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Celebrating the Dawn of Global Invincibility on Guru Purnima 29
July 2007 Highlights Guru Purnima is the day in the Vedic calendar—the day of the full moon in July—dedicated to the appreciation of the Tradition of Vedic Masters. This Tradition, culminating in our own age with Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Swami Brahmanand Saraswati, Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas, is the source of supreme wisdom of the integration of life for each generation. The Masters of this Tradition have been exponents of reality from earliest ages. In each new epoch, they have propounded the enduring truths of practical living and have set out those standards by which men's lives may attain the highest achievements and fulfilment, generation after generation. On Sunday, 29 July, Maharishi paid homage to his Master, Shri Guru Dev, in a global broadcast from MERU, Holland, in accordance with tradition, Maharishi offered today the achievements of the Global Country of World Peace in the past year to Guru Dev, in acknowledgement that all credit for these accomplishments belongs to the Tradition of Vedic Masters. Also, all plans and intentions for the coming year were offered to Guru Dev today. Maharishi: 'Guru Dev, what you have bestowed upon us is immeasurable treasure of richness of life—life in totality of Brahman Consciousness. Today on the Guru Purnima day, having offered to Thy lotus feet, we feel blessed. What we have received is invincibility to every nation. . . . 'That which we have been hearing, and our tradition has been saying—Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam— the world is my family. The world is my family has been the inspiration from all time, and we are experiencing today, the world is my family on the highest level, on the pinnacle level of invincibility characterizing real lasting freedom in affluence, integrity, coherence, all positivity, perfect health, long life. This we are experiencing as your gift being showered on us. 'As a gift of this Guru Purnima, Guru Dev, we have a world of 192 countries, and here we have as your blessing Guru Dev, Maharaja the Raj, Raja Nader Raam. In his silent administration, his Rajas and Ministers [of the Global Country of World Peace] are taking the world consciousness to that high level of invincibility, which will belong to all the governments of one ninety-two countries of our world. 'Yatha Raja Tatha Praja—as is the ruler, so is the ruled subject. Yatha Raja Tatha Praja. This is the ideal of Raja in Vedic Tradition of rulership—Yatha Raja Tatha Praja—one administrator, one administrator maintains himself in whatever way, on whatever level of performance, on whatever level of reality, that is the quality of the subject. Yatha Raja Tatha Praja has been the expression of the Vedic Tradition of rulers. The Vedic Tradition of rulers comes from the Solar Dynasty. 'The Life-giving sun is the source of that, that axiom, that proverb, that the Raja maintains himself on that level of integrated self-referral consciousness, the state of eternal Being which is characterized by Bliss. And that bliss radiates from the Raja to the whole population, and the population breathes life in bliss. 'That is the example being set by Maharaja, the Raja Nader Raam [First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace] today. Silence. Steady silence. And that radiates Total Natural Law, which is reflected in the life of all the people, and this example is now going to be a living reality, Guru Dev, in our world of one ninety-two countries. 'You have given us the light of life, the secret of administration. Yatha Raja Tatha Praja, as is the consciousness of the ruler, so is the consciousness of the ruled. The technique of transcending—close the eyes, and you are That; close the eyes, take the mind to the source of this fluctuating nature, to the field of the intellect where the intellect decides, and locates, and finds silence and dynamism in union, silence and dynamism in union. 'All possibilities on the level of self-referral silence—that is the administrative skill that Maharaja Raam is practising. . . . 'The practicality of this administrative system from silence, is that the world is going to be on the level of invincibility, which is emanating from the invincible silence of Raja Raam. Raam, you have given to us Guru Dev, in order that the world of infinite differences enjoy lively waves of silent dynamism which is blissful. Blissful. 'The technique of life on earth in terms of the waves of bliss, this technique that you gave us, Guru Dev, is being fruitfully practised by our present ruler of the world; and his Rajas and his Ministers, today, are all full of fulfilment, that this system of administration through silence is being launched from today, becoming a reality of the world administration. 'The effect has already been experienced, and continues to be experienced, day by day, day by day, week by week, month after month, year after year, now, for all time to come, in the all long history of mankind. 'One hundred ninety-two countries in the light of Guru Dev's blessings will enjoy invincibility. Their sovereignty will blossom in the light of invincibility. No lack of anything, no diversity, no conflict, no negativity, no suffering—like the dawn that has eliminated darkness of the night. The first ray of the dawning sun is good enough to dispel the darkness of the night. That has been seen, Guru Dev, through your grace, through your blessings, and now today, you have given us the right to ring the Bell of Invincibility for every nation. 