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July 2006 Press Conference Highlights Maharishi:
Guru Dev. . . . There is nothing for me to say; it is now [for] the press to see
what has been created. Now, next week and the next weeks, as Dr Hagelin
has announced, thirty countries in the world—thirty countries in the world—are rising to that effectiveness
where negativity will not be found. ‘Only—I can express
the joy of this beautiful technique of learning how to think and create.
Not that you have to do hard work to be anything. Just learn how to think;
learn how to think in silence. Learn how to think in silence, and that
thought creates whatever you want. ‘Let's hear the song of yesterday.’ [The song 'Heaven is Descending' plays.] [Dr Hagelin speaks about the transformations in the world with the rise of collective consciousness due to the practice of the Transcendental Meditation and TM Sidhi Programme.] Dr Hagelin: ‘Maharishi, there are beautiful questions from the press, but at this moment we also have Dr Paul Gelderloos available to report from where he is via teleconference call to share with us the great transformation that has occurred in these three months in the collective destiny of the country of Holland. So, Maharishi, we could hear from Dr Paul Gelderloos, or we could perhaps take a couple of questions from the press, as Maharishi prefers at this time.’ Maharishi: ‘Let’s hear Dr Gelderloos, because that will solve most of the questions. And then we’ll have time for questions. It will be a joy.’ [Dr Hagelin introduces Dr Gelderloos.] [Dr Gelderloos speak about the great transformation in the collective destiny of the country of Holland.] Dr Hagelin: ‘Dr Gelderloos you have inspired us all. . . . Even a relatively small group in comparison to the population of a country can completely transform the trends of time and bring a rising destiny for the entire country. . . . Maharishi, there are a couple of questions from the Press we could address quickly if time allows. One of them is not a new question, but it seems to be particularly timely in light of the remarkable presentation we have just heard from Dr Paul Gelderloos.’ Maharishi: ‘It will be a joy to listen to the Question: How a Small Group of Yogic Flyers Can Create an Effect on the Whole Population Dr Hagelin: ‘This is from a member of the press: ‘I have followed the good news coming from Holland ever since Maharishi announced, during his news conference several months ago, the establishment of a group of 400 Yogic Flyers in MERU. I see the effect that Maharishi predicted: the increased positivity in the nation, the improved economic conditions, more positive actions on the part of government. But, I must confess I do not fully comprehend yet the cause. ‘How can a group of just 400 Yogic Flyers, in one spot in Holland with healthy coherent brains, so dramatically influence the stressed incoherent brains of 16 million people in the rest of the nation to make them all think more positive, healthier, happier, and productive thoughts? Four hundred is such a small number, Maharishi, and 16 million is such a large number. Would Maharishi please help me understand how a group of 400 Yogic Flyers in one part of Holland could produce such a dramatic effect on the whole population?’ Maharishi: ‘The first thing will be, please believe what you see. That is the first thing: believe what you see. That is on the sensory level. ‘The second logic is just measure the size of the candle—a candle—and measure the size of the room. The size of the candle—what a small [thing] it is—and size of the room, how big it is. Believe that the small candle can lighten the big size room. ‘You have a doubt on [that] which you don’t see, but see the size of a candle and see the size of the room and see the darkness is challenged by the little candle. So, for all logic to be sensible and true, believe what you see and find a reason to believe. If you don’t believe, then the reason will be a little lamp. A little size of the candle does lighten the big room. That will be alright?’ [clapping] Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much Maharishi for that beautiful and sublime answer. And certainly it is clear to understand how much more powerful light is than darkness from this beautiful example Maharishi gave: the size of a candle versus the size of an entire darkened hall, and that darkness is eliminated by a simple little candle. And it’s perhaps because darkness isn’t anything anyway. It has no substance. It is just the absence of light. So, naturally that absence is filled when the light is brought—very, very beautiful. ‘And I wanted perhaps very quickly add one more example from modern science that may help to understand. The city of Amsterdam in order to meet its energy needs requires a trainload of coal every day or one small handful of uranium will fuel the entire city for several days. So, how can one handful of uranium outweigh in its power a whole trainful of coal? And the reason is: the nuclear transformation or nuclear power that is utilized with the uranium fuel involves a transformation at the nuclear level which is 10 million times smaller and therefore 10 million times more fundamental and powerful than the chemical transformation taking place in the coal. ‘Like that Maharishi’s Vedic technologies of consciousness are technologies of the Unified Field which is ten million, million, million times more powerful even than the nuclear force. All we need is the Vedic techniques to access, stimulate, harness that field of unity to overwhelm all the entropy and chaos on the surface level of life. It’s the fundamental nature of the Vedic Technologies of consciousness that explains their power in transforming a whole nation. ’
