Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

14 September 2005 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks

Maharishi: Jai Guru Dev. Ask the press if there are questions; it will be a delight to answer them. Dr Hagelin’s introductory talk has answered all possible questions, but in case there is something, the world press is welcome to ask.’


Question: Scientific Research and the Organic Food Market


Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi. Yes, there are some very interesting questions from the press today. A new government study just released by the Centre for Disease Control in the United States shows that switching to organic foods provides children with “dramatic and immediate” protection from toxic pesticides. The scientists tested elementary schoolchildren for fifteen days. Children ate conventional foods for ten of the days and ate organic foods for five days. During those five days, researchers saw commonly used agricultural toxins, which are associated with nerve damage in children, completely disappeared. In contrast, pesticide levels increased five-fold in the children as soon as conventional foods were reintroduced to their diet. The study concludes, “An organic diet provides a dramatic and immediate protective effect against exposure to pesticides that are commonly used in agricultural production.”

‘I have this question for Maharishi: If this scientific study has the impact on society that it should, there could be a huge shift towards organic food consumption in the USA and the world, perhaps starting with the schools. There could also be a corresponding explosion in the organic food market worldwide. I understand you plan to use profits from the sale of Vedic Organic foods to fund your peace and Global Reconstruction programmes. Shouldn’t this news create excitement and confidence and help bring the financial backing of the large investment houses needed for such a massive agricultural project?’ 

Maharishi: Now let me answer the wise questioner who is making the question. Let me tell him that this question comes from the extreme end of stupidity of the government. Does it need scientific experimentation to see what happens to a man when you give him poison? Is the effect of poison-giving to be declared by scientists as an experiment and scientific research? The whole thing belongs to the same stupidity to which the present governmental policies belong.

‘What a shame that a known poison has to be tested in the laboratory, and once it is tested in the laboratory, governments have been allowed to give it out. Does such a thing require a test tube experiment for the people to believe that poison is not that? The whole thing is as stupid as the permission from the government to grow these poisonous foods.

‘This is not science; this is an abuse of science. Dr Hagelin, you comment on my words, “This is abuse of science.” It is abuse of power when the government assumes that it has the power to give poison to the people, when it is known to be a poison and has been proven in the test tube. This whole thing is a wrong play on the word “science.” . . .

‘The questioner takes me to the subject of economy. I do not need money; I do not need economy; I do not need to give poison to the people to earn money to establish world peace. It is a wrong interpretation.

‘This has thrown a blemish, a black spot, on the whole field of science. Science is made a mockery by this act of the government of USA. Government is making a mockery of science. I dismiss it as the stupidity of whatever government—even if it is a most powerful government.

‘Tell the questioner I am not collecting money. I am saving the governments. I am saving the people of the world. I am saving life on earth. Now I want to inform the world press that my Peace Government is functioning, and it will not be more than six months until the governments will see many governments falling—all the governments falling—because no government is wise enough to give shelter and to take on a parental role for its people.’

Question: Function of Government When People are Self-Governing


Dr Hagelin: ‘There is another question, Maharishi, on the role of the Peace Government in the world. Maharishi has said the Transcendental Meditation Programme gives the experience of the Constitution of the Universe within the Self of everyone, and that such an experience, over time, makes a person self-governing. What will become the function of government in a nation where everyone is self-governing?’

Maharishi: ‘A real, practical, parental role will be the action of every government—the parental role for the people.’ . . .

‘Every government is going to quietly change within the coming months when, due to our Peace Government’s programmes of Transcendental Meditation including the Advanced Techniques of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, world consciousness is going to be rising in intensity of coherence and harmony. All the negative things—theft and bribery and huge nonsense—are going to disappear, in the same way as the darkness disappears with the dawn of the sun. It is going to happen within these few coming months now. That is all that I can say.’ . . .

‘I am amending the world from the level of peace. What has been the dust and dirt and wasteful efforts in the stages of these wrong years in the past will soon be the history of the past. But let America take a lesson, and every government take a lesson: If they take the responsibility for ruling their people, they have to play a parental role to the people. If they are not able to do it, they should abandon it. Let some other people come in. The time is going to put them out if they do not begin to act according to the call of time. The time is coming for every government to be peaceful, to be parental to their people.’ . . .

‘I am giving a forecast to the world press: Watch and report the rise of pure knowledge in the world, the rise of positivity, harmony, happiness, fulfilment, absence of problems everywhere, and the fall of darkness.’ . . .

‘Vedic India, India of knowledge, India with the knowledge of total Natural Law, with the knowledge of God is capable of creating perfect harmony in the whole of the world. Like that, when the sun rises and comes to be a midday sun, it lights up every corner of the world, and no corner remains in dark. Like that is the situation of India. And that is going to be India now, within a few months. All the wrong is going to disappear; all the right is going to come.’ . . .

