March 2007 Press Conference Highlights
John Hagelin, renowned quantum physicist and president of the US Peace
Government (www.uspeacegovernment.org), commented on the recent, extremely
significant study on the health-promoting benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental
Meditation in the area of congestive heart failure. This study was funded
by the National Institute of Health (NIH) and published in 'Ethnicity
and Disease', an authoritative journal on heart health.
Dr Hagelin then introduced Dr Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the
Global Country of World Peace, who described the latest developments regarding
the establishment of Maharishi Central University, the new university
at the centre point of the USA.
Hagelin: ‘Last
week we announced an extraordinary medical breakthrough. A
study, which was funded by the National Institute of Health (NIH) of the
US government, showed a marked reduction in heart failure among those
who learned Transcendental Meditation compared to those who did not learn
Transcendental Meditation.
press release about this study was issued all over the world one week
ago by the University of Pennsylvania and the important medical journal
"Ethnicity and Disease". This resulted in widespread publicity
throughout the world, especially in India, where heart failure has become
particularly widespread.
‘The study showed more than twice the reduction in heart failure
than is found with the normal use of hypertension drugs, a primary treatment
used for those suffering from heart failure. These drugs do have some
effect in reducing heart failure, but they also have toxic side effects.
Those practicing of Transcendental Meditation not only showed a significant
reduction in heart failure but also had no side effects. In fact, Transcendental
Meditation brought improvements in every other area of health and life
among those to whom it was prescribed.
‘Of course this is extraordinary medical news, because heart disease
is the number one killer in the world. Through this and other research,
Transcendental Meditation has established itself as the most effective
treatment in the world for both prevention and reversal of coronary heart
The Benefits of the Transcendental Meditation Programme on Society
‘As amazing as this news is, it really is old news. For years research
has been coming out that establishes the remarkable effects of Transcendental
Meditation in preventing disease and promoting health and longevity. What
is really news, and is far more extraordinary and perhaps even more important,
is that the group practice of these same techniques of Transcendental
Meditation and Yogic Flying brings not just improved health, but national
invincibility and world peace.
‘Invincibility is an extraordinary necessity in the world these
days. We live in a world where no country can protect itself from attack.
Every country is extremely vulnerable. A tiny percentage of the population
can really bring about a significant change towards positivity, harmony,
and peace in society. According to extensive research, the square root
of one per cent of the population of the country, which is only a few
hundred people for a moderate-sized country, is enough to generate an
orderly influence of sufficient power to really change the behaviour of
the whole society. This results in all the parameters of social stress
being markedly reduces and positive trends abounding.
‘This has not only been demonstrated
once, but has been demonstrated and replicated for decades. So more than
enough evidence exists to establish this phenomenon. It is called the
Maharishi Effect because, based upon his knowledge of the Vedic Literature
and the Vedic Techniques, Maharishi predicted that such groups should
be enough to change the direction of society. By even a relative handful
of people practising Yogic Flying together, wars can be prevented and
stopped and the country can be raised to invulnerability. That
is news of tremendous relevance today.’
Maharishi Central University, USA
this end, Maharishi has founded Maharishi Central University, USA, for
40,000 students. It is in the process of being designed with cutting edge
technologies and curriculum to train leaders of the 21st century. This
is a first class university with a first class curriculum for first class
students. It is unprecedented in the world with the capability to develop
Total Knowledge, total development of the human brain. It will provide
education for enlightenment, education for the leadership of the 21st
Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace,
is currently at the geographic centre, the Brahmasthan of America, in
Washington Township, Kansas, where this 36 square mile campus for 40,000
students is under development. He will now share some of the news from
there with the world press.’
Morris: ‘The
1200 acre piece of land that we already own in the Brahmasthan of America
is quite marvelous. The previous owner had flattened vast stretches of
mirror-flat land that progresses towards the east. The possibilities of
building a really wonderful campus there, according to the ancient architectural
principles in accord with total Natural Law, the administrator of the
Universe, are unlimited. In addition, there are huge amounts of water
under the ground that can be used by the university. We are going to begin
building on this land immediately. The Surveyor General of the Global
Country of World Peace, Dr Roger Audet, has formed the basic survey points,
which will show exact the north/south axes on the land.
are ancient techniques for doing this, using the North Star and other
stars, but now there are very advanced systems based upon computerized
records of the position of the sun from different parts of the earth at
different times of the day year round. Dr Audet is using the most advanced
technology for determining the exact directions of the north/south, east/west
axes for building roads and laying out buildings.The roads will be constructed
and then Dr Audet will lay out the exact corners of the buildings so the
builders know precisely where to put everything.
university is now being truly materialized on the land and will be ready
for enrolment in September 2007. We are getting very specific on every
aspect of the building process. The University is now established on the
legal level and we are going for non-profit status. A group of us are
now going to Topeka, the capital of Kansas, to get the legal ability to
operate here in Kansas. Everything is moving ahead in a very concentrated
Hagelin has prepared wonderful curriculum materials. He has laid out the
structure of the curriculum in terms of the equation of the Unified Field
itself. The whole curriculum is guided by the discovery of the Unified
Field, and all disciplines are studied in terms of the Unified Field,
Total Knowledge. All diversity is found in Totality and then from Totality,
all diversity is located again—the principles of synthesis and analysis.
The students' understanding, as well as their experience of these most
basic principles, will make them the most powerful leaders the world has
ever seen.
Raja Dean Dodrill will come from his domain in Washington, DC, to Washington
Township in the centre of America, and in a few days will finalize the
site positioning and get the builder going on the road construction and
the engineering for water and power supply, as well as the water treatment
system. Everything is becoming very concrete on the 1200 acres of land
we own there.
rest of the team that is there presently will now go to Topeka, the Capital
of Kansas, to take the next step of establishing the Central University.
Then we will go to visit, and hopefully purchase, land in Kansas City
and in Lincoln, Nebraska, so that half way in-between the Invincible America
Assembly in Vedic City and Fairfield, Iowa, and Maharishi Central University
in Kansas, there will be some way stations, some Peace Palaces. This will
create a corridor of peace through the centre of the country, covering
the whole range of the central part of the country with a powerful band
of coherence to secure peace and harmony for the United States and everyone
around the world.
we will join the Invincible America Assembly in Vedic City to gain power
and strength from being there in properly oriented buildings, Vastu, that
have that fortune-creating quality that stimulates creativity and organizing
power. Also there we will be able to enjoy the phenomenal atmosphere beyond
any imagining that is created by the vast group of the most enlightened
people in the world, who are diving deep into the silent depths of pure
Being itself, the ocean of consciousness, which is constantly, dynamically
flowing within itself as total Natural Law, the totality of the intelligence
of creation, and as the expression of that, the human physiology and the
is a great pleasure to give this report on the progress of Maharishi Central
University which, as Maharishi said, is the expression of the Invincible
America Assembly and the Maharishi University of Management, founded by
Maharishi 35 years ago. Things are moving ahead very well.’
Hagelin: ‘Thank
you, Dr Morris, for this inspiring news about Maharishi Central University,
which has the most advanced and sophisticated curriculum in the world.
It achieves the total development of the human brain—enlightenment—and
delivers Total Knowledge to every student, in sharp contrast to all other
universities in the world.’