March 2007 Press Conference Highlights
John Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country
of World Peace and President of Maharishi Central University, Kansas,
USA, began the press conference by summarizing the benefits of Maharishi's
Transcendental Meditation Programme and the TM-Sidhi Programme, including
Yogic Flying. According to a large body of scientific research, as well
as personal testimonials, these techniques produce a wide range of benefits
for both mind and body, by enlivening the experience of the Unified Field,
total Natural Law.
experience of the Unified Field enlivens Natural Law in human awareness
so every thought and action become suffused with the character of total
Natural Law, and every thought and action are in harmony with Natural
Law, aligned with universal intelligence. Dr Hagelin explained that the
principal application of this is life spontaneously in accord with Natural
Law for a problem-free life and the fulfilment of any desire. He pointed
out that this clearly offfers a whole new paradigm for education, and
one that happily is spreading like wildfire.
Central University
Hagelin described the new educational institution, Maharishi Central University,
which is at the forefront of education in the entire world. It was founded
to train a new generation of leadership through a revolutionary, state-of-the-art
curriculum known to produce vastly superior educational results. 'It is
this institution', said Dr Hagelin, 'the ultimate institution of education
on earth, which is increasingly being called a new capital of education
for the world, a super-knowledge university, a university of Total Knowledge,
the importance of which is not just for the United States, but for the
whole world.'
Hagelin then read the University's new advertisement for teaching faculty
and leadership training. It is seeking highly motivated, talented professors,
associate professors, and assistant professors in twelve different disciplines.
For more information about the faculty positions available and specialized
faculty training course, visit http://www.maharishicentraluniversity.org/faculty.html.
Peace Palaces in California
this Global Press Conference, Dr Bevan Morris, Prime Minister of the Global
Country of World Peace, gave an inspiring report on his current visit
to California to review the newly purchased land and current building
projects of the Global Country of World Peace. These projects include
land purchased to build a branch of Maharishi Central University and various
Peace Palaces.
Morris said he and Rajas and Ministers of the Global Country of World
Peace will visit the Peace Palace in Ramona, Southern California, and
a Peace Palace that has started to be constructed in
Encinitas, near San Diego.
There is also a rising Peace Palace in Beverly Hills. The Peace Palaces
will offer all of Maharishi's very powerful, scientifically
proven programmes
of Total Knowledge for enlightenment, perfect health, and the prevention
of all problems for the individual and society.
acres of land have been purchased beside Lake Arrowhead, about 5,000 feet
above sea level, and will be a wonderful location for Maharishi College
of Vedic Medicine. Dr Morris said that the curriculum for this College
is currently being prepared by a powerful team of medical specialists
under Maharishi's direction at MERU in Holland. This curriculum is based
upon the discovery of Maharaja Nader Raam, the first sovereign ruler of
the Global Country of World Peace, that the human body is the expression
of the Constitution of the Universe, the field of Total Natural Law, the
reporting on his current visit to California, USA, Dr Morris noted that
Lake Arrowhead is the very special location where Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
wrote his first book, Science of Being and Art of Living, in 1963.
Morris also gave an inspiring report on the beautiful experiences of those
participating in the Invincible America Course in Fairfield, Iowa. This
Assembly in the USA was launched on July 23, 2006, by Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi to create coherent national consciousness—the basis of a peaceful,
prosperous, invincible country.
John Hagelin then presented questions for Dr Morris and himself to answer.
The Power of Thinking in Tune with Natural Law
Hagelin: 'There are two questions, Dr Morris, one is
addressed to me, and the second to you. I think they are both very topical,
and I will begin with the one on positive thinking, which is quite interesting.
is a new trend in America and throughout the world that is gaining mainstream
acceptance and interest, and that trend is that people are relying more
and more on the power of positive thinking, rather than hard work, to
accomplish a goal. The idea is that thoughts alone, without physical exertion,
have the power to organize events in favour of the thinker—that
positive thoughts somehow attract positive results. I am interested in
Dr Hagelin's take on this. How powerful are thoughts? Can they in fact,
organize events?’
