Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

21 September 2005 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks

Maharishi: Jai Guru Dev. Dr Hagelin, the foremost quantum physicist of this generation, the pride of the world, has declared that the government of competence is our Peace Government. I want to enjoy the pride of it. Our Peace Government does not depend upon the people. It depends upon us, and “us” means those who are knowledgeable about the supreme Constitution of the Universe.

‘The Constitution of the Universe is the constitution of our government. The Constitution of the Universe, the government of the universe, does not depend [laughter] upon whether the galaxies want that constitution or not. They have to abide by the laws which govern them. So when Dr Hagelin says “rule by the competent”, that is our ruling authority.

‘We are going to create in our family of nations that supreme science of administration, that supreme authority of administration, which is invincible. It is not a government which invites the people to, “Kindly vote for me so I can administer your life.” That is a kind of mockery of administration. Whenever there is a man-made constitution, that is a mockery of constitution.

‘The world has seen repeatedly throughout centuries of life on earth that any madman may go wild and create a thunderstorm around him. Everyone is afraid of him because he can push everyone down, he can punish everyone. That kind of administration, dependent on the followers, is not our administration.

‘There was a time, some time back, when I thought you must appeal to the government, “You are a government, make this law, and introduce this thing in education and this thing in health care and this thing in agriculture and this thing in defence, and you will be better off.” But we knew the whole speech was falling on deaf ears. I wasted decades of my time talking to the people, asking that they should please do it for their own sake, and they will be better off. Do it and do it and do it.

‘Now is the time I have realised the full potential of my leadership. I do not have to ask anyone to do this, to do this, to do this. I am creating an atmosphere—I am creating that quality of world consciousness now—where no one will be able to be out of this global network of effectiveness. This generation and all coming generations will be in the warmth of that sunshine where no one will have to face any patches of darkness in his life.

‘We are establishing, that almighty system of administration where everyone, even if he is destined to suffer, will simply plunge out of suffering without knowing. This will be exactly in the same way as the people have been doing all kinds of inadequacies in darkness, and the moment the light comes, it is finished—controversy finished. All the wisdom of the people [laughter] talking to each other in darkness, and suffering, and allowing everyone to suffer, and even causing everyone to suffer—all that—simply disappears with the onset of light.

‘Now we are bringing that onset of light. We have inaugurated that beautiful time—Heaven on Earth—on the last Guru Purnima day. Since then, we feel we are creating that rule of invincible law where for every small, small government, isolated in space and time—every government—will breathe life under the protection of the umbrella of the Global Country of World Peace. It is an influence of invincibility that will naturally dawn in our world consciousness.’ . . .

‘The light of sun, the light of life, the light of knowledge is dawning in world consciousness through our administration, which has come in power and now is proceeding on to dissolve all the dark nights of the dark ages. We have the authority. We are aware of it every day. And we are making that day come soon when the world will be protected from all this ugliness that is still continuing.

‘It is not my time now to ask every government to do this, do this, do this. I am not going to waste my time asking governments. We know they are not competent to make any meaning of what I tell them. It is like when a man has dark glasses on his eyes, how ever much you want to tell him to see this, see this, he says, “Yes, yes, I see black. I see black. I see black.” Great wisdom! This has been the fate of the world press also. Whenever something dirty happens somewhere, they say, “Oh, yes”.

‘Dr Hagelin said that shameful patriotism is going to be transformed into glorious globalization—global expansion, globalization of the institution of administration—the performance of the almighty Natural Law, the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, the bundle of knowledge, personified knowledge in the awareness of human beings. It is a very good message that Dr Hagelin has brought out. He has realised what a great pity the situation is in the field of world politics, in the field of world economy, in the field of anything that is worldwide or anything that is nationwide. But it does not matter.

‘Almighty is almighty—almighty is almighty. Only, the Almighty has to work through some. Now the Almighty has found a medium through which to work, and we are a good medium for the Almighty to work through. We have that Light of God radiating from us, and are taking all patches of ignorance, whatever remain, more and more out of existence.

‘Just watch and see what is today, and what is going to be tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. Tomorrow will be every today for us. There is truth in the saying, “Tomorrow never comes.” But our tomorrow is today. We are the radiators of the Light of God. We understand every human being, whether he knows it or not.

‘How many scientists are there in the world who, like Dr John Hagelin, know the self-referral dynamics of the Unified Field? How many know? How many know only the mathematics of it? How many scientists know that the self-referral dynamics of the Unified Field is the operator himself? That is the operator, that is the creator, and that is the creation in himself. Objective science has still to realise this. That will be realised when more and more of the reality of it comes to be a living reality in the life of the people. That is going to be soon—very soon.

‘What are we? We are radiating ourselves, more and more in time, more and more in space—everywhere. Our global existence will purify the global administration of the past dark ages. Some mosquitoes remain, and now they will have their way out anyway.

‘It is very good now that so much real, practical confidence has arisen in us that we are not anymore on a trial basis—no trial. We are not trying. We are coming on the world horizon as the sun comes after each deep darkness of night. Do not worry about the night. Enjoy the light that is dawning day by day and day by day and day by day.

‘We are going ahead with enough force, and the world is going to be our dear world, our dear family. All are going to come out of all the age-old suffering that they had for whatever good reason.

