”Oh, you have done very well, you have done
very well. Everyone is very happy. Diseases are much less.”
‘In the whole field of medicine, poison is being given to the people.
Modern medicine is full of poison. Modern education is full of restricted
knowledge. Our programme is invincibility—Centers of Invincibility.
‘This week we are asking every government to have this thing done.
And if they do not do it, there will be a revolt against every government.
They will be hooted out. Presidents, prime ministers, education ministers,
finance ministers, defence ministers, industry ministers, and trade ministers
are all there to serve the nation. Now, we see that all are in default.
In their mind, they are serving the nation, but the result is that they
are crucifying the nation. Their effort, their organization, their government
is a fraud. Everywhere the government is a fraud.
‘This is my message to every government, whether the world press
releases this message or not. The world press will be out of their duty
tomorrow. I am going to establish this through the government. It is very
easy for the government to have a few hundred people in each ministry
or all the people in each ministry or a quarter of the people spend one
hour every day. The whole thing has come out to be possible on such a
ridiculously small scale of operation.
‘Here is a joy for the world press, if the world press has anything
to do with patriotism and if they have any common sense. There was a proverb
in English: “If you try and try and fail again and again, you try
and try again and again.” All that is not necessary. You try once,
and you will see that you are crowned.
‘Today Dr Hagelin said, “There are geniuses who create electricity
in the powerhouses. The man in his home does not have to know the whole
engineering. He just presses the button and gets the light.” So
people do not have to understand. Even if the people of the government
do not understand, when they close the eyes and do all that we are teaching,
what happens is that the individual gets enlightened. You do not have
to understand the mechanics of how the influence becomes cosmic, and how
the influence spreads in national life. But when you know how to press
the button, the light will be on. You do not have to understand the mechanics.
‘Such simplicity—such utter simplicity—in the field
of knowledge and such utter simplicity in the field of numbers, who will
achieve this? The governments are going to do it, and single individuals
have to be doing it for their own enlightenment. In every way, the world
is destined to be a better world tomorrow—tomorrow, next week, next
month. Do not go until next year. Next month is good enough.
‘Our Finance Minister, Prime Minister, and Science and Technology
Minister have designed a programme for every government, for every trade
and industry, for every school, for every college, for every hospital,
for every builder, for every engineer in the country. For everyone, they
have an open door to heavenly happiness on the mental level and a huge
amount of wealth on the practical level. They have the programme.
‘The wealthy so far have always had heart palpitations about whether
they should invest in this or they should invest in that. All these days
of heart palpitations are coming to an end for the wise. This is a programme
for those, who start to close the eyes, to do less and accomplish more
and more.
‘We have started this thing. We do not depend on the governments.
We have our own global government—peaceful government. We are not
calling it a government, because we do not want to create any fear of
our existence in the present existing governments. We call it a global
government. We have a global development currency. We have global Natural
Law. We have everything global. And we are going to be parental to the
whole world population.
‘We want to see all the countries, our own family, and every country
invincible, rising to invincibility very quickly—not many days or
not a long time. Now it is a matter of a few days, a few weeks. With a
few hundred people here or there, or a thousand people here or there in
bigger countries, we are taking thirty-six top leading countries in the
world now. And within a few weeks, they will create that integrated national
‘We already have started to call our centers that teach Transcendental
Meditation “Centers of Invincibility”. Centers of Invincibility
have a collective connotation. A Center of Enlightenment was thought to
be on the individual level so far. The history of thousands of years in
the world has the word “enlightenment”; it is not a new word.
What is new in our case is total knowledge of Natural Law and the influence
of the individual enlightenment on the level of the nation as a whole
in terms of enlightenment. The nation as a whole is in terms of enlightenment
because a few hundred individuals are good enough to create that cosmic
influence, that collective influence, in the whole society. And the whole
society is going in the right lines—always evolving, always evolving,
always evolving.
‘Now, it is a matter of a few days. Whether the world press will
express it or not, we are going to create the influence. If the world
press listens to it, they will be enjoying their duty. If they do not
do it, we just simply do not mind. If the governments do it, they will
be doing their duty. If they do not do it, we do not mind that they do
not do it. Just a few hundred people will do it themselves.
‘We are so independent now. That is why we are proclaiming invincibility
to every nation. It is not a slogan. It is the announcement of the real
tomorrow. Today, a country is dependent on its people. Tomorrow, every
nation will be independent. It will be thriving in prosperity, in affluence,
in integrity, in wisdom—in everything. That is the world that is
going to dawn in a few days. Maybe we have to go through a few nights,
but we already see the dawn. And on that basis, we are making such open
‘Listen to Dr Hagelin. Every Center of Transcendental Meditation,
teaching Transcendental Meditation, promises all to the individual and
now we want to call them Centers of Invincibility. Dr Hagelin and our
Prime Minister absolutely convinced me that these centers are the torchbearers
of the forthcoming enlightened world. “Forthcoming enlightened world”
does not mean in a year or two years or three years. It is now, during
this year. The world has a very great, fortunate generation of intelligentsia
in the leaders of our Movement. . . .
‘Our formula is instant; the result is instant. A few individuals
are creating a cosmic influence from the level of consciousness. All the
theories and understanding about the philosophy of self-referral consciousness
and all are abstract values, because they are more and more refined, more
and more refined, more and more refined. They go to the transcendental
level, from where the mind returns, from where the language returns, from
where the calculations return.
‘But our operation is from that level of absolute silence. And we
are expert in that; we are expert in teaching that. And we are very happy
that we are able to produce such a great influence in the whole world
society. That is why we say, “The world is our family.” And
we do not want anyone in our family to be miserable, as has been the case
throughout history.
‘The human race has had very wrong notions particularly in the field
of defence. You are so afraid that, if anybody wants to come to you, you
are afraid of him and want to kill him. When you want to kill him, you
want to kill your own youth. You want to kill your own youth. When you
are sacrificing the youth of the nation, where is the nation? For whom
is the nation? When you are killing your youth for the nation, for whom
is the nation? All these maddening principles have been floated on the
level of bravery and so much national patriotism and all that. The whole
thing was a fraud and harmful to life.
‘Now is the time we give all glory to the Vedic Tradition, to the
tradition of Vedic Knowledge from where we have been fed the knowledge
of total Natural Law, which has been verified today in the name of the
Unified Field and all that. But as Dr Hagelin has expressed to the people,
everyone does not have to be an electronic engineer to enjoy results of
the activity of the electronic engineers in the powerhouse. They are giving
the light, so one can press the button, and one does not have to have
the knowledge of engineering electricity.
‘We are in a very beautiful position. And we are happy to say that
we are happy about the knowledge and about what we are doing. We are happy
about the results that we are producing. And we are happy about what we
have done all these past years. Jai Guru Dev.’