‘We all know thoughts have power, and Maharishi explains this beautifully.
I will come to Maharishi's explanation in a minute. We all know that thought
drives the whole physiology. If we have a thought to lift the hand, then
the hand lifts. So certainly the human body is a masterful design, where
the body responds to every impulse of thought spontaneously. We already
know we have the capability of achieving our desires, at least through
the response of our own physiology, through the field of our own thought.
One very powerful avenue for the successful accomplishment of our desires
is through the agency of the human physiology. Therefore, I guess the
question then becomes, “To what extent can we consider the entire
world, our physical environment, to be an extension of our body?”
That is, “To what extent is the environment around us responsive
to our thoughts?”
‘Well, we have seen from Maharishi's wisdom that human thought at
its deepest level, at its transcendental level, at its Para level, beyond
articulated linguistic thought and finer and finer levels of thought,
is the Unified Field at the basis of mind and matter. That level of thought,
the level of Being, the Para level of consciousness, the transcendental
level of thought, is the Unified Field and the whole universe is its expression.
Modern science delineates very rigorously the stage-by-stage mechanics
through which this field of consciousness precipitates as our human physiology,
and precipitates as the material environment in the form of atoms, molecules,
and macroscopic objects, even galaxies. Everything, ultimately, is an
expression of the Unified Field. Everything, ultimately, is an expression
of consciousness. Everything, ultimately, is the physiology of consciousness.
‘So, the whole universe is our extended physiology. So, to the extent
that we are thinking at that Para level of the Unified Field—if
we gain the precious skill of entertaining thought or desire at that Para
level of consciousness, transcendental consciousness, the Unified Field—that
thought will get picked up and manifested anywhere and everywhere throughout
creation, because the whole creation is the physiology of the Unified
Field. Just as this is the physiology of my consciousness and responds
to my consciousness, the universe is also, ultimately, the physiology
of consciousness, and responds to an impulse of consciousness, if that
impulse is at that universal level—the non-strictly-individual level
of mind, the universal level of Being, from which the whole universe is
the expression.
‘Yes, thoughts are powerful. Maharishi describes and emphasizes
the importance of spontaneous fulfilment of desire, and also, more importantly,
teaches the skill of desiring—how to entertain an impulse of desire
at that absolute level. The mechanics of that really are the TM-Sidhi
Programme, the advanced techniques of Transcendental Meditation, including
Yogic Flying, whereby the body lifts up in the air, through mere impulse
of thought. The response of the environment to a mere impulse of thought
is demonstrated very dramatically and directly in the Yogic Flying phenomenon
‘Maharishi is the master of the science of Yoga, the science of
Being, the science of thinking from the level of Being, where the whole
universe is our extended physiology, and where support of Nature is not
just within our physiology, but throughout the environment as it responds
to our impulse of thought. So thought can be incredibly powerful. At that
deepest level, when developed properly through practice, the ability to
entertain desire within the absolute, omnipresent field stirs the totality
of the laws of nature. When that is established, it is literally possible
to fulfil desires instantly, to know anything indeed, and to achieve anything
by a mere impulse of thought. And the speed of the fulfilment of thought
really just has to do with how proficient we are with entertaining that
thought on the absolute level, where total Natural Law and all possibilities
are a reality.
‘On the other hand, the equally important point that everybody seems
to miss is that human thoughts can be incredibly weak. If thought is at
a very superficial level of mind, with the whole brain physiology scattered
and chaotic, where there is no profound orderliness of thinking—agitated
waking consciousness—thoughts are often not fulfilled. Even the
response of the body, the physiology, to thoughts becomes helter-skelter
and ineffective, if the mind is scattered. So, clear orderly thinking
is at the basis of clear orderly action and behaviour of our physiology.