‘Dr Hagelin, your words are so precious for the life of the people. Week after week, you are reminding them, and week after week, I begin to feel more [laughter] to be in silence, and not waste lungs on those who have not the fortune to hear or do what they hear. The world is full of ignorance. What is going to come out is the rise of the administration of pure knowledge, Total Knowledge, the Unified Field—the Self-rule. The Self-rule is not going to come out of votes.

‘So let the world press continue to report better and better life in the world. Soon, better and better will become more natural and more natural. Otherwise, there is, as Dr Hagelin very sweetly but very openly, very simply, remarked, “a false patriotism”—a very wrong kind of patriotism. But it does not matter.

Let the people believe or not believe. They are going to enjoy the sunshine that is coming forth now from what we are radiating more and more from our level—that is all. Day by day, day by day as the sun rises, every moment of the rising sun is rising life on earth, is the ending of the darkness. Like that, every breath of ours is the breath of the Light of God.

‘Announce this to the world. It is not giving hope to mankind. It is giving life to mankind, not hope—not hope of the next five minutes or the next five days or the next five years. People are saying [laughter] in little, little talks, “In 2050, my country will have this and this and this” [laughter]. It is such a laughingstock. Some press release went out, “In 2020, my people will be out of poverty.” Someone said, “We can hope in 2010 or some say 2030.” All this is gambling with the destiny of mankind.

‘But all this we enjoy, because the real reality is that the world consciousness is being purified day by day by more and more experts in radiating the Light of God, the light of total Natural Law—more and more and more and more and more and more. We invite the world to live more and more in the reality of its potential.

‘So give them this message and call your friends to tell the people that soon all their cries will be over, that inadequacies will be over. All the governments of today, either will fall in the sunshine and then begin to play their cosmic role, or they will vacate and other people will come and take over. This is going to be soon, all over, in every case, in every government.


Question: The Nature of the Ultimate Reality of Life

Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi, for that extraordinary introduction, which was so enjoyable and engaging, as well as filled with wisdom and great hope—not hope just based upon wishful thinking. Maharishi is talking about a palpable, proven effect of peace and an enlivenment of Natural Law on a physical level—a physical influence of peace—from the source of all life, enlivening peace within the field of peace to pervade civilization and uplift life to be in accord with Natural Law. Maharishi is seeing a transformed world on the basis of what is actually happening today, as well as the 650 published scientific studies that show and prove the efficacy and capability of these programmes to transform individual life and the life of entire countries.

‘Maharishi, there is a deep question based on something said in the press conference last week: Maharishi often uses the terms “emptiness”, “hollowness”, “nothingness”, or “a big zero” to describe the ultimate, unmanifest reality of life. But to be honest, Maharishi, these descriptions do not inspire feelings of happiness in my heart. To me, these descriptions suggest that life is hollow and empty at its core. Where is the bliss in life located when the ultimate reality is a field of nothingness—a big zero? Could Maharishi please clarify my understanding and help me feel better about the ultimate reality of life?’ 

The ultimate reality of life is the whole of life. And you cannot imagine what the whole of life is when you are stuck up in a grain of life—a part of life—in the thorny little, little holes of life. That which is wholeness is bliss—what you want. Bliss is not isolated in space and time. Bliss is universally available to everyone in every space and time. That is bliss.

‘What you know to be bliss is that someone is smiling at you—“Ah, bliss. There is concrete bliss.” But that little bliss [laughter] is a small kind of nothing. It is not bliss. What you know to be bliss is some little sweet sugar or, if you like, some grain of salt or something sweet, but this is not bliss.

‘You compare bliss with your standard of bliss—that for which you are searching. You are searching for bliss in the drops of rain. What is bliss? The ocean of innumerable drops—that is bliss, not a drop of bliss. You are searching and you are calling bliss what you can see, some nice thing; what you can hear, some nice melody; what you can touch, some nice thing. These are isolated values of bliss—very fragmented—very, very, very fragmented fields. We do not call it bliss, no. This is sensory sensation—through the senses—very isolated.

‘If you are a meditator, and if you have experienced what inner self-referral consciousness is, you would know what bliss means. These isolated things, which you call bliss and which you call happiness, are misnomers of happiness. Life is taken up by these little, little, little, little waves of—not temporary bliss [laughter]—but feeling temporary phases of happiness. It is a different world. You have to practice Transcendental Meditation, and with regular practice you will see that which is, in one phrase, “emptiness, nothingness, hollowness, unmanifest” is the totality of everything. It is Atma, Brahm. That is my Self; that is bliss. That is bliss.

‘The time is coming in my reign, in the reign of the Global Country of World Peace now the time is coming, where the whole atmosphere of life will be in the waves of bliss. Life will be an ocean of bliss. It is going to be very soon now. It is going to be soon now.’


Question: Principle of Amending the World from the Level of Peace

Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi, for that beautiful answer. I am wondering if time might allow for one more question. There is point of knowledge based on Maharishi’s beautiful talk last week. Last week, Maharishi stated very simply, “I am amending the world from the level of peace.” Maharishi said that soon, only Peace Governments will administer nations, not destructive governments. Would Maharishi please explain the principle of amending the world from the level of peace?’ 

Maharishi: It is just bringing light in the darkness where people have been struggling for everything. Now the sun will shine, and darkness will not be felt—just that example—simple. Darkness and light, that is all—light and darkness.’  




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