Question: On Invincibility Schools with Yogic Flyers
Dr Hagelin: ‘Maharishi we have quick question, a practical question on the concept of Invincibility Schools. Maharishi has said that Invincibility Schools are now being established in every country to create groups of Yogic Flyers in order raise each country to invincibility. This question comes from a parent who is interested in sending his child to one of these schools: Will the Invincibility School be for young children in elementary schools or middle schools or for teenagers in high schools or for older college-age students?’ Maharishi: ‘Middle-school age will be enough. Twelve, thirteen years—from there we can start. A simple closing the eyes and seeing—closing the eyes and seeing. So little children we don't do. A little higher—twelve, thirteen, fourteen years—from there we can start. ‘The whole society is run by those the age of after twenty-two. By that time these people—they are about one tenth of the population of a country—[will be] thinking from that level, which is a million times more effective, as you said Dr Hagelin. ‘The process of thinking is what makes the action
succeed or fail. If the thinking is more profound at its base, then the
action will be bringing the results quickly—quick, quick results. All
the obstacles and all that are because the root of thought, the basis
of thinking, is not proper. Like that, you can keep on watering different
parts of the tree, but unless you water the root, you don't nourish the
whole tree. ‘Like that, in the school age, every
child must be educated in how to think—this Consciousness-Based Education—how
to think. When you know how to think, then you know how to manipulate
the thought. The thinking level is a very, very profound level of life.
From there, life will be life lived in waves of bliss. Question: The Curriculum of Invincibility Schools
Dr Hagelin: ‘Jai Guru Dev, Maharishi. Perhaps, if it is all right, there is a quick follow-up question from the same parent about the curriculum of the Invincibility Schools. Will Yogic Flying be the primary focus for the students, or will students also have a course of study that includes traditional academic disciplines, such as the arts and sciences, or practical training in business, law, or information technology, etc.?’ Maharishi:
whole thinking process is very, very damaging to the creativity of the
boys. In the early age, the sense of examination—you have to learn—the sense of examination is a horror to the boys.
And every three months, a horror, a wave of horror, a wave of horror. That whole
thing is very, very wrong. This is because the forgetting of what one
has learned is very, very natural. You learn, you learn, you learn—whereas, in our theme of Consciousness-Based
Education, what consciousness is comes to be experienced and it becomes a part and parcel. Fine levels
of consciousness become a part and parcel of the thinking process.
Question: The Knowledge of the Golden Age
Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much. This question has come before in different forms. I haven't asked it before; it's an interesting question nonetheless: Maharishi had said that the dawning Age of Enlightenment is bringing fulfilment to the aspirations of the wise throughout the ages for permanent world peace. Indeed, for millennia, saints and sages of all religions and spiritual traditions have had revelations or cognitions of a Golden Age that they predicted would come at this particular moment in history—the very Sat Yuga that Maharishi is creating now, as we speak. My question is this: How did these saints and sages of antiquity all know this? How did they all know that the Golden Age, or Sat Yuga, would come now?’ Maharishi:
thing is set. There is a proverb: “Nothing is new under the sun.”
So, all the best time of full enlightenment, and gradually eighty
percent of it, fifty percent of it, five percent of it, zero percent of
it, and from zero it rises. This is the relative expression of the absolute
reality. It's only in the human awareness; it's only in the human awareness.
Total value of bliss is there, but in human awareness, it becomes less, it becomes
more. That's what makes time and space values.
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