to the World Congress of Rajas —
The Structure of Total Knowledge
30 December 2007
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder
of the Global Country of World Peace, gave the following profound
talk to the assembly of Rajas, led by Maharaja Nader Raam.
Guru Dev. Tomorrow is the day of celebrating that level of intelligence
from where the speech returns. We have been on the expanding level—expanding
level, expanding level, expanding level. And we are lead by the scientific
expressions which from multiplicity converging to unity, converging to
unity, and that tomorrow will be the time of the return journey of this
'There is an expression in the administration of Raja Raam: "Raam
Brahm Paramaratha Rupa"—Raam is Totality. And what is that?
That is expressed by the words so thrilling to us, so beautiful to express
the inexpressible. Now you see the arrow hitting the target. And after
hitting the target, the arrow returns to the bow. Both ways—from
multiplicity, from many, to one unified, [and] from one unified return
to the source of one, return to zero. Exactly what is expressed by the
word, "A" to "Ma" and "Ma" to "A"?
We have been through this beautiful concept being materialized in our
self-referral intelligence which is in two parts: magnifying and unifying,
diversifying and unifying. "A", infinity, converging to "Ma",
point; "Ma", point, diverging to "A", infinity. And
this is all the drama of someone who is an eternal spectator of activity
emerging, and backwards, activity submerging.
'Dr Hagelin is enjoying this reality, because he sees both ways. He sees
multiplicity converging, multiplicity converging, and convergence diverging—both
opposite values of reality at the same time where the return journey takes
place. That is why the Vedic expression in one expression defines what
it is: convergence and divergence, convergence and divergence. Two opposite
values are blended together in one expression of knowledge. That is Raam.
"A" and "Ma"—"Ra", reverberation of
infinity, converging into point, and point diverging into infinity.
'Convergence and divergence—what is this? This is the structure
of Mandal, Mandal, Mandal. How many Mandals possible? Ten Mandals possible.
And this is Veda. So all the Rajas and all their Ministers and all the
Directors of every country, they are now swinging from diversity to unity,
and there from unity to diversity. So when the flow of infinity is converging
to point-value, the point-value is diverging into infinity.
'A very perfect vision in the expression, "At-ma". Same tone,
same reality of "A-t-ma", same reality of "A-t-ma",
when comes to be the direct vision, it is Raam. That is the silent administrator
of the universe. And the silent administration of the universe was laid
open by Raja Raam, our dear Raja Raam, ten, fifteen years ago when he
expressed in words his discovery of the whole physiological universe from
self-referral consciousness.
‘I am reminded of his expression, which he has expressed in his
book, in his book of research, where he simply declares, without hesitation,
in clear words, that it is the consciousness which is the physiology—of
the brain physiology. And when I was reflecting on the words of Raja Raam
fifteen years ago, he had mentioned—and I would remind our Rajas
and all our great minds, the Ministers of the Raja—I was so impressed
by the Minister of Finance today. He could spell out very clearly what
it means to have self-referral reality, self-referral unified field. It's
a beautiful expression. That is the expression of what? The Raam shoots
the arrow, and the arrow hitting the target returns back to the bow of
‘And this is the anecdote: when Raam was walking through the forest
from Ayodhya to Lanka, some Siddha, some Rishi, some seer of reality,
offered to Raam an arrow that when that will be shot, the arrow will hit
the target and will come back to the bow again. . . . Tarkash, the house
in which all the arrows are put—the arrow goes out of that shot
by Raam, and then hits the target, comes back to the house, eternal house
again. So it never loses its presence in the house. Self-referalness is
always maintained. And this is what has been brought to us after fifteen
years of declaration of Raja Raam by the representative of Raja Raam today,
the Raja of Invincible America.