We know how important orderly action is. On a very weak level of thought,
even the human physiology does not respond perfectly, and certainly the
laws of nature in the environment also do not respond to such superficial
thought, which is so far removed from that field of Para, transcendental
thought that stirs the universe.
‘So, thought can be quite weak, and it can be very powerful. This
is exactly what we would expect from looking at quantum physics, if we
could see the Unified Field Chart for physics. Maharishi explains and
science confirms that the universe is structured in layers from superficial
to profound, from macroscopic to microscopic, and that in every deeper
level of Natural Law from to molecular to atomic, from nuclear to sub
nuclear, Nature becomes more powerful. The quantum principle guarantees
increasing power at more fundamental scales. Like that, the human mind,
while fathoming deeper levels of reality at finer levels of thought, becomes
similarly more and more powerful and most powerful on the level of Being,
abstract transcendental thought.
‘It is on that level by the way, that a small group of Yogic Flyers
stirring the field of transcendental Unity, the Unified Field, can transform
the destiny of an entire country. That is an illustration of the power
of thought, which has been abundantly scientifically documented, demonstrated,
and confirmed. So thoughts can be weak, thoughts can be powerful. The
most important thing in life, in education, is to develop the power of
thought, the orderliness and power of the mind, and capture that field
of consciousness within, own that Para level of thinking. Capture the
field of Being, which is our own unbounded Self, after all. Capture the
Self. Know Thyself, Thy unbounded universal Self, whose nature is immortality
and bliss. Know That by which anything can be achieved, know That by which,
according to the Upanishads, anything can be known.
‘So, the power of positive thinking is either powerful or not, frankly,
depending upon the level on which one is using the mind. Rather than hope
for more powerful, productive, successful thoughts, develop it directly.
Dive within. Utilize Maharishi's proven, age-old, time-tested meditation
approaches, Transcendental Meditation, with beautiful advanced techniques,
the Transcendental Meditation Sidhi Programme, including Yogic Flying
. These are the techniques to ensure that thought is positively powerful
and powerfully positive, where you can achieve anything with no exertion,
no effort. That is the ultimate development of thought—doing less,
doing least, doing essentially nothing but Being, and accomplishing everything
that needs to be accomplished for oneself, for the entire country. The
beautiful practical application of this is the Invincible America Assembly,
the Invincible Holland Assembly, and the Invincible Every Country Assembly,
as more and more countries rise to invincibility today under
Maharishi's inspiration.’
Question: Student Pressures and National Security Eased by Consciousness-Based
Dr John Hagelin: ‘The last question, Dr Morris,
is for you on the subject of your great expertise, the subject of education.
I am going to read the question as it is and then add a line to it, which
I think which may make the question even more profoundly worthy of your
‘The question from a parent is: Children from a very early age are
under increasing pressure in the classroom to get the best grades to get
into the best schools in order to get into the best colleges, the best
universities. The problem many teachers say is not so much with students
as with the parents, because they want them to get the best possible opportunities
later in life. Does Dr Morris have a particular message for parents, who
are pressuring their students because they want them to succeed so much?
And how will your consciousness-based approach to education, which is
at Maharishi School and Maharishi University of Management, ease these
parental concerns?
‘And if I can throw in one more dimension to the question, I think
all parents today should be rightly concerned also about the stability
and security of their nation and its vulnerability to terrorism and to
attack—the fact that nations are far from invincible and are extremely
vulnerable, and more so all the time, as weapons of mass destruction and
so forth continue to proliferate and abound. So, I will extend the question
to ask Dr Morris: How would Maharishi's consciousness-based approach to
education ease a parent's natural concern about the security of their
nation and their children's nation?’
Morris: ‘It
is very natural for parents to want the best for their children. What
Maharishi has revealed to us at this time is that the best that children
can have is to use the total brain potential with which they are born.
