America Assembly—One Year Review
July 2007
to view video of this celebration
On July 27, Maharishi
joyfully celebrated the achievements of the first year of the Invincible
America Assembly, as its first anniversary was announced to the global
‘Dr Hagelin's words are the words of total Natural Law. He is the
inventor of Unified Field theory. Knowledge of the Unified Field has been
there all the time. Knowledge of the Unified Field is the knowledge of
the Constitution of the Universe, that unifies the diversified state of
life in the world.
‘Dr Hagelin is pronouncing something that has been the basis of
all good to everyone. There was a time when little, little lamps were
in every house in the night, and somewhere, some people discovered how
to create electricity. Powerhouses came out there. And other people saw
and said, “I will also do it, I will also do it.” So something
that had been found useful was adopted by the people everywhere. Now,
today, we have electric powerhouse everywhere. There is a challenge to
the darkness of the night.
‘It is human nature—if you find something, you discuss it
with others, like that. If someone has found some gold mine, he invites
others also to do the mining there. Then everyone goes there and does
the mining. Like that, the Unified Field has been found by a scientist,
and by human nature, he would like the advantage of the Unified Field
to be enjoyed by all the people everywhere.
‘My spiritual master told me that life is bliss. And you sit like
that, and you close the eyes and you let your mind go deep within yourself,
and you get to Transcendental Consciousness. I did with him, and I found
it so good, so good, so good. I saw in the world people suffering and
all, so I came out to say, "No, no, no. Suffering is not good. Deep
within you is Bliss Consciousness—life is bliss”. How to explore
it? Through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
‘I did this* in India for some time. Then, I thought the thing is
so good, the thing is soooo good that I will go to those countries, where
the people are fond of experiments, where the people are scientists. So,
at that time I knew that America and Germany were the two countries where
the people are fond of experimentation. So, I went to America.
‘I was in San Francisco, and the second day there an article came
out saying that what I teach brings you good sleep—“You will
sleep better”. I thought, “I have come to a wrong place.”
In India, I taught people to get enlightenment, and here I am being written-up
to be a good sleeper. I said, “I should get out of this country
soon.” But I was patient. I said, “It doesn't matter for what
reason anyone starts Transcendental Meditation, he will get the whole
benefit out of it. Doesn't matter for what reason he does it, but he will
‘I continued, I continued, I continued, and then the scientists
and engineers of America tried this. Then experiments came. Everywhere
the experiments came out to be useful. [More than 600 scientific research
studies, conducted during the past forty years at over 200 independent
universities and research institutes in 30 countries, have validated the
profound benefits of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation Programme for
the individual and for every area of society, including health, education,
business, industry, rehabilitation, defence, agriculture, and government].
So this is how it spread. It spread from human nature.
‘What made Transcendental Meditation spread is the nature of life.
One man finds something—closing the eyes. For whatever reason, he
will [start to meditate]. People generally started to meditate thinking
that they will feel relaxed, but when they found their self relaxed, the
relaxation took them to that self-referral state of consciousness, which
is nothing other than Self. And then when they heard that I say, “Life
is bliss”, they said, “Yes, yes, yes”. So many people
[experiencing] “Life is bliss, life is bliss.” So when one
man finds it is useful, it is human nature to spread it.
‘Now what happened is that so many, a few million, people—two,
three, four million people—started to meditate and all. Everywhere
there are people in the world who are practicing Transcendental Meditation,
and what they found was what experiments found.
‘People also are doing the advanced technique of Transcendental
Meditation, Yogic Flying. What is Yogic Flying? The mind has a command
over the force of gravity. The body is lifting in the air by a thought.
This is the technique of Yogic Flying. In Yogic Flying, the mind is gaining
consciousness awareness of the force of gravity. Now what we found was
that gravity is a force, which on one side, gravitates—puts things
together—and on the other side, it repels. So attraction and repulsion—the
force of gravitation putting things together, in other words, is unifying
and diversifying.
‘This is how unity is gained by “versity”—diversity.
The universe is unified and diversified. Science was investigating what
that thing was, whereby one thing could be found to be the basis of everything.
A unified value was found by the scientists.
‘Experiments have been done in all fields of physical sciences investigating
into if there is a common thing in physics and chemistry and physiology
and biology and all these different sciences. What was common? The common
was attraction and repulsion.
‘This attraction and repulsion came out to be the experience of
self-referral consciousness. Transcendental Meditation gave the people
the experience of unity—transcendental, no diversity there. The
state of unity, unified wholeness, which is the result of all the attraction—the
force of gravitation—came out to be the basis of all diversity.
So here in the Unified Field is the experience of the basis of diversified
fields. The Unified Field is the basis of all diversified fields.