'And today Guru Dev, from early morning in the land of Veda, India, the Vedic Pandits have started to welcome the rising sun, and first ray of the rising sun was in New Zealand. When it was three o'clock here in Europe, it was midday in New Zealand, and that was early morning in India. Pandits started to do the Puja to Guru Dev, and this Puja [Vedic ceremony of thanksgiving] coincided with the Puja of the people of New Zealand, invoking Guru Dev's grace, offering Guru Purnima Guru Puja, and that was my fortune and delight to witness the Puja and participate in it from here, from Holland, and this Puja is going on. 'At midday in all countries, from country to country to country to country, and today Guru Purnima, Guru Puja, is continuing from east to west. It will continue, and Guru Dev, the light has been so great, the result has been so great, the blossoming of invincibility is impelling us to continue this Puja to Guru Dev around the clock, day after day, and day after day, and day after day, and every day from now on, for us in the administration of the world, it'll be our fortune to continue to bask in the sunshine of invincibility around the globe, around the clock. 'Result will be Yatha Raja Tatha Praja. The ideal of Vedic rulership will be enjoyed around the world around the clock. Civilization will be on that blissful level of being. World Peace will be permanent. Invincibility will prevail. Constitution of the Universe will be on human level of administration, Veda, the Constitution of the Universe, the Will of God, will be the experience of every man in the world, and so it will be, because human life has been designed to be on that level—man was made in the image of God. 'That has been the faith of man throughout time, but now that faith is going to be a living reality of all mankind. Man made in the image of God will be enjoying bliss in the grace of God. And where is the grace of God? Guru Dev, you have told us: ''Close the eyes, and let your mind be more and more itself. And let the mind be more and more itself, till it becomes intellect, and let intellect become itself, till it becomes ego, and let ego become itself, till it becomes cosmic ego.'' The technique that you gave, Guru Dev, has worked. Only due to something unknown, it took quite some time for us to really wake up to that reality which was always with us, and now it'll always be with us. 'Every country is going to enjoy invincibility—and we are expressing to the world today, to be just this Yatha Raja Tatha Praja—as is the ruler, so is the ruled, as is the ruler, so is the ruled. Our ruler is the embodiment of silence. Raja Nader Raam, embodiment of silence, silence—"Shivam shantam advaitam chaturtham manyante sa atma"—that is the Self, the ruler is the Self. Self-referral, transcendental, established in itself. The Self of everyone. Silence, lively silence. Silence within the lively potential of infinite dynamism, invincibility. 'Invincible is the administration, invincible is administrator, invincible is going to be the administered. We are offering to you, Guru Dev, today, how we have thought of administering the world from that level of silence, how we have 192 countries in our world family. 192 countries in our world family, we want to be saturated with lively silence, and lively silence is given to us by you, Guru Dev, in terms of Dwadasha (twelve) Jyotirlinga [ancient centres of lively silence in India] . . . twelve Jyotirlingas rule 192 countries, twelve aspects of the silent divine Self rule the world. 'Today . . . for the sake of facility and order, we are having these 192 countries governed by the administration of twelve Jyotirlingas. . . . We are going to establish, Guru Dev, 48 places under your parental care. We wish to call it, Guru Dev Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar. The city of Brahmanand Saraswati, 48 cities, 48 Brahamand Saraswati Nagar. 'We want to create 48 cities in India, where . . . the collective consciousness of 48 Brahmanand Saraswati Nagar will be dedicated to 12 Jyotirlinga. Four Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar will be dedicated to one Jyotirlinga. Four Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar dedicated to eternal silence, specified in the qualities of the 12 Jyotirlingas, and each Jyotirlinga will be in charge of 4 countries in the world. We are 192 countries in the world, and 4 times 48 will cover each country in the world. 'So today . . . we are offering to Guru Dev our division of the world in terms of four countries dedicated to each of the 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar. And this is what we will do now, having done Guru Purnima Puja just now, with the silent embodiment of the Rule of Raam from the Solar Dynasty, our silent ruler Raja Nader Raam. . . . 'Today is the day that all their [the Rajas'] territories will be in terms of these 48 Brahmananda Saraswati Nagar in India, and four countries dedicated to each of the 48 values. This is going to be our labour of the administrative policy. And the world will be eternally set on an invincible unified state of all the diversified cultures and physical divisions of the world. We have done . . . done Puja of the Guru Purnima; we have offered to you all our achievements. . . . 'All the Rajas are with me today. Some are here, some are there, and everywhere in the world, but they're all there in their transcendental self-referral consciousness on one level of universal invincibility. And again and again . . . what you have given us, Guru Dev, is so good that nothing better is there for us to offer to you. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.' Also, in celebration of this year's Guru Purnima, the foundation stones for Maharishi Towers of Invincibility were laid in fifty countries around the world, and beautiful Vedic Recitations were performed throughout the day by the Vedic Pandits in India and those gathered in Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa, USA . For more details, please visit: 'Celebrating the beginning of new era of human life.'
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