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The Global Country of World Peace Celebrates Guru Purnima 7
July 2009 The Global Country of World Peace held its grand global celebration of the full moon day of Guru Purnima on 7 July 2009. This very special day-long celebration took place at the International Capital of the Global Country in MERU, Holland and at the Global Capital of World Peace in the Brahmasthan (geographical centre) of India. In addition, celebrations were held in countries around the world, connected to and enjoying the live global Internet broadcast on the Maharishi Channel, Channel 3. The celebration began at the auspicious time of 9:10 a.m. Central Europe Time (CET) with the Rashtriya Geet (anthem of the Global Country of World Peace), followed by global Puja (Vedic ceremony of gratitude) and a videotape of Maharishi's Guru Purnima address from 29 July 2007. In that historic address, Maharishi described the principle of ideal governing in the Global Country of World Peace: 'Yatha raja tatha praja—as is the ruler, so is the ruled subject. Yatha raja tatha praja. This is the ideal of Raja in the Vedic Tradition of rulership—Yatha raja tatha praja—one administrator, one administrator maintains himself in whatever way, on whatever level of performance, on whatever level of reality, that is the quality of the subject. Yatha raja tatha praja has been the expression of the Vedic Tradition of rulers.' Other highlights of the celebration included traditional Vedic recitations by Maharishi Vedic Pandits in the Brahmasthan of India and in MERU, Holland. Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, founded by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, began his address to the annual global celebration of Guru Purnima Day, 7 July 2009, with two beautiful Vedic expressions: 'Let us be together, and 'Vasudhaiva kutumbakam 'The world is my family.' Maharaja referred to the Vedic recitations performed earlier in the celebration by Maharishi Vedic Pandits at the Brahmasthan (auspicious central point) of India; and to videotapes of Maharishi's historic Guru Purnima addresses from past years, which the global Guru Purnima Assembly in MERU had been enjoying every day since 4 July. Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam said that the Assembly was so blessed to be able to listen and bask in the sounds of the Vedic Laws of Nature—the expression of total Natural Law. Awakening those sounds in our awareness and performing Puja to Guru Dev [1] with Maharishi, he said, 'we feel very blessed today to offer back to Maharishi all that he has given us, as he did to Guru Dev, so that eternally, on every Guru Purnima, represented by all his family—which is the world as a whole, which is total Natural Law—he can eternally offer back again and again to the Self, to total Brahman Consciousness, to total Brahmi Chetana, to total Being, the perfect realization of total Natural Law, its own expressions in life.' Maharaja said that every Guru Purnima brings 'a flavour of a quality'—as the Assembly had been appreciating in Maharishi's historic addresses. He said that sometimes we have seen Maharishi offer Heaven on Earth to Guru Dev on Guru Purnima. At other times he offered invincibility; other times, enlightenment. 'This Guru Purnima also brings to us some very special flavours on the level of pure feeling that is emanating from the natural reality of time, and the natural requirement of time,' Maharaja said. Maharaja thanked the leaders of the Global Mother Divine Organization [2] who carefully selected the videotapes of Maharishi's addresses, 'which gave the quality of Saha nav avatu, Saha nau bhunaktu as the feeling of this Guru Purnima, and Vasudhaiva kutumbakam from Maharishi as the reality of what we are living, and what we want the whole world to be able to live.' Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam said that 'on the level of achievements, however small they are, we feel quite fulfilled. We feel that really we are giving justice to Maharishi's teachings, to Maharishi's guidance—and for that we have to recognize the great achievements of our Ministers (of the Global Country of World Peace), with their leadership in the Prime Minister (Dr Bevan Morris), who have maintained the perfection of knowledge, the purity of the teaching.' They have faced tremendous requirements and have been able to deal with them, Maharaja said, and together with the Global Council of Rajas, to 'maintain the line of thought, the line of action, the line of achievement and fulfilment in the purity of Maharishi's guidance and the purity of Maharishi's instructions.' He lauded the Prime Minister and all the Ministers, who have maintained 'great