Global Press Conference on
Poverty Removal
June 2007
19 June, during the Conference on Removal of Poverty broadcast live by
satellite and the Internet from the Financial Capital of New York, Maharishi
gave a strong message to the banks and financial institutions of the world.
good things in nature happen naturally. The sun rises naturally, and the
darkness of the night disappears naturally. The people of the world do
not have to make an effort for the sun to rise, but the dawn every morning
is a natural phenomenon. Disappearance of the darkness of the night is
a natural phenomenon.
‘In the same way, I am inviting the world to witness the removal
of poverty in the world—a natural phenomenon. Poverty removal in
the world is going to be a natural phenomenon. We have that miraculous
turn-key operation from Guru Dev, where everything good is going to be
a natural phenomenon. Poverty removal is going to be a natural phenomenon.
‘And at this time, if I am asked to speak about it, I can only challenge
those who are flowering in wealth. That poverty is not going to be removed
by their wealth. I have been talking to some banks and some institutions
of financing. They bring out a hundred reasons that they cannot support
the [poverty removal] projects because of “risk, risk, risk, risk”.
‘The economy of the world is full of risk element. All the big banks,
who are publicized to be the top banks in the world, have billions, trillions
every year in their income. Some other bank is number two, other bank
number three, other bank number four. When we talk to the banks about
poverty removal, they say, “God forbid! We can only spend our money
where money is.” This is a very shameful aspect of the world economy.
‘World economy seen in its proper perspective is a shame to human
existence, to human endeavour, to human creativity, to the presence of
God on earth. All these big banks, very big banks, they can spend only
when they see the profit in advance. This is not the area which is going
to create freedom from poverty. I am fond of that level which is nothingness,
and that I am going to inspire to eliminate poverty in the world.
‘In just a matter of a few weeks, a few months, not many years,
the world will have freedom from poverty. Dr Hagelin has been emphasizing
and has been putting forward the argument that wealth is really the basis
of life. Life is bliss. Bliss is fullness, lack of scarcity, good health,
good wealth, good wisdom.
‘I am inviting this world to witness the reality that is being offered
to the world by the great speakers of the Movement. John Hagelin is a
champion of that wisdom of the Unified Field. With the onset of the Unified
Field, what is going to suffer is the existence of diversity where one
has so much wealth and one has no wealth. These are the big differences
which are going to be completely eliminated. No one would know how the
world was when the differences were predominant. With the dawn, with the
first ray of the rising sun, people forget about the darkness of the night.
That time has come.
‘My programme is to create affluence in the world, that affluence
which will not be timid affluence, which will not be afraid. In today’s
banking systems, there are very wise people, but they are a shame to the
world. Today’s world economy is a shame to economy. If the world
press is listening to me, they should publicize point-blank that I declare
the world economy today to be cruel—to be cruel for others and to
be cruel to itself.
‘They have rejoiced for hundreds of years, taxing the people, and
they will invest only where they see the profit in advance. Civilization
is completely lost in the field of difference. Now the time is changing.
The time is changing to what it should be in human existence. Human existence
is a time of bliss.
‘I want to address religions that have grown in the world. Religion,
the path to God-realization, has come out with the problem: life is suffering.
The time of those religions to plead that life is suffering is over—it
is over. It does not matter what the population is following blankly—this
religion or that religion which pleads for suffering. Life is not suffering.
‘When you walk towards the light, darkness doesn‘t increase.
When you are on the path of God-realization, that path will not bring
you suffering. And, if the path to God-realization brings suffering, it
is not the path of God-realization; it is not a religion. I have never
spoken so flatly to the world about the religion which pleads for suffering.
‘The whole intelligence of mankind is driven by the principles of
diversity—divergent. And very wise people are sitting in the first
bank in the world, second bank in the world, third bank in the world,
saying, “I am one of the ten top banks in the world”—very
proud, but deplorable. It is a shame to all the big banks in the world
that so much suffering is prevailing in the world.
‘How I am going to remove the suffering? Not by bringing money,
but bringing life. I am inspiring life. I am having a few hundred people
or a few thousand people, according to the population, practise consciousness.
And that consciousness will produce integrated national consciousness.
Integrated national consciousness, the light of life, the light of God,
will take away all the values which create fear.
‘Religious priests have been enjoying the respect of the society
because they think of God. They are the messengers of God. And what they
teach is suffering, “You must suffer, because your God, whose-ever
God, also has suffered for you”—such stupid arguments. Life
is bliss.
‘Now a few hundred people will create an integrated quality of national
consciousness, where everyone in the nation will be blessed by positivity.
What will be eaten up by nature is negativity, ignorance, fighting. All
that is going to be a history of the past, very soon, in a few weeks,
a few months, hardly a year. The times are changing.
‘I am not criticizing anyone. I am telling the people that the world
has been lived by the individual on a wrong level of knowledge, very wrong
knowledge, heart-rendering knowledge. And therefore, it is the time now
that the night is ending. The dawn is dawning.
‘The university of Dr Hagelin, I am told, is starting to raise a
monument of invincibility. The first Tower of Invincibility is being raised
in MIU where the Assembly is going on, and the teachings of Dr Hagelin
are giving the experience of that freedom that belongs to nature of life—the
Unified Field dawning.
‘In the Vedic Literature, this was the whisper of all times: life
is bliss, and That Thou art, and That I am, and That all this is “Sarvam
Khalv Idam Brahm”—all those very beautiful exalted expressions
about life, the eternal voice of time, the Will of God.
‘It is very good, Dr Hagelin, you have come out with the words of
the modern language [of science]. It is very beautiful. Go ahead and keep
on telling them the logic. They may not understand you, but very soon
these groups of invincibility are growing in the world. With the Prime
Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, the Finance Minister of
the Global Country of World Peace, and the Science and Technology Minister
of the Global Country of World Peace, the Global Country of the World
Peace is a unified country of all the diversified countries.
‘The world is going to be a uni-verse. And that will be governed
by the Will of God. It will not be the God that favours suffering. I am
challenging the heads of all those useless religions today; that I am
doing after fifty years. I have never criticized any religion, because
at least they have the name of God. I have heard some remarks of some
people who, in the name of God, are becoming popular or something.
‘So, the time of the dawn is rising. It is just a matter of a few
weeks, a few months. We gather some people in every country. Organizations
are being built to raise the national consciousness of every country to
be tempered, I would say, in the light of invincibility. [This] may be
out of concept of the so-called suffering people, but there is going to
be the rise of the sun, and with the sunrise, the first ray eliminates
the darkness of the night and does not want anyone to remain in the darkness
‘If the Prime Minister [of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr
Bevan Morris] would allow time, I would like to hear the song that is
sung about some realistic vision of the world—Heaven descending
on Earth. This is the time that is described in this song by those who
can see what is worthwhile seeing. Darkness going, nobody sees. Light
coming, everyone sees. So, the time is coming. A few people—it is
all in our hands. And it is rising day by day, day by day, day by day.
‘Dr Morris will explain. And our Finance Minister of Maharaja Raja
Raam’s treasury will reflect on how poverty is going to disappear
in the same way as with the dawn, the darkness of the night disappears.
There is nothing much to say. I have been saying it all these fifty years.
Now is the time to be quiet and see what I have been saying. The world
has to see now—see, see.
‘And the Prime Minister of Maharaja Raja Raam will be able to picture
what I have actually meant with these few little words. All glory to Guru
Dev, and we will hear from the Finance Minister. The time is different
now. Yesterday is over. Today is full of light. Jai Guru Dev. All Glory
to Guru Dev.
‘I invite the world to see. Jai Guru Dev.’