‘What we are seeing here? Both ways, both ways of knowledge. From
the powerhouse the light goes to light the darkness of sleep, darkness
of outside house, and it does not disappear there. It does not exhaust
there. It comes back to the powerhouse again. So the powerhouse of Total
Knowledge is there. And now I'm entering in to a very delightful thing—this
is not yet the time for me, because I wanted you to go through the forward
journey, all the twelve values of infinity. Through every value you hit
the target, you come to the total conclusion, total conclusion. And that
will be the time for me to express the return journey for that: "Anvaya-vyatirekabhyam
nishprpahcham prapanchyate".
‘This is the formula that spells out the expansion value—I
mean the contraction value—from infinity to contraction to point
value, to point value. Fine point to infinity will be the expansion phase.
So, I was waiting for all the Rajas and for all the great minds of our
Movement which are going to be the lighthouses everywhere in every country,
whatever the country, whatever the language, whatever the mannerisms,
whatever the culture and all that.
‘When you have done that under the very alert and very beautiful
and very—just alert—under the alert intelligence of Dr Hagelin,
when you have done all the twelve values, twelve values, twelve values,
then will be the time to see the return value.
‘Dr Hagelin has taken us to the point value. From infinity to point
value. Ananta akhanda—that means infinity to point—it converges,
converges. This is what? This is one way of expressing Total Knowledge.
Total Knowledge is not completed until we have expressed it in the other
thing is very vivid, is very vivid in what is prevalent as business! You
invest in business and the investment in business brings back to you multifold.
Something comes added to it. So knowledge in the market, in the business,
multiplies itself! It hits the point, and then back it hits the infinity
of point.
is both ways—not one way knowledge. Knowledge is in"Raa",
"Aaaaaa" and "Ma". "Raaaaam", "Aaaaatmaaaa"—these
are wonderful expressions, wonderful expressions. Right from the birth,
what comes out of mother? "Aaaaaaaa". That is the whole journey
from infinity to point—Atmaaa. And as the boy becomes a little more
in this experience of "A" to "Ma", language gets created.
And as the language gets created,"Aaaaa" begins to be expressed
in its detailed constituents of eight Prakritis.
whole Ved is the flow of eight Prakritis—AK NI MI LE PUROHITAM.
It's a subject on itself. It's a never-ending subject, it's a never-ending
subject. But that never-ending subject is the reality of self-referral
consciousness. Self-referral consciousness means when the consciousness
is exploring what is outside, it is at the same time exploring what is
inside. As the consciousness exploring outside, so it is exploring inside
also. This is just business.
‘In business one spends, and then one collects. And whatever is
spent, for the time it looks it is lost. For the time it looks it is lost,
but immediately it begins to look to be gain. So loss is a gain; loss
is a gain. This is because the procedure of losing is inherent (laughs)
in the procedure of gaining.
just a matter of memory—whether enlarging or contracting, enlarging
and contracting. These two things were brought to the world by the concrete
scientific research of Raja Raam, but that we will study when you have
finished all your twelve, all your twelve values, outside, outside, outside,
will come the time which will actualize to us that expression of Ramayan
that when Raam was going to hit the Ravan, when he was walking to Ayodhya,
some saint gave him—it was an offer. And what it was? Complete knowledge
in what Raam has to go through. He has to go through abolishing, abandoning,
destroying the enemy, because it is bringing infinity to point.
‘It is making infinity to point, but that is not one-time job. It
is the quality of the bow of Raam Dhanush, the bow of Raam. It shoots
the arrow, the arrow comes back to him. This is self-referral value.
‘Now, we use the new word, self-referral value of consciousness.
So, consciousness is a field where this business is going on—business
of losing and gaining more, losing and gaining more, losing and gaining
‘In the agriculture, you have seen, a farmer puts the seed to become
completely destroyed in the field. Whatever he has in hand is gone to
nothingness, but the farmer knows today it has gone into nothingness.
Tomorrow it is going to come back multifold. So this losing is a process
of gaining. This is called business. You invest, and you have lost your
money. You have lost your money, and that comes multifold. It comes back
to you—sometime 5%, sometime 10%, sometime 20%, sometime 100%.