levels of organization, administration, and preparation; of guidance and of leadership towards maintaining perfection of action, to whatever extent the time and the conditions and circumstances allow. We offer to Maharishi the achievements of Prime Minister and all his Ministers.' Maharaja highly commended his Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace, who 'have been absolutely focused under Maharishi's guidance and direction; their achievements have also been tremendous. It is really the beginning of unheard, untold achievements as we have started to see represented by our great ''ringleader of the Rajas'', Raja John Hagelin [3], and his presentation; his progress and his leadership have been really exemplary, leading to our Guru Purnima today.' Maharaja said that the global Guru Purnima Assembly had recognized the achievements of the great leaders, in particular Raja Jose Luis Alvarez, Raja of Latin America, and Raja Peter Warburton, Raja of Invincible Great Britain, both of whom 'I would like to recognize very specially as exemplary, and as examples of what all the Rajas have been doing. 'We are really on the level of great fulfilment from the practical level,' he continued, 'and we have in India a great leadership'—Dr Girish Varmaji [4], Dr Prakash Srivastava, and Dr Anand Srivastava [5] —upholding the Vedic Pandits and the Vedic scholars, 'making sure that they are prepared properly to come out to the world and to give the knowledge that Maharishi has structured for the whole world.' Maharaja also praised the many leaders and organizers in MERU, and those who maintain the connection between India and the whole world—especially noting the contributions of Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning; Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of Invincible India; Raja Steven Rubin, Raja of Invincible China; and Dr Girish Momaya—who are also offering achievements today to Maharishi, so that they can be continuously offered to Guru Dev. Total Knowledge, the gift of the spiritual teacher Maharaja said that he would reflect on the gift of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the gift of Guru Dev [1]: 'As we offer his gift back to him, we reflect on his gift to us. 'What is Guru? What does the Guru give? Guru gives Total Knowledge to remove ignorance, to remove darkness,' Maharaja said. 'He is the embodiment of Total Knowledge and he wants to give Total Knowledge. This knowledge has been so often expressed in different ways: enlightenment, Heaven on Earth, invincibility, bliss consciousness, the fruit of all knowledge in one brain, perfect health. All of these terms that are expressions of Total Knowledge from different angles, are in fact synonymous. They really ultimately mean the same thing, because bliss and perfection have to go together.' He explained that if there is no true perfection in life, there is no fulfilment, and therefore no basis for being totally blissful—'not happy and joy only, but the true meaning of bliss—Sat, Chit, Ananda, Truth, consciousness, and bliss—the Ananda that is the essence of life. 'In that way we can see the gift of the Guru, from so many different angles. But Guru gives Total Knowledge. What is Total Knowledge? Knowledge of what?' Maharaja explained that when we look into the Veda, which is Total Knowledge, we see that it has so many expressions, values, and finite expressions of its own reality. So we can say, 'Should we know all the Veda? Should we read all the Veda? Should we study all the Veda?' That has been the tradition for so many years in the Vedic Tradition itself, that the daily study of the Veda is a very important aspect for acquiring knowledge. 'Maharishi has simplified this,' Maharaja said, 'by saying that all the branches of the Veda are embodied in Rk Veda. Rk Veda has ten Mandalas [chapters]; each Mandala corresponds to one aspect of total reality. The first Mandala is Prakriti [Nature], and the following eight Mandalas are the divided form of Prakriti—Prithivi, earth; Jal, water; Tejas, fire, [all the five elements]; and then mind, intellect, ego, and then the tenth Mandala is Para prakriti [transcendental, unmanifest], the wholeness of Purusha [infinite silence, transcendence]. 'From this Maharishi explained how the first and tenth Mandalas are related together and how ultimately all the Mandalas are present in the first Sukta [verse of Rk Veda], and how all the aspects of the first Sukta are present in the first syllable of the Veda, which is A. 'In A is Total Knowledge,' Maharaja continued. 'Therefore the totality of knowledge that the Guru offers is available to us in one sound A, which represents by itself wholeness, Totality. 