And the kind of education to which parents are pushing their children
with ever greater intensity does not have the effect of totally developing
the brain. In fact, it has the effect of leaving functional holes in the
brain and thereby creating a lack of any real foundation for the success
of the children in their lives. So while seeking to create more success
for their child, they are actually reducing the child's chances.
‘By contrast, consciousness-based education has as its principle
feature, the technique of transcending to experience the holistic and
unified state of consciousness, Transcendental Consciousness, which is
the child's own Self. "Know Thyself" is fulfilled by this system
of education. And this experience of the unified, holistic state of consciousness
is the only experience that has been found to maximize the use of the
total brain. It creates highly coherent, orderly, holistic brain functioning—the
whole brain begins to function together.
‘The basis of all creativity, of all rising intelligence, and of
the ability to make the laws of nature move to support one's desires to
achieve anything is based on the use of the total brain. So, in consciousness-based
education, every child has this joyful, sweet, soft experience first thing
in the morning before class, and then again after class, and sometimes
in the midst of the day, too. This is combined with an academic routine
that is not stressful, that is not pressured.
‘When the students study with this more awakened brain, they are
able to absorb the knowledge in a much more effortless way. The container
of knowledge has been expanded. They are able to enjoy gaining knowledge
and are enthusiastic to learn because of this awakening of their total
brain, which is the awakening of their creativity, their receptivity,
their intelligence, and their simple joy of living. The children become
delighted to go to school and gain knowledge, and the teachers do not
put them under the extreme pressure of exhausting homework, the horror
of examinations, and all kinds of stresses and strains. It is a restful
and delightful academic routine.
‘The child learns every field of knowledge in terms of its origin
in the unified field of Natural Law and that all knowledge is one grand
wholeness of knowledge, Total Knowledge, and that Total Knowledge is in
my own Transcendental Consciousness, in my own Self. So the children feel
at home with everything. They feel connected with everything they study.
They feel that everything is an expression of their own consciousness
in its unbounded state. Then, as the students grow up, they become Yogic
Flyers with the advanced technique of Transcendental Meditation, which
intensifies all the effects of Transcendental Meditation and gives them
the subjective experience of bubbling bliss and big smiles of joy.
‘If anyone wants success for his or her children, this is what they
should do. This is what they should have, either in an existing school
that gets all the children to meditate or in the school your child already
goes to. That is happening all over America now under Dr Hagelin's leadership.
Have a new consciousness-based school in your area, and let the children
grow up joyfully, peacefully, with the basis for unlimited success. They
gain success not through exhaustion and stress and strain, which take
away the very joy of living itself, but through soft thought, powerful
thought, thought motivated by the basic intelligence that administers
the universe and supports their thought to effortlessly gain fulfilment.
They engage the managing intelligence of the universe to support them
to achieve whatever it is that they want to achieve effortlessly, not
through struggle and stress and strain.
the children of the nation grow up like this is the best security against
any kind of attack or any kind of crime from within the nation. You know,
there are 30,000 people murdered in the United States every year, so its
not just attack from outside that is the problem. We do not need to recite
all the other negative things that still exist. It is not only negativity
from outside the country that one has to protect against, but negativity
down the street or across the town.
‘However, when the children grow up with Consciousness-Based Education,
there will be two effects. The first effect is that the children, who
grow up this way, grow up in the spirit of ideal citizenship. When they
live their life with a totally developed brain and on the basis of all
thought and behaviour from the level of the Unified Field, their actions
are spontaneously in harmony with the laws of nature and with national
law. They grow up without any tendency towards violent or criminal activity.
So when the whole society is based upon a schooling system like that,
then the children will grow up not performing either minor or major crimes
of any kind and leaving aside any behaviour which brings suffering to
others. This is a future when Consciousness-Based Education is universal.
the short term also, in the schools that have Consciousness-Based Education,
when the children begin to practise Yogic Flying at school in a group
twice a day, the power of those children experiencing the Unified Field
radiates intense coherence and harmony into the atmosphere around them.
