Victory Day
21 October 2007
the first part of the grand, global celebration of Victory Day, the auspicious
Vijaya Dashami Day in the Vedic Calendar, His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, inaugurated the ten-day
Coronation ceremony of six new administrators, Rajas, of the Global Country
of World Peace. Maharishi gave the following address in the morning's
inaugural session.
Maharishi: ‘In what connection all this is
being studied to create an ideal administration, to create an ideal administration.
. . . Our Prime Minister has kindly translated the first, we could say,
the first out of the ten, coronation ceremonies that were held with Raam.
“Raam Brahm Paramarath Rupa.” We have with us the Rajas who
have started to be crowned from the Puja* to Guru Dev** on the Vijaya
Dashami Day and followed by the Puja, with Puja we got the total blessings.
'And total blessings for the Coronation of our Rajas—a fortunate
thing for us. This is the one thing whereby we are going to establish
“Raam Raj Dukh Kahu Na Vyapa”—let suffering belong to
no one. We have the ceremony of Coronation for the Rajas here [in MERU,
Holland], in America, and Vedic Pandits are chanting from India. So the
whole ceremony is going around the globe.
'Very fortunate to have this on the first day—Vijaya Dashami—Coronation
of Raja Raam. This is how we are going to establish a very solid foundation,
not only the foundation, but the working of the administration of Natural
Law, which involves the whole of the Constitution of the Universe—whole
of the Veda. We are very fortunate to have had this day Puja to Guru Dev
and with the blessings from him we are coronating Rajas. And we would
continue the ceremony for ten days.
'Dr Feldman (Minister of Finance and Planning of the Global Country of
World Peace), brief everyone, introduce all the Rajas who are being coronated
and will continue the ceremony for ten days. It is a very fortunate time
for us, time for Raam Raj. Times have changed. Kali Yuga departed, Sat
Yuga stepping in. And all the Rajas are there from so much in the past.
'And today's coronation ceremony we are very fortunate to witness, and
have the introduction of the Rajas. And all the Rajas are here full of
blessings for the new Coronation for the new Rajas, welcoming them to
complete, so to say, the galaxies of administrators of the world on the
basis of the most ideal administration of Raja Raam.
'Our ceremony is blessed by the presence of the greatest scientist of
today who has assumed the role of administration of the Constitution of
the Universe—the Veda. Veda is what has expressed itself in different
species, and ultimately the supreme quality of mankind. Just a few people
in every country, from this Vijaya Dashami Day, a few people in every
country, hundred, two hundred, five hundred, one thousand, two thousand,
depending on the population. A few countries acting on themselves—Self-referral
rule. It is Self-referral rule. It is a Self-referral rule being established
by the Vedic hymns.
'All the Rajas are here. They are all full of light of the reign of Raam,
which is spontaneous, because Raam being Brahm, it is omnipresent—present
everywhere. So the Kingdom of Raam is a spontaneous phenomenon of perfect
order. We have been desiring for this day in life, and we feel we are
blessed. Great blessings from Guru Dev.
'And Dr Feldman, bring the blessings of our first ruler of the Age of
Enlightenment—Maharaja Ahiraj Raja Raam. And bring his blessings
to all the Rajas and the forthcoming Rajas who are being coronated today.
Great blessings of Guru Dev. Pandits from India are thrilling the atmosphere
of the globe with those supremely endowed with the natural ruling power
in the world. We are sending forth today and from the past so many years,
all the Rajas [who] are reigning in their territories with their most
natural, perfect, supreme order where suffering belongs to no one.
'Very soon, very soon, the history of the world will be different. We
are blessed for this occasion. And the Finance Minister, the great Planning
and Finance Minister will beautifully plan for the perpetual rays of silence,
peace, integrated national consciousness in every country—the reign
of Raam.'
were also given by Dr Benjamin Feldman and other leaders of the Global
Country of World Peace.
the second session of the grand, global celebration of Vijaya Dashami,
the auspicious Victory Day in the Vedic Calendar, Maharishi described
the profound significance of the ten-day Coronation ceremony of six new
Rajas of the Global Country of World Peace beginning on this day.
The entire ten-day Coronation ceremony was broadcast live on the Maharishi
Channel beginning Sunday 21 October. Following is Maharishi's address
from the second session on Victory Day:
Maharishi: ‘It is a very fulfilling day, very
fortunate day. A most fulfilling day, most fortunate day for us, to have
gotten this opportunity to offer ourselves to the lotus feet of Guru Dev**.
We have done Puja* on Vijaya Dashami today, the Day of Victory. We feel
fulfilled. Today's Puja has opened for us the door of Heaven on earth.
We have been administering the world for the last few years under the
spell of the Constitution of the Universe, Veda, the Will of God.
Will of God is with us in the script of the Veda. Veda is inscribed in
Atma. “A” is the first syllable of Atma, and the same “A”
is the first syllable of Veda. The whole Veda is concentratedly lively
in “A”, which is the expression of Atma. Everyone's Atma is
lively in Total Knowledge, the Veda. And the Total Knowledge has infinite
organizing power in it—infinite organizing power inherent in the
first syllable of Veda, “A”, which is the impulse of Atma.
‘Total Knowledge and total organizing power. The characteristic
quality of Total Knowledge is total organizing power. The power of Total
Knowledge is lively in the power of total action. Action is vibrant, dynamic;
knowledge, self-referral silence. And the self-referral value also has
its basis in organizing power. It holds onto itself. It holds onto itself.
It remains in the self-referral state, in the state of Being, and that
Being is directed to itself.
‘Self-referral Being is the steady administrative skill of the universe,
uni-verse, ever-expanding universe. How it is administered? It is administered
by the inward status of the administrator, the Purusha. Fortunately, with
the blessings of Guru Dev, the technique of administration came to us
in the characteristic quality of Purusha—inward. Purusha, inward.
Prakriti, outward, and inward. Outward and inward, they are two opposite
directions of dynamism—outward, inward.
‘Outwardness is opposed to inwardness. Inwardness is opposed to
outwardness. Summation of the two, unity of the two, is that grand principle
of Being. Being balances inward becoming and outward becoming. Becoming
in opposite direction is balanced by Being—Being, self-referral,
and that has been named Purusha. So the rule of Purusha, the rule of Purusha,
that handles the self-referral state of Being and the object-referral
state of becoming, Being and becoming—the balance, the grand balance
between the two, is the secret of diversity governed by unity. Otherwise
diversity will fall apart in all directions. Nothing will