'And when we say, "Ahar ahah sandhyam upasita", which means devote yourself to the connecting point, to the Sandhya, Vedo nityam adhiyatam, Adhiyatam then is not seen just as study, because the term Adhiyatam, in Sanskrit, means to study. But where is Maharishi's point in attention, in contribution to Total Knowledge? He saw Adhiyatam as A-dhiyatam, A-dhi—A and Dhi. Dhi is the intellect and A is Totality—so truly the teaching is: ''Take the intellect to wholeness. Take the intellect to Totality.'' That is the study of the Veda.' Maharaja said that he was highlighting this one point because of its importance in recognizing Maharishi's contribution—one of the many contributions, but the main contribution to the revival of knowledge. Maharaja explained that there are so many aspects of the Vedic tradition that are embodied in so many branches of the Veda, from Ayur-Veda, Jyotish, etc. He said that 'there are so many interpretations of Veda; there are so many angles of perceiving Veda, that the attention on transcending as the source of all knowledge has been missed in the interpretations and in the tradition. 'Maharishi brings to light that one powerful and important point, which is to go back to the Self and from that reality gain Total Knowledge. 'So when the Guru gives Total Knowledge, total Veda, he gives Total Knowledge by allowing every individual to realize their own reality as being Total Knowledge. 'So the summary of all knowledge ultimately is ''Know Thy Self,'' ' Maharaja said. ' ''Know Thy Self'' is what is needed to acquire Total Knowledge, and in knowing one's Self, one knows everything. This ''Know Thy Self'' has been for all times expressed in modern philosophy, in modern understanding, by all sages around the world, even in the traditions that are in the West. In Western traditions and Eastern traditions this has been a great guidance for philosophers and sages of the world. 'What Maharishi brought to light is what the Self is, and the Self therefore, he showed to us, is not what we believe to be in the body alone; what we believe to be in the senses, in the mind, in the intellect, in the ego; but ultimately is the Self of everything and everyone—the Unified Field of Natural Law. 'So what Maharishi brought to light is what the Self is. He also brought to light how to know your Self.' The growth of Brahman Consciousness, the highest level of human development Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam explained the stages of development in the unfoldment of the Self in the higher states of consciousness described by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Vedic Science: Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness [6]. Having reflected on the 'gift of the Guru'—Total Knowledge, 'Know Thyself'—Maharaja went on to explain how to know oneself. He said that Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought out the technology that allows the individual to transcend [7], and from the Transcendent know the Self. He explained that all the senses, drawn inwards, go through the mind, the intellect, the ego and the Self, 'and then find the true total Reality of what the Self is, in a very simple, most efficient, most practical way to achieve the goal of ''Know Thyself''—as Maharishi has taught us, and as we have been practising throughout these years, and we are teaching to the world.' Maharaja said that in Maharishi we have a revival of Total Knowledge. 'We have Total Knowledge available in the experience of the Self, and Maharishi has shown us how this experience progresses first from transcending, going through these steps: first the ego realizes it is the Self, and that is Transcendental Consciousness. 'Then as we become familiar with transcending, with Transcendental Consciousness,' he continued, 'that gets established on the level of Cosmic Consciousness, where the intellect realizes that there are two realities. It realizes its own reality of being the Self, because it has transcended and repeatedly transcended. 'Usually the experience has been in the outer, dynamic, changing field. Now the experience is established in the inner field of pure Being, and therefore the intellect recognizes that there is a reality which is also myself. When that gets established in a permanent way on the fine level of intellectual activity, there is a recognition of my Self and the dynamic, outside, changing field—and that we say is the level of Cosmic Consciousness.' Maharaja explained that the intellect then goes through further refinement and starts to acknowledge that the outer field is also subtle; it is also coherent, is also intelligible; it is also part of Natural Law. 