‘From India, peace in the world is going to blossom, and it is going to blossom now. India is going to be the radiator of peace, prosperity, happiness and all, irrespective of the people and the government of India. Vedic Pandits are rising to their life. They have been depressed by all these wrong trends of life.

‘I am informing the world press: Watch and see the downfall and disappearance of the destroyers of the world and the rise of harmony, happiness, and a real purposeful administration in the world—the dawn of a new age. The disappearing of the darkness is something that we see happening.’ . . .

‘The is the voice of the Peace Government to the world press today says what you will see, in the coming weeks, in the coming months. I am not saying “the coming years”, because whenever the light is lit, at that time, the light spreads. I am only to gather more candles, and the light will be increasing more and more. Within a few months, completely automatically, the destroyers will get destroyed and a right sense of parental administration will dawn on earth in a natural way. A right sense of life is going to dawn through Dr Hagelin’s Peace Government—a government of real science

Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you. It takes little foresight to confirm that what Maharishi said is true. Governments, based upon destructive policies, are going to see disaster, are going to lose power. It is happening right now.

‘It is time to hitch one’s wagons to a more fortunate train and the rising destiny of humankind, by following the policies and recommendations of Maharishi’s Peace Government in every country in the world to prevent problems and to promote the good fortune, health, and success of every individual in the world.’

Maharishi: ‘People have to be alerted whether they want to have a constitution which would permit a man to destroy the world and still remain a leader of the country. Is it enough that the people don’t like this?’. . .

‘All the unfortunate mistakes of humanly structured constitutions are going to absolutely disappear, in the same way as the darkness disappears with the onset of light. So it does not matter. We always have a respect for our forefathers. But this was a blunder of theirs, that they could not see where is that permanent Constitution which, if followed by the people, will automatically make them follow.

‘Just the words, “As you sow, so shall you reap.” . . . Wrong is always wrong; no one can say it is right. Anyone’s disaster is one’s own making. Nobody makes disasters for anyone else. Within a few months, there will be a fall of so many governments. And there will be rise of all governments. And we will have a beautiful united nations.’ . . .

‘There is a saying that the darkness of the night is deepest towards the dawn. This may be the situation: that enormous destruction has come on human life. Now, see what happens. See what happens.’ . . .

‘We are the best friends of America. We are alerting the American people that if you want to exist tomorrow go the proper way of the structuring dynamics of Natural Law—evolutionary dynamics of Natural Law. Go this way.’ . . .

‘Have Dr Hagelin as the head of the Peace Government, and he will give you peace, prosperity, happiness, and everything.’


Question: The Role of the Rishi of the Veda


Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi. There are some questions on the Vedic principles which are transforming life on earth today.’

Maharishi: ‘It will be a delight to get into. Now we can dive into the cool ocean [laughter]. Yes, raise the points. That is our joy always to dwell on.’

Dr Hagelin: ‘This question, Maharishi, has to do with the significance of the name of the Rishi, such as Madhuchhandas. Maharishi describes the process of cognition of the Veda as “the Veda knowing itself”. If the Veda alone can know itself, then what happens to the individual Rishi who is cognizing the Veda?’

Maharishi: At the beginning of the Vedic recitation, he was just an innocent seer—just a seer. He did not have anything in mind. He just waited to see what he sees. What he came out to see was the first syllable of the Veda. In that first syllable, when he continued to see, he saw something more stirring up. Deep within, he saw layers of something positive—more and more and more.

‘What happened? In the journey of more and more, he came to a point. He started with infinity, “A”, infinity. Then he came out to investigate into “A”, into “Ma”, point. What he saw was from wholeness to the point, from Totality to the point. From Totality to the point was the journey of his sight. His process of seeing traveled from infinity to its point. So he saw, inside the infinity, the details of it there. And in the end, what he saw was points. What he saw was infinity was made of points. Infinity was made of points.

‘He saw each point in succession—now, this is a matter of joy—each point in succession came out to be a commentary of the previous point. Each following point that he saw was not just anything, nothing; it was a commentary. It was a further elaborated explanation of what the previous point was.

‘There are countless points in the flow of the Veda, starting from one point—starting from Rk Veda, Sama Veda, Yajur Veda—the whole Vedic Literature. He traveled all these stages and saw sequentially evolving values. In each time, he saw a commentary of the previous, a commentary of the previous, a commentary of the previous. Then it came out to be a point. And within the point, what he saw was a big, absolute zero—nothingness. “Nothingness” means unmanifest. He started with the unmanifest Totality “A” and ended with a point which had within it the same infinity “A” in the unmanifest state.