I hear there are businesses which bring out ten times. But what is the
process of emergence of ten times profit? The process is completely losing
the amount. And you don't know you have lost it, but it comes back to
‘That shows the business, which is obviously divided into two perspectives—losing
and gaining. So nobody calls that a loss; everybody calls it a gain and
gain and gain and gain. And this has been written down.
‘Now, I want to come to our field now, the field of the Rajas, and
the field of the minister, Prime Minister's. And what is that thing? Silence
working, silence in motion. When the seed is completely smashed out, gone
into the earth, disappeared, and then appears multifold, one seed becomes
ten, twenty seeds in a tree or wheat or rice or whatever—whatever
one does agriculture.
‘So this whole phenomenon is really, appears to be in loss and gain,
but it is one phenomenon of profit, success. So success (laughs), success
in business has two aspects to it. First aspect is loss, second aspect
is gain. So when you are going through all these twelve values, you are
traveling through the path of loss, loss, loss, loss. You lose one, you
lose one, you lose one, you lose one, you lose one. And every time you
gain, you gain something, you gain something.
‘So when you have done all, and these twelve are just the specimen
of all, supposing—twelve, twelve, twelve, and back twelve, and back
twelve. So this loss and gain both together constitute business. And in
the business of Raam there are two values—killing of the enemy and
promotion of supportive friends, creation of supportive friends.
‘So what is this? It's only a matter of vision—the whole conclusion.
Now the conclusion is that the whole creation, the whole creative process
is a concept, a vision, a concept, a vision. And where is this concept
spoken aloud in the language? That is the language which is expansion
of"Aaaaaaa"—"Aaaaaa" first syllable of Ved.
The whole flow of Ved is the expression of "Aaaaaaa".
‘And what is this? "Aaaaaaaa" elongated. "A"
is made of A, A, A, A, A, A , A, A, A, A, A, A, A. So "A" on
its own is the flow of Totality, till it comes down to "Maaa",
"Ak", "Ak", "Ka", "Ka". "Ka"
is a point. "A" is infinity. "Ka" is a point.
‘This whole structure is what we know to be Prakriti of "A",
nature of "A". What is the nature of "A"? Fluctuation
from infinity to point, from point to infinity. From point to infinity,
infinity to point, from point to infinity, infinity to point. Infinity
hangs on the point; the point hangs on infinity. So there is non-dual
infinity, that is "Aaaaa". What is "A"? "A"
is the flow of Atma. So Atma flows. Or Atma, flowing in "A",
is Veda flowing, knowledge flowing. And knowledge flowing means from infinity
to point. There is nothing unknown flowing. And this is the knowledge
known to the knower itself.
‘There in "A", knower, knowing, and known—all the
three values—are in oneness. So it's the oneness that appears to
be flowing, and flowing in both directions—opposite directions—forward,
backward, forward, backward. These [are] all the drama of knowledge. It's
only a matter of viewpoint!
'All the eight Prakritis separating out from the ninth Prakriti. "A"
is the expression of the ninth Prakriti dividing itself into eight-divided
Prakriti. So ninth Prakriti is self-contained Prakriti. This self-contained
Prakriti has an expression in the Vedic language: "Thou art the tenth"—"Dashamas
Twam Asi". It has nothing to do with nine; it is the tenth. "That
thou art." So . . . always tenth, tenth, tenth, tenth, tenth.
‘Tenth is one, zero. And one zero has emerged from where? One has
emerged from zero. I'm going through the nine Prakritis. Then one is alternated.
First was zero, and then one. And in the tenth, first is one, and zero
is tenth. So it's just a drama of one—a drama of zero becoming one,
and one becoming zero.
it's the play of zero. Zero becomes one, one becomes zero, zero becomes
one, one becomes zero. And between zero and one, there is one and zero—tenth.
Thou art the tenth. And whole knowledge is in those nine values. And the
whole knowledge is divided values of nine into one, two three, four, five,
eight—into eight.