'It is part of a design,' he said, 'part of a wholeness. Therefore [the intellect] becomes more and more attracted to it; and Maharishi says, on the fine feeling level, the finest level of the intellect, the outer values of life get adopted, get taken in as something very glorious—and that is God Consciousness, the realization of the Creator in his creation.' In that reality there is a further step of understanding of our nature and the nature of the outer world, Maharaja explained: as God Consciousness gets totally glorified, totally achieved, and even transcended in terms of the outer field—then comes Unity Consciousness. 'Unity Consciousness is that reality where the outer expressions, the dynamic changing field, are recognized as the silent reality, the silent field, the silent Self—and therefore dynamism and silence become experienced as one reality—outer and inner as one reality. 'That is the achievement of the finest level of intellect and ego, merging every other expression in the outer field with the inner reality of Unity Consciousness,' Maharaja said. Maharaja said that in this Guru Purnima a very special value has been brought to light by Maharishi—that is the reality of Brahmi Chetana, Brahman Consciousness (the highest state of human development), the experience of Totality. The unification of everything as Totality Maharaja then posed the questions: Where can we locate Brahmi Chetana, and how is it possible to understand it from the perspective of the intellect, the ego, the senses, and the Self? In Unity Consciousness, he said, dynamism and silence are unified, are one reality. How can we have something more than acknowledging that all aspects of dynamism are truly being lived on the basis of perfect silence; and that silence and dynamism are one and the same reality? Maharaja went on to explain that the intellect has reached its fullest value of development in Unity Consciousness; it has become fully blossomed, fully awake to its nature. Even its discriminating power, which separates in its nature, has surrendered to the reality of the existence of the opposite values. Maharaja referred to Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's explanation of Brahmi Chetana as expressed in one of the Brahma Sutra [an aspect of the Vedic Literature]: Tat tu samanvayat—the value of summation, of putting together, of unification. That value of summation, of unification, is the value that allows the individual to see Unity in all aspects of dynamism, even as they are separate from each other. 'So there is the perception, the reality, the acceptance of the value of expressions of Natural Law, but acknowledging them all together at the same time as being unified value,' Maharaja said. He then asked, where does this ultimately come from, in terms of one's development, one's personality? Is it in the senses? Is it in the mind, in the intellect, in the ego? In fact it is in all of these together, he said. Maharaja said that the inward stroke that took us from the outer expression to realize the inner life—'takes an outer stroke, and that outer stroke takes us through ego, intellect, mind, and senses, as if the pure Being zooms forth into existence, and therefore zooms forth in the senses and the objects of the senses. 'So the inward stroke is complete in transcending,' he continued; it reaches certain levels of development in Cosmic Consciousness and God Consciousness, and comes to fulfilment in Unity Consciousness. The outer stroke finds its fulfilment in the outer senses, he said—'because we start from the outer to the inner, and in Brahmi Chetana we are really from the inner zooming into the outer. The outer value therefore gets totally unified and gets totally perceived with that level of Brahmi Chetana.' Maharaja said that what this requires an individual to do is ' a very profound secret' that Maharishi brought out through his teaching. He said that Maharishi spoke about feelings on so many occasions, saying, 'What is the purpose of achieving something on the surface if the feelings are damaged?' 'We know this expression,' Maharaja continued, 'and this Guru Purnima we have Saha nav avatu, saha nau bhunaktu, unifying. We have Tat tu samanvayat, which is Brahmi Chetana—that comes from summation, from unification. We have Vasudhaiva kutumbakam [''the world is my family''].' [Maharaja was referring to historic videotapes of Maharishi's previous Guru Purnima addresses, which were played in the current Assembly.] 'Therefore,' he said, 'the flavour of this Guru Purnima comes to us on a very subtle level of feeling. 'Feeling does not deny the intellect,' Maharaja said. 'Actually, if you remember one of the beautiful talks of Maharishi, when he spoke about finest feeling and finest intellect—he said that finest intellect is finest feeling. So a person who is very deeply refined in their feeling, also has a very sharp intellect and decision-making, and the ability to discriminate. 