This is sufficient to create a phase transition in the whole quality of
the collective consciousness of the neighbourhood, town or city in which
they live. And with such schools shining everywhere around the country,
combined with the Invincibility Group in Iowa, in Maharishi Central University,
and in other institutions that will come up, like here in California—all
these school children radiating peace and harmony—will neutralize
the daily build up of stress and strain in the atmosphere.
‘The result will be that those who used to think in a criminal way,
will wake up feeling differently. In that atmosphere they will think of
something positive to do instead of the damage that they were going to
do. Likewise, when there is this rising harmony from the children in the
schools, the whole national consciousness—as well as the people
outside the United States, who right now hate the United States and want
to destroy it in any why they can—will become highly harmonious
and full of peace and positivity. This is what Maharishi calls an invincible
state of national consciousness. Those who hated the country will, for
some reason, lose their animosity although they cannot quite imagine why.
They will start to feel good and loving towards the country, and all their
violent tendencies towards America and Americans will evaporate.
‘This is what has happened already on many occasions through the
application of these technologies and has been shown to happen by scientific
research, as Dr Hagelin has explained. It is the school children of the
world now who can create this kind of invincibility in America, in any
other country, and in all countries of the world, just through their own
joyful routine of awakening their own total brain functioning and awakening
their life to be lived on the level of higher states of consciousness,
on the level of the highest and supreme level of living, as the Unified
Field itself. They know, "I am that field, which is the field that
is expressing itself as the whole universe, and that is the level of my
dignity and my power as a human being." So this I think, Dr Hagelin,
is the answer to this question, and to your corollary to this question.
Jai Guru Dev.’
Hagelin: ‘Thank
you very much, that was beautiful. And it just leads me to say that if
you are a parent, your children should be at a school that has been conceived
and founded by Maharishi, an Invincibility School with a Unified Field
Based Education, Vedic Education, education for the development of consciousness,
education for Enlightenment. If you are in America, your children should
be at the Maharishi School. Dr Bevan Morris has overseen the development
of that great school for decades and is
the overseer of the Board of Trustees there. The Maharishi School
is a school which has won absolutely every conceivable award, year after
year, at the local level, state level, national level, and world level.
A school achieving such globally celebrated awards like this is absolutely
unprecedented in the whole history of education.
you want the children to have the best, you simply must enroll them in
the Maharishi School, in the beautiful town of Fairfield, Iowa. That pristine
environment in the US is where the Invincible America Assembly of 2,000
Yogic Flyers is creating purity, positivity, bliss, health, and success
on every level. You do not want children to be subject to the failings
of education today, which are more acute than ever as stress pervades
the classrooms. Problems of ill-health born of stress—even hypertension,
and metabolic syndrome and diabetes, and all of these stress related illnesses,
stress-related learning disorders, like ADHD, as well as depression—are
epidemics among the young. Functional holes in the brain, which result
from stress, retard the development of the pre-frontal cortex and shut
down the functioning of the higher brain, which then fails to develop
and integrate with the total brain. All these failings are due to conventional
education, which is completely partial and fragmented in its approach
without the knowledge of consciousness, without Total Knowledge.
you care for the children and want them to be maximally happy, healthy
and wise. If you are in the US and you want your children to really fully
blossom in their God-given potential and emerge as the natural leaders
of this forthcoming generation, they simply must go to the Maharishi School,
where Dr Bevan Morris is the chairman. And if they are in another country,
they must go to the Maharishi Invincibility Schools where there is the
same beautiful educational approach. Again, the side effect on the country
of all of these institutions is invincibility, peace, and security, which
are also vital to the future of the children.