‘What Madhuchhandas saw was manifest infinity to unmanifest infinity. What he remained within was infinity. One value of infinity was unboundedness; the other value of infinity was point. The cognition of Madhuchhandas came out to be the cognition of Totality—infinity and point.

‘Infinity and point, there is a lively connection and there is the flow, the sense of flow. We say “the sense of flow” because it is a flow, but it is the flow within the state of non-flow, like the wave within the ocean. One can imagine a wave starting from here and there, but all these waves are within the ocean.

‘Madhuchhandas’ cognition expressed the Totality comprehended, but in the comprehension of Totality, what was comprehended? Totality of infinity and totality of point. So totality of infinity, totality of point: the relationship with each other was in terms of both values together, infinity and point. That means Total Knowledge together. That is called Veda—Total Knowledge in one glance. That is Veda—Total Knowledge in one glance. That is the Veda.

‘The government that we are establishing in the world is the enlivenment of that Veda—Total Knowledge. Where is that found in the individual? It is found in the individual at the source of thought. Thought is like a wave. The source of thought is like the ocean. Infinity and the point was the cognition of Madhuchhandas, and that came out to be the Totality, Totality, Totality.

‘Now the Totality is not devoid of individuality. It is many, many individualities, and one grand wholeness of infinity. This was Totality in silence and in action—two things—the silent field of knowledge and the action field of the application of knowledge, which is the technology. So Veda is science and technology—same thing.

‘Something more is that which is science and technology together. The relationship of science and technology together creates a scientist and a technologist in one person. Veda is science, total science, and total technology. The creator is a scientist also; he is a technologist also. So the Veda is completely self-sufficient total science and total technology. This is the nature of the Self of everyone.

‘Vedic science and Vedic technology are capable of knowing anything, capable of doing anything. This is the Vedic scientist and the Vedic technologist. That came out to be the vision of Madhuchhandas. He saw the Totality in it. If you have time, you can sit and count from the first letter to the second letter to the third letter and fourth, and their divisions, one way—the Padas and the Richas and the Suktas and the Mandalas and the Vedas and then the four Vedas and the six Vedangas. The whole sequential development of the Vedic Literature is just the expression of different values of Total Knowledge. All that is accumulated in the first syllable of the Veda, “A”.

‘The Veda is total at every step of evolution, and partial also in every step of evolution. It is partial, and it is total. It is partial, and it is total, because each following letter is a commentary of the previous. We say Veda is its own commentary. Veda is its own science; it is its own scientist of the science; it is the technologist of the application of science. This is what we say is the Constitution of the Universe.

‘The Constitution of the Universe is not a principle which has to be adopted by someone to work. The Constitution of the Universe itself is functional in every stage of creation, from point to infinity. We call the whole thing “evolution”—action according to evolution. Evolution of what? Evolution of knowledge—from infinity to point, from point to infinity—contains all values in one and one value in all. That is the Constitution applicable—at the same time suitable and authentic—for everyone singly and every group collectively.

‘This is Vedic science and technology. This is Natural Law’s administration everywhere, no matter where, and not only in human species. It is applicable to animal species, to birds, to insects, to mosquitoes, to monkeys, and elephants—to everything. There are many species—not only the human species—and they all naturally follow the evolutionary trend of life.

‘This is the cognition of the Veda by Rishi Madhuchhandas. This is the cognition that is the innate capability of everyone’s awareness, because everyone’s awareness is as much a feature of his own Atma or Self as it is with the Self of Madhuchhandas or any Rishi or any Devata or any Chhandas. That is why “I am the Totality; I am Brahm; I am everything. I am able to be, and I am able to do, I am able to know”—that is all. It is a state of fulfilment of life. We say “enlightenment”.

‘We are going to establish educational institutions in all these countries very soon—Vedic Universities, Vedic Colleges, Vedic Schools, Vedic Medical Colleges, Vedic Engineering Colleges, Vedic Political Colleges, Vedic Economic Colleges. Everything is going to be Vedic, Vedic, Vedic, Vedic. That is our plan—to start doing it on a very practical level.

‘Total Natural Law cannot be contrived. Make a note of this. Total Natural Law—thought according to total Natural Law, action according to total Natural Law, knowledge of total Natural Law—cannot be contrived. It cannot be imagined, no. It is a spontaneous quality of life; it is a spontaneous reality of life at every stage. That reality of life we want to establish in the world. It is going to be. Now it is a matter of a few days, a few weeks, a few months—that is all—nothing more.’