‘So the whole thing mental—and anything that is mental and
divided and understood in this way is instrumentally brought about by
another agency called intellect. Intellect is decisive. So one is abstractly
wild, the other is the controller of the wild; controller of the mental
activity is intellect. What is in-tell-ect? Self-referral . . . ego is
the finer values. . . . And how do we know intellect? We know intellect
again as the arrow going out and coming back to its place—the money
being out in the market, gone in the mud, but it's coming out manifold.
‘That is how the ten values are spread up, and they spread up in
the language of the Veda. This is the language of the Veda. And what is
the language of the Veda? The whole body, the whole physiology. Fifteen
years ago, our Raja Raam of this generation declared specifically total
thing—seems to be total thing—but it's a total loss on its
own level. It's a total loss on its own level. It's nothing. And this
nothing is divided into ten Mandalas.
‘When you have gone through one way shooting the arrow, and then
in these three, four, five days, whenever you finish it, and then we'll
have return journey from there. So, not only in the outer direction is
the administration, but the outer administration is an echo of the inner
administration. Something is going inside; something is going inside—Atma—something
going "A" and becoming "Ma", something becoming "Ma"
and something becoming "A".
‘So this is self-referral language. This is in the Sanskrit terminology:
Nitya Apaurusheya Veda. No one has made Veda. Veda is a self-made something.
And that something has two values. It's nothing, qualified nothing; and
nothing, unqualified nothing. Qualified nothing—Sagun Brahm. Non-qualified
nothing—Nirgun Brahm.
‘There is one side of it, on the increasing side, bigger and bigger
and bigger. On the other side, smaller and smaller and smaller. "A"
becoming smaller and smaller and becoming "Ma". "Ma",
bigger and bigger and bigger, becoming "A". So bigger and bigger
and bigger, "A", is in the upward direction, supposing, and
we keep Atma in the middle. So Atma, upper side, has two values: qualified
by many and qualified by nothing, just like that. And all that is "Aaaaa".
And downwards expanding—Veda. And Veda, into nine Prakritis, expressed
in the very first Richa of Rik Veda. And then the eight spread out values
of Rishi Devata, and Chhandas, and then all the eight values. And each
of the eight values horizontally, and each—eight into eight—because
eight inside. Each of it has a memory of the other inside, inside, inside.
So eighty-four. Eight into eight, eighty-four horizontally. And the same
vertically. And this is the structure of the Veda.
‘In the very first Richa, in the very first Richa there are these
eight, eight, eight—twenty-four letters. And each letter is eight
times further elaborated. That’s how it makes one-ninety-two. We
have heard from Dr Hagelin how many times one-ninety-two, one-ninety-two,
‘From where they come? They come from the specific number system
coming into play to describe the reality. And this is the self-referral
commentary of the Veda in terms of Rishi, Devata, Chhand. Eight values
of Rishi, eight values of Devata, eight values of Chhand—twenty-four
values. And each of these values—eight times in the very front eight
'So the whole thing, the whole thing has been has been expressed by our
Raja Raam in terms of concrete language of today's scientific age. His
book, his research record, will be understood by us when we have gone
one way and twelve. We are completing the twelve values, eight, nine,
ten, twelve—two, three, four days—whatever it takes for us
one way, and then the return way. And then we will see his book very specifically.
‘What is his book of research? His book of research is commentary
of Veda, commentary of the ultimate reality. He brings out all the modern
terms of all those values of the brain, this brain, this brain, this brain,
and all this atom and molecules and vibrations and all. The whole thing
is there. That will be the book which will give us a total . . . curriculum
of the university. All our students will move, their intelligence will
move, from infinity to point, from point to infinity, all in terms of
eight, eight, eight, eight, and the whole of the Veda. . . .
‘You are starting medical colleges everywhere in the world. Your
health system is going to be the masterpiece health system. First thing:
it will not have any side effects like that that. It will not be any kind
of poison inside. For that much quality of that knowledge is enough, but
it is something more that that. It's not only unharmful, but it is healthful
for education. And that knowledge—it's healthful to life means it
should open infinity of life to everyone. And that infinity of life to
everyone is the climax of knowledge about life. That is Ayur Veda. . .
‘Focus your point on all these eight values. Twelve values are very
beautifully being expressed—all these twelve values—by our
modern speaker. He speaks modern language, and brings to you the vision
of the transcendental reality. So when you have done that expansion, then
will be the time to look into the Raja's expression fifteen, twenty years
ago, so there is no mirage about it. That as the administrative body of
silent value of Raja Raam, you'll be displaying very thoroughly, both
from maximum to minimum, from minimum to maximum, minimum to maximum,
maximum to minimum.
‘This will give you the lordship of sovereignty over life. That
will be your administration on the level of silence—silence. So
finish your absolute focus in these three, four, five days. This ceremony
towards the end we have, we are facing a celebration day that we will
honour in the name of Guru Dev* and rejoice that thing. And we'll continue
on exploring all those, whatever three, four, five aspects out of the
twelve aspects remain. And then, then we will revert back. For revert
back, we'll go from expression to expression from the printed book of
Raja Raam, which says very specifically what Raja Raam-ji says is the
expression of the Veda.
‘So when you'll be opening colleges in your areas, the first thing
will be: get yourself examined by Veda. What Veda? Rik Veda. This physiological
value will give you examination of your perfect language of Rik Veda.
This area of physiology gives you the knowledge of the Sama Veda, Yajur
Veda, Krishna Yajur Veda, Shukla Yajur Veda. Very specifically Raja Raam-ji
has indicated this is the area.
‘So, now what you will be? Now what your medical colleges will be?
They will be the teachers of Veda. Anyone comes, come in this room where
your physiology will be analyzed by Rik Veda. Having done those areas,
analysis from Rik Veda, the result will be there is something to be tested
by Sama Veda also. Now get yourself tested by Sama Veda. Get yourself
tested by Yajur Veda. Get yourself tested by Atharva Veda.
‘This is actually scientific, rigorously scientific procedure of
testing the body, where the tester who is testing is absolutely objective.
There is no subjectivity in it. Subjectivity itself is objectivity there.
So that is the tester who is completely impartial. He cannot make mistakes.
Present the examination, whatever it may be, whether through the pulse
or through any means of blood test or whatever test, whatever test.
machines may fail, but the standard pronunciation about the condition
in terms of the language, Sama Veda, will always remain that, because
it's completely impartial. The language of the Veda is the language of
its own make. Veda is its own language. That means Rik Veda has its own
self-referral authority. Sama Veda has its own self-referral authority.
‘So all means of testing have their possibility of mistakes. But
when the Rik Veda tests you, you are completely sure that is the final
authority. That much, that much functioning has become less in your physiology.
And Raja Raam's research has been: how this membrane here reverberates,
that is the reverberation of Rik Veda; how this reverberation, which is
the reverberation of Sama Veda, what it says about that, whether it's
functioning properly according to that or not.
‘So this body to be tested by the Veda and that is your eternal
diagnostic instrument of your college. Veda will test the body. Rik Veda
will test so many things; Sama Veda will test so many things; Yajur Veda
will test so many things. Now the test within test: not only Veda will
say one thing, but it will say its ingredient also—internal. They
will be Vedangas. Not only Vedangas, but inside of it—Upangas. Not
only Upangas—the fourth level of testing—Upaveda, Upaveda.
The fifth level of testing—Ayur Veda, Ayur Veda.
‘This is your perfect diagnostic instrument available within the
different layers of physiology. What is an atom? That part of it—some
part—is called "atom"; some part is called this. But that
is the supremely self-sufficient diagnostic procedure which is available
in the structure of the physiology. This is the contribution of Raja Raam—research.
All Raja Raam research, all Raja Raam research and that has been so beautifully,
completely cognized by the cognizer of everything which self-cognizes
by our Raja of Invincible America, Invincible America.
‘It's such a joyful, it's such a joyful, it's a blissful field of
knowledge. Knowledge is bliss. It's so absorbing; it's so absorbing; it's
so absorbing that it shows gain in loss. And that is practically available
in the market of the world, in the diversity of the world.
‘And without its hanging on to its source, the whole thing is loose.
And that is why we find when the source was not available to human awareness,
human awareness was tossed about from indefiniteness to indefiniteness
And tossing about from one indefinite to other indefinite, it was tired,
it was suffering, it was inadequate, it was useless to itself.
‘So, within another few days after you have completed your twelve
values, and then you'll get into the return journey. Just that example:
that some Rishi offered to Raja Raam that your house of arrows will never
remain empty. Arrow will go, hit the target, and come back to you like
that, like that. Just in this anecdote, the Total Knowledge is inherent.
And in the Total Knowledge, total organizing power is inherent. When one
opens the Total Knowledge, then opens to organizing power, there is science
and technology both together, both together, both together.
‘So that is the area you are getting onto next week or next week
or next week, whatever. Completely in it—nothing is important for
you than floating on this field back and forth and back and forth. And
everything will be so clear; everything will be so clear. That journey
is automatic. And all the philosophies of the world will [be] practical
values of your own intelligence.
‘It's very, very fortunate that there is a book of reference. And
that is the book of reference in the modern language in English, in the
textbook of the research record of Raja Raam-ji is printed in the Sanskrit
language, in the language—eternal language—of Mother Nature.
Then you'll be the shining star of Total Knowledge, and then you'll be
the sunshine for all the levels of different shades, different darknesses.
And very fortunate we are in this generation that we have this kind of
total disclosure of total reality, the will of God or Constitution of
the Universe or whatever we call it—different names. All those different
names will be a reality of our own self-referral being.
‘And we have Dr Hagelin with us and the voice of Raja Raam. Raja
Raam enjoys in his, in his completeness of two different values—spending
and gaining a lot. And we have a true speaker of that language in our
midst in the voice of America, and all that, all that. We are on a very
good position today, and that is why we keep going back to the Puja**
of Guru Dev, Puja of Guru Dev. And tomorrow Puja will be one more Puja,
which has started its value in Brahm today, like that, like that, like
‘Dr Hagelin and Prime Minister, express in a few moments the whole
field of knowledge that is awaiting all our Rajas and all our Ministers,
and they are capable of giving concrete expression to their own reality,
to their own self-referral value. This is the value from where the in-going
language returns from there. It's inspeakable, its transcendental, but
that is all that is the reality. Such beautiful field tonight is giving
to that day tomorrow when our time will go in a state of complete unison
with the blessing of Guru Dev.
‘So we are looking forward to tomorrow, but let's enjoy a few words.
I was very moved by the grace of knowledge that were picked up and expressed
by our Kuber-ji, by our Minister of Treasury of Raja Raam-ji. That’s
why I just couldn't contain myself—everything bubbled out by itself!
And then I remembered fifteen years ago that that is in print, but that
print, we will go through that. But let's begin to enjoy its flavour even
from tonight.
‘And what is the time now? It's the time about welcoming that time
which will be absolutely bubbling through the total expressions of its
value. So Dr Hagelin, bless the assembly, and, Prime Minister, bless the
assembly. We have heard beautiful, beautiful remarks of Dr Feldman from
the treasury of Raja Raam, and then let’s have a few words from
the different language. Reality is the same, but different language. Let's
enjoy in the waves of reality through these three levels: level of economy,
level of knowledge, level of Totality from the Prime Minister. Jai Guru
*The revered Master of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global
Country of World Peace, is Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati,
Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas.
ceremony of thanksgiving to the Vedic Tradition of Total Knowledge