‘If you are in India, the land of the Ved, your children should
be at one of the thousands of Maharishi Schools. If you are fortunate
to be of the tradition of a Vedic family, a tradition of Vedic Pandits
in India, then absolutely the children must be educated by the highest
of Vedic experts. They must have the highest level of Vedic training,
as a Maharishi Vedic Pandit, skilled in the very powerful technologies
of Vedic recitation and Yagya and Graha Shanti. The true scientific significance
of this has been obscured for generations. Only now, with the discovery
of the Unified Field and the revival of the Vedic Wisdom by Maharishi,
is the power and the true significance of these Vedic Technologies of
Yoga, Yogic Flying, Transcendental Meditation, Yagya, and Graha Shanti
being understood.
‘Now only is this most profound knowledge, its benefit for the whole
of mankind and for the safety and security of any country, being understood.
Those in India, who are so extremely fortunate to be associated with such
a Vedic family, in possession of the Vedic knowledge and the Vedic recitation,
should take this training, this heritage—the natural heritage of
all mankind and a great gift to the human race—to its highest level
and become a Maharishi Vedic Pandit, trained in the skill of Maharishi
Yagya and Graha Shanti.
‘Wherever we are in the world, Maharishi's knowledge and his education
programmes for perfect health, total brain development, invincibility
and peace are available now. So, whoever you are and wherever you are,
take immediate advantage of Maharishi's knowledge and programmes. Learn
Transcendental Meditation if you have not, learn the TM-Sidhi programme
and Yogic Flying . Make sure your children, the precious leaders of the
forthcoming generation, have Maharishi's Vedic Education, Unified Field-Based
Education. That is the most important gift—I would say the only
gift of supreme significance—that we can give to our children and
future generation. It is with us.
‘Maharishi has dedicated 50 years to bringing his Vedic Knowledge
within arm’s reach of every human being on earth. All we need to
do is take feast on the sumptuous dishes of knowledge and practical programmes,
which Maharishi has prepared to prevent problems and promote peace and
invincibility for every nation, and upon which extensive research has
been performed, with an extraordinary track record, throughout the world.
has done the hard work, and now it is for us to enjoy. It is our responsibility
to help ourselves by availing ourselves of the extraordinary gifts of
knowledge that Maharishi has compassionately bestowed on the world, gifts
received at the feet of his master Shri Guru Dev, Swami Brahmananda Saraswati,
Jagad Guru, the revered Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math. This whole Vedic
lineage of enlightened sages, the Vedic Tradition of knowledge, flowing
through Guru Dev and now through Maharishi to our generation, is really
the pride of the knowledge of our world today. So take advantage of it.
If you are a member of the press, report extensively on it, because in
this lies the fully developed, fully matured gift of invincibility, peace,
and enlightenment for the world.
would like to thank you all for joining us this week. And I would like
to very much thank Dr Bevan Morris for tuning in to us from California,
USA, where he is on a very rapid tour of that beautiful and grand state.
He has taken time out of his travels, in the very early morning in California,
to join us for this global press conference. And thanks, as always, to
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, truly the world's foremost and most globally revered
sage of Total Knowledge, the world's greatest scientist of consciousness,
who for over 50 years has compassionately, tirelessly, day and night,
revived the Vedic Wisdom in its totality. He has revived the Vedic technologies
in their completeness, totality, effectiveness, and purity, and has encouraged
scientific research on the effectiveness of these programmes. Maharishi
has tirelessly and compassionately implemented and promoted these programmes
all over the world, beginning with millions of individuals, and now extending
to the invincibility of entire nations for a permanently peaceful world.
‘Thanks to Maharishi for that on behalf of everyone alive today
witnessing the transformation of darkness to light. Thanks also on behalf
of all the generations to come, who would like to be present today to
thank Maharishi for his transformation of the world from war to peace
and who will be expressing gratitude to Maharishi for this incredible
and historic transformation, generation after generation. Again I am John
Hagelin, Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World
Peace, inviting you to join us again next week on our Global Press Conference.
Jai Guru Dev.’