Unified Field-Based Approach to Health Care
July 2007
to view video of this global conference
his address on Unified Field-Based Health and Medicine, Maharishi commented
on the brilliant presentation by Dr Hagelin, world-renowned quantum physicist
and Minister of Science and Technology of the Global Country of World
Peace. Maharishi made the very profound point that the health of the environment
is improved due to the influence of people practising the Transcendental
Meditation technique.
Meditation for the health of the environment
Guru Dev, with great interest, I have been hearing your words, Dr Hagelin.
In answer to this, from my side, I want to present one argument. If the
world knows the influence of the environment on the health of everyone—this
is the main point—if the world recognizes that health is influenced
by the type of environment, then Transcendental Meditation is a direct
means of reducing the ill health of the whole environment. A stressed
man is always stressful to his environment. A peaceful man, a blissful
man, always has bliss to offer in his environment.
‘People who have been practising Transcendental Meditation have
experienced that the environment becomes more positive, more happy, more
integrated. And this is one argument—very simple, without any need
of proving it.
‘On the basis of the environmental security, we would say, we are
offering to the world invincibility through Transcendental Meditation.
A few people together—100, 200, 500 people, depending on the population
of the country—is all that is needed to make the national consciousness
integrated. And integrated national consciousness means all positivity,
no negativity, lack of ill health, lack of all negativity, and presence
of all positivity through the practice of Transcendental Meditation.
‘[This is] one argument. Dr Hagelin, comment on it—what your
Unified Field says about it. Transcendental Meditation changes the environmental
value and makes it more coherent, more integrated, more blissful—without
much argument. If the environment has something to do with the health
of the person, then Transcendental Meditation is a way to achieve good
health, better health.’
the world will be without ill health
this Press Conference, Dr
Bevan Morris, the Prime Minister of the Global Country of World Peace,
also emphasized that when the history of this time is written, it will
be clear that the greatest contributor to the health of the human race,
is Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who is currently implementing Unified Field-Based
Medicine, to create a perfectly healthy world.
‘People will look back on our age with amazement, that there was
so much preventable sickness and suffering in the world,’
said Dr Bevan Morris. ‘In the future of the human race, sickness
will be almost non-existent, thanks to the Unified Field-Based Medicine
approach to medicine. . . .
‘The key word for this new golden age free of sickness, is “prevention”—
prevention of sickness before it arises, before the suffering ever begins.
And the key to that is in Consciousness-Based Education.
‘The children of the world are now going to be educated, in all
192 nations, so that they do not fall sick. How this is to be accomplished
is seen in the Vedic definition of health: Health is Swastha.
Swa means the Self and Stha means established. So the
word “health” is, in Vedic terms, to be established in the
Self, not the individual, small ego-self, but the Universal Self. . .
Universal Self, or Atma is to be experienced by everyone, as
part of their educational routine, practising TM and Yogic Flying in the
morning before class and in the afternoon after class. By virtue of students
gaining the experience of the Self, they experience the reality that they
are an eternal, immortal field of consciousness, the Unified Field where
all the laws of nature exist in their seed form.
‘What this effectively means,’
said Dr Morris, ‘is that students who are functioning from their
own Self . . . are automatically in harmony with every natural law, they
do not make mistakes, they do not violate the laws of nature, and they
do not create misery, suffering, and sickness for themselves.
‘As of today, students in every school in the world will rise in
this way to higher states of consciousness, be established in the Self,
in the state of perfect health, or Swastha, and will never do
anything to create sickness, any time in their lives.
‘Because of their education, students will be awakening the intelligence
that conducts DNA, every cell of their body; and all the organ systems
of the body as a whole will be fully awake on the level of its inner intelligence.
‘Students will grow up with their whole body functioning on this
level, giving perfect balance, and therefore complete prevention of all
imbalance, all sickness.
‘There is a saying, in the Vedic Tradition: Chinne mule naiva
shakha na patram.’
Dr Bevan Morris explained that it means ‘There is no leaf and no
branch in the absence of the root.’
That is, the surface of life can never be healthy, while the root of life
is neglected in the education of children as they grow up in the world.
Bevan Morris concluded, ‘Everyone needs to
be reconnected to the root of all life in the Unified Field, and this
is the key point for the future health of the whole human race, as of