'When you feel something, it takes into consideration all the expressions of the senses, all the expressions of the mind wandering around; all the intellect, fine discrimination; and all the ego, and unifies them. It puts them together. And what comes out of this ''soup'' is a certain feeling—it can be a feeling of joy, sadness, indifference, bliss, love . . . . And that feeling level is a level of integration, a unifying level, a synthesis of all the senses and intellect, ego, and mind, together experiencing one reality. 'In Brahmi Chetana, the putting together of all these values brings the experience of wholeness and Totality,' Maharaja said, 'which means any kind of expression, any kind of reality, when integrated on the level of senses, mind, intellect, and ego, it comes to a feeling of wholeness, a feeling of Totality—so that this summation, this Tat tu samanvayat, is totally matured in its understanding of wholeness and Totality.' The importance of the fine feeling level in the growth of enlightenment In the conclusion of his address to the Global Celebration of Guru Purnima on 7 July, Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam, First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, discussed in depth the importance of the fine feeling level in the development of Brahmi Chetana, Brahman Consciousness—the reality of living wholeness or Totality, the highest level of personal development. After Maharaja-ji's beautiful address, the first session celebration of Guru Purnima Day Celebration concluded with raising the Flag of the Global Country in MERU and around the world. The afternoon and evening sessions in Holland featured greetings and reports from Rajas, Raj Rajeshwaris, and global Ministers of the Global Country, as well as another videotape of a historic address by Maharishi. Among leaders of the Global Country who addressed the celebration were Dr Benjamin Feldman, Minister of Finance and Planning; Raja Harris Kaplan, Raja of India; and Dr Girish Varma, National Director of India, and Director-General of the Global Capital of World Capital of Peace at the Brahmasthan of India. The evening concluded with a parade to Maharishi's residence in MERU. Footnotes: 1) Guru Dev: Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati, Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas. Guru Dev is revered as the embodiment of Vedic wisdom closest to Maharishi in the illustrious tradition of Vedic Masters who have passed down the eternal wisdom of life from teacher to student since time immemorial. 2) The Global Mother Divine Organization, established in December 2007, is the ladies' wing of the Global Country of World Peace. 3) Raja John Hagelin, Raja of Invincible America, presented to the Assembly the brilliant achievements of his national administration in the US on 6 July, 2007. Maharishi addressed Raja Hagelin as 'ringleader of the Rajas'; a world-renowned quantum physicist, he is also Executive Director of the International Center for Invincible Defense in New York, and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World Peace. 4) Dr Girish Varma is Director-General of the Maharishi Global Capital of World Peace at the Brahmasthan of India; National Director of the Global Country of World Peace in India; Chairman of the 160 Maharishi Vidya Mandir Schools Group; and President of the Maharishi Institutes of Management and Information Technology, in India. 5) Dr Anand Srivastava, Chairman and Managing Director of Maharishi Ayurveda Products. 6) Maharishi explains that beyond the familiar states of waking, dreaming, and sleeping are four higher states of consciousness—Transcendental Consciousness, Cosmic Consciousness, God Consciousness, and Unity Consciousness—each bringing a new dimension of physiological functioning, experience, knowledge, and fulfilment. 7) Transcend: go beyond the finest level of thinking to experience pure awareness, Transcendental Consciousness. Maharishi's Technologies of Consciousness, including the Transcendental Meditation Programme, allow the individual to experience the effortless process of transcending in a systematic, reliable, repeatable manner. 8) Yogasthah kuru karmani—'Established in Being [Transcendental Consciousness, the Unified Field of Total Natural Law, perform action' (Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 2, verse 48). Maharishi goes deeply into the significance of this verse in his translation and commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita, chapters 1-6. 9) .
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