Question: Human Limitations in Enlightenment


Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi. Maharishi just laid out what he calls the self-elaborating nature of the Constitution of the Universe—the self-elaborating structure of Veda.

‘Maharishi, there are two short questions here. I think they are really asking the same point and are very interesting. They come up from time to time. Perhaps I could read them both and let Maharishi reflect upon the answer to this question.

‘This question stems from a comment Maharishi made last week. Maharishi said last week that the time is coming when the individual will have that properly trained brain physiology which can command the environment, which can command the collective consciousness of the whole nation. My question is this: I think I can understand how thousands of people practising Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying in one place could influence the quality of the whole collective consciousness. But is Maharishi now saying that one individual, with a properly trained brain will be powerful enough to influence—actually command—the whole of national consciousness?

‘The same question in different words is: If everyone and everything is just the expression of the Unified Field, is it possible for just one enlightened person, who can command the Unified Field, to completely transform all the expressions of the Unified Field, including the life of every human being on earth, every animal, every mountain, every galaxy? Or is that power vested only in the domain of God? What are our human limitations in enlightenment?’

Maharishi: No limitation, because God is a state of total consciousness—pure alertness, absolute silence but potentially, absolute dynamism. That is God. That is a state of consciousness; it is a state of consciousness. Human limitation could be from the body.’


Question: On the Intelligence in Point and Infinity


Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you, Maharishi. I think we have time for one last question, also on the subject of deep Vedic principles. Maharishi said last week that the seat of total Natural Law, which administers the universe with perfect order, is located in the self-referral Unified Field where “every point of infinity has multi-directional, circulatory intelligence.” Maharishi, what does it mean for a point of infinity to have multidirectional, circulatory intelligence? And what is the practical significance of that knowledge for a person on the path to enlightenment?’

Maharishi: Just the example of the hollowness of a banyan seed. Where is the whole tree situated in the seed? It is situated in the hollowness of the seed. So it is the hollowness of the seed. Now the question comes: Where in the hollowness of the seed? It is all over in the hollowness. All over in the hollowness means if it is a straight line, it is a straight line horizontal and vertical. All these straight lines become the circular motion, hitting the boundaries of the zero point.

‘When you say “zero” and you draw a line, there is a limitation. This is the seed inside; inside is the hollowness of the seed. Where is this hollowness of the seed? It is all over. It is a circular motion. It is humming within itself.

‘This is what gives us a theory of creation from the unmanifest. There is nothing in the unmanifest except the memory. If it is a mango tree, then humming within the seed of the mango is the memory of leaves of mango, of flowers of mango, branches of mango, fruits of mango—all pertaining to mango. Everything is in the memory, and the memory is all the time moving around as hum within the hollowness of the seed.

‘That which is hollowness, that which is a big zero, that which is a big nothingness, unmanifest, is that where the entire creativity of the universe is humming all the time. That is why the creation comes from where? It comes from the collectedness of all the memory of the previous creation. In Sanskrit, they say “Yatha Purvam Akalpayat”. This is the Vedic version of the origin of creation. Where is the origin of creation? In that hollowness of the seed. That means in the unmanifest field, it is humming. There are Vedic mantras which say it is humming. The word used is “humming”.’ . . .

‘Brahm is humming within itself. How? It is wound up in the three: the witnessing value, the acting value, and the covering value. The covering value keeps it always covered—keeps it completely covered—completely within the unmanifest value. Within the unmanifest, Total Knowledge is there, accumulated. And the dynamic value, which we call Devata—the promoter or the administrator of dynamism—is there. So silence is there, dynamism is there, and that which maintains the unmanifest value is there. Bound within these three, the Totality is humming all the time.’ . . .

‘This is a very clear indication of how the source of creation, the basis of creation in the unmanifest, is completely wrapped up in its self-referral dynamism—completely wrapped up. That is what the physical sciences have discovered to be that zero-point motion and all that Dr Hagelin describes. He can explain how the creation comes from the memory of it in this creation.

‘There has been creation after creation—huge universe after universe. They are being created and are expanding all the time. Creation is not a one-time job; it is an all-time thing. It is by nature.

‘It is a great thing. It is a great thing to offer to the world—something that is so grand and so beautiful. So it does not matter, if we get into the mud, we know how to create a lotus in the mud. We are creating lotuses in the mud. We are creating light in the field of darkness. So we have a good profession, creating lotuses from the mud. Just as other people are enjoying their life doing something, what they like, we enjoy our life creating lotuses from the mud, and that is all [laughter].

‘So invite your friend to spread the fragrance of the lotus [laughter]. I think it is interesting to talk to the press. In just a few weeks, just a few months, the press will have nothing wrong to report. That will be the time of the Light of God, where everything will be glorious.’





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