‘Physical sciences are roaming in all fields of diversity. They,
the intelligentsia of the unifying, came out to know that this, at the
basis, is also diversifying. So there is a level of intelligence where
unifying and diversifying, two opposite values, meet together. The meeting
point of two opposite values, unified field and diversified field, is
a field of all possibility.
‘This came out of the direct experience of a programme which has
been there in the history of the world in the oldest field of knowledge,
Veda. The Veda is the oldest knowledge, Total Knowledge of unity and diversity,
making each other hidden. Unifying and diversifying—at a point,
they become both unmanifest. Neither this is seen nor that is seen—neither
unity nor diversity. It is a unified state of diversity and unity.
‘Fortunately, centuries of research in the physical field of diversity
has resulted in the declaring that there is a Unified Field. And this
Unified Field, which is an unmanifest field is neither this nor this.
Both the unmanifest values are present all over.
‘The unmanifest is the basis of all manifestations in their unified
state and diversified state. In India this was a knowledge throughout
the ages, an old knowledge, nothing new, because a unity of diversity
and unity is a basic phenomenon of creation. Ever since creation, there
is a field, a Unified Field, a self-referral field, a self-referral unified
‘Fortunately today, Dr Hagelin is the one voice in the world, the
one scientist in the world, who has located the Unified Field from the
approach of physical sciences. He came in contact with this field through
Transcendental Meditation. He practised it, and he experienced it. He
intellectually located the Unified Field, and he experientially located
the Unified Field. . . . . He said, “Unity is the basis of diversity”—the
voice of unity. It is the clarion call of today's most advanced state
of science. The technology of that science is in Transcendental Meditation
and the advanced technique, Yogic Flying.
‘Here is a perfect man, who is calling the people to rise to perfection.
When he heard, “Man is made in the image of God”, then he
found religion is as true as science. Here is a person who sees science
and religion both have their origin, both have their reality, on one level
of Total Knowledge, the Unified Field. That is why his call is a clarion
call for all mankind to be what they are expected to be. Every man is
expected to be made in the image of God Almighty—all capability,
all possibility. Invincibility is the clarion call of Dr Hagelin today—invincibility.
He is celebrating the one year anniversary of the experiment to create
invincibility. The reality of invincibility is proven by positivity in
every field rising, rising, rising, rising, rising.
‘So his word today is the word of God. He is made in the image of
God. And therefore he has a right to speak from his level, from the level
of the will of God, From the level of religion, from the level of science,
from the level of knowledge. from any level, he is the authority of the
reality of life. . . .
Finance Minister of our Global Country of World Peace, the Communication
Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, and the Science and Technology
Minister of the Global Country of World Peace, Dr Hagelin—they have
organized a new communication system. Tomorrow is the global birth. Life
has to be profound, perfect, full of affluence, positivity, health, long-life
everywhere in every country. Every country has to be in invincible.
‘If Dr Feldman is there, I would like him to tell the Press in two
minutes, what is his plan around the world. Three systems have been organized
to broadcast news from the level of the subtle field of dynamism in the
transcendental field that is called “Devata”. All Devatas
are the expressions of the eternal silence—Shiva and Vishnu and
all that.
‘One communication will go around the world in those words which
are the words of silence—“Rudra”. This is a Sanskrit
word. This is a Vedic word—Rudra, Rudrabhishek, adorations to Shiva,
adorations to Silence, adorations to the Unified State, the silent state
of life, silent state of consciousness, the silent state of Being. That
is made to reverberate in the language of the Veda, the transcendental
language of the Unified Field. So the language of the Unified Field is
broadcasting its value all the year round around the world—every
‘Here is a voice which is calling, “The darkness of the night
is over. The light of dawn is dawning.” In the ancient words, Kali-Yuga
is at the end. Sat-Yuga is dawning. A new time for the world is dawning.
A new time for the world is dawning. And Dr Hagelin says it is dawning
in economics, dawning in the politics, dawning in sociology, dawning in
psychology, dawning in every field.
‘The light of dawn is not restricted. When the sun rises, it does
not eliminate darkness only in some place, but in every place equally
well. This is the first year of the invincibility dawning in US, and this
is now being replicated in many places. Actually, the day after tomorrow,
on the full moon day, we are inaugurating this dawning of perfection in
life, the dawning of invincibility in life in 192 countries of the world.
‘There are 192 countries in the world, and their sovereignty has
been shaky, fearful. Everyone was fearful of their neighbour. The neighbour,
becoming powerful, pounces on them. So the wars have been. This is like
one animal running after the other animal in the forest. This was not
nice, this was animal kingdom. From there it is coming up to human life,
where man is made in the image of God. One source of all reverberating,
diversified state of the universe—the versified value—and
the unified value, diversifying and unifying. The meeting point of diversification
and unification has been located, and human consciousness can be the owner
of that.
‘And a few individual owners of that, practicing that, in every
country are good enough to radiate the same thing all over, because all
diversified values have their origin in the Unified Field. So, the “being”
of two million people is just Being—one Being, one self-referral
state of consciousness. And even a few people starting it, and it radiates
all around, all around, all around.
‘One little stick on quiet water, one little stick on a quiet lake
will create ripple all over the lake. Like that, one person here and one
person there, so the formula was found many years ago: the square root
of one per cent of the population will create coherence. Create coherence
means starting that little thing that is the unified state of all unity
and diversity. Diversity is very obvious; unity is not known. But the
unity state is gained by individuals in their own Self.
‘The transcendental Self of one person is the transcendental Self
of every person, because it transcends diversity—self-referral,
in the words of Veda. It is transcendental, and it is universal. This
is explained by an example of the lamp at the door—inside light,
outside light. The Self of everyone, the transcendental Self of everyone,
the Being of everyone, is lamp at the door. It lights light inside, it
lights light outside.
‘In itself, there is no inside, there is no outside, but light is
there, the same light inside, the same light outside—the same light,
the same Being. You close the eyes and let your awareness get to transcendental
consciousness, self-referral consciousness—this is inside. Open
the eyes, and the eyes open to outside, diversity. Inside unity, outside
diversity. The self of everyone, the awareness of everyone the consciousness
of everyone, the intelligence of everyone, has a state in itself, self-referral
being, self-referral Transcendental Consciousness.
‘There is the seat of God, which is uninvolved with in or out, but
it is the light of in and out, the life of in and out, life of unity,
life of diversity. This is the voice of Almighty, merciful—merciful
because it is inside light, it is outside light. It is light inside, outside—merciful.
It does not distinguish; it is equally applicable to all the time.
‘This is the clarion call of Dr Hagelin, who is a scientist. “Scientist”
means something reliable, something that has been proven through experiments.
Dr Hagelin is celebrating the one year experiment with so many people
in one place on earth. Today is the ceremony that he has already described.
How much light he is spreading in the black spots! There were black spots
in economy, in politics, in this, in this, in this, and now, they are
becoming brighter and brighter and brighter and brighter.
‘So thank you, Dr Hagelin. Your voice is the voice of today, and
you are the embodiment of the Unified Field from both levels, from the
ancient science—Vedic Science—and modern science.
10 years ago, Maharaja Nader Raam came out with successful experimentation
and successful investigation into what consciousness is. What he declared
was that consciousness is the basis of all physiology. Consciousness—self-referral
being, self-referral consciousness—is the basis of all the diverse
expressions in the physiology. For this, he was weighed in gold, his physiology
was weighed in gold. And that was not enough to honour him. He was crowned
as the first ruler of the Age of Enlightenment. . . . He was crowned as
the first ruler from that level of consciousness which is declared to
be the fountainhead of all physiological expressions.
‘From him came out the administration of the Unified Field from
the level of the unified state of self-referral transcendental consciousness.
So he is silently administering. He is silently administering from within
like everyone who is practising Transcendental Meditation—a few,
2-3 million people in the world. He is silently seeing that, yes, where
these people are more in whatever part of the world, there the collective
consciousness is influenced, national consciousness is influenced. And
it is from there that the formula came out that the square root of one
per cent of the population of a country will make the country rise to
a balanced state, where diversity and unity could be balanced.
‘From where could diversity and unity be balanced? From the silence.
Deep within everyone is silence, pure Self, self-referral silence—in
the Vedic terms, Shiva and Atma and, in the Vedic terms, Vishnu and Surya
and so on.
‘Maharaja Nader Raam found that consciousness is at the basis of
all physiology. He correlated the English expressions with the Vedic expressions
and found that the Vedic expressions relate what he has found. He became
the first administrator of the world to give invincibility to every nation.
And Dr Hagelin is the Science and Technology Minister of the administration
of Raja Raam, which is promoting administration of silence.
‘It is silence that administers. Silence is unmanifest. Unmanifest
is nothingness. Nothingness is zero. The whole infinitely multiplied universe
has its basis and is governed by zero. This is mathematics—zero,
from zero, from the awareness of zero. When the zero is aware of itself,
it is only one. And being one, it is the knower, knowing and known. It
is three. Zero is zero. And then we look what it is: it knows itself.
And if it knows itself, it is its own knower, knowing process, and known—one
in three and all this one in three, zero, nothingness. So, nothingness
by nature is one, two, three. Science is pure knowledge and technology
both together—pure knowledge and technology.
‘Eternal silence and deep within it dynamism—silence and dynamism
both together have a name in Vedic terms, Brahm. The voice of the Veda
is, “I am Brahm, ‘Aham Brahmasmi’, I am Totality, I
am silence and dynamism.” “Totality” means silence and
dynamism. Silence and dynamism both together is a big zero. Because they
are opposite in quality, they neutralize each other. They neutralize each
other; they hide each other.
‘Veda is the knower and the process of knowing, and that which hides—together—Rishi,
Devata, and Chhandas. This is just a scrutiny of what it is. It is the
knower of itself. It is the knower, knowing, and known—three together
in the state of unmanifest. It is neither this nor this, it is togetherness
and togetherness of this. It is a field of all possibilities.
‘It is Brahm Consciousness. It is Unity Consciousness, all-pervading
everywhere, so all the diversities are points of Unity Consciousness—nothingness,
zero. It is a beautiful field of the play of the enlightened. This is
the field of talk between the enlightened. This is the field of play of
Unity Consciousness—Brahm. “Aham Brahmasmi”—I
am Totality. And not only I am Totality, not only “Aham Brahmasmi”,
“Tat Tvam Asi”—you are also That. I am Totality. You
are Totality. “Sarvam Khalv Idam Brahm”—all this is
‘These are the Vedic expressions which bring together the Veda.
And Veda means: yes and no together; one and three together; zero and
everything together. That is why Transcendental Consciousness is zero.
There is no multiplicity—“Neha Nanasti Kinchan” is the
equivalent word in the Vedic Literature.
‘So, “Aham Brahmasmi”, “Tat Tvam Asi”, “Sarvam
Khalv Idam Brahm”, “Neha Nanasti Kinchan”—these
are the Vedic expressions. All these expressions, Dr Hagelin has experienced.
All these are the Vedic expressions he has found in the equations of mathematics,
systematically satisfying the intellect.
‘The intellect is a feature of being which decides. Mind is a feature
of being which multiplies. Senses are the features of being, which put
the awareness to all multiple experiences. So here is a unification of
all diversity in two different languages: modern, scientific language
and ancient Vedic language. Indian Vedic Pandits have preserved the Vedic
‘Modern scientists are now the followers of Dr Hagelin. Dr Hagelin
is the president of his universal scientists' organization. He will not
talk of himself, but he has inspired all the scientists of the world to
form one global organization in order to eliminate the deficiency in the
field of knowledge in every country.
‘He has now proven, through a one year experiment of the Invincibility
Assembly, how to create invincibility in every nation. And why Dr Hagelin
is doing this? Because the sovereignty of every nation is fragile, is
shaky. Even if one country does not rise to invincibility, then the sovereignty
of that one country will be as fragile as the sovereignty of any country
has been throughout the ages in the past.
‘Sovereignty is a begging bowl today, and it has been a begging
bowl yesterday—all past—because it was not really sovereign.
It depended on the goodwill of the neighbour. Dr Hagelin has realized
that this sovereign is shaky. Man, who was made in the image of God, is
suffering. Dr Hagelin is raising a voice, the clarion call of this enlightened
age of science. The age of science is a Vedic age. So scientific America
today is Vedic America.
‘The leader of the Vedic America, the intelligence of Vedic America,
is having a clarion call for the whole world, for every nation. We have
done experiments in small, two week World Peace Assemblies and one month
World Peace Assemblies. Now, in his university, Dr Hagelin made an experiment
for one year. He has proven without doubt that this programme of invincibility—a
few hundred people practicing yogic flying in every country—is going
to create invincibility. It is going to give fearlessness to the ever-afraid
sovereignty of every country.
‘Now every country is going to be sovereign. This is the clarion
call of the great sunshine today, which is expressing itself in the modern
words of Dr Hagelin, and practically, being expressed from the Ministry
of the Science and Technology. . . .
is the time of truth in life, everywhere—the reality of God's will
to be lived and enjoyed by every shadow of God. Life is the shadow of
God. Life speaks for the Creator, Almighty. And this is going to be the
experience of everyone. Your one-year experiment of enlivening that reality
in your university has proven that.
‘Thanks to the press today. They are fortunate to have the results
of the one-year experiment of yours on invincibility in life, on life
being blissful. Now life, practically, is going to enjoy bliss which is
the will of God, the Constitution of the Universe, on the level of science
and technology, on the practical level of daily living in all parts of
the world.
‘What you have created is a unified family of nations. You have
created, the practical possibility of a phrase from Vedic Science, “Vasudaiva
Kutumbhakam”—the world is my family. You are playing a guardian's
role, a parental role for the world, and the world will always be indebted
to you.
‘All Glory to Guru Dev. All Glory to Guru Dev. All Glory to Guru
Dev. Jai Guru Dev.’
began teaching TM in India in 1955. In 1957, in Madras, India, at the
conclusion of the conference of Spiritual Luminaries, Maharishi founded
the Spiritual Regeneration Movement to spiritually regenerate the world.
Thereafter, he began the first of his many world tours to teach Transcendental
Meditation and to carry the beacon light of the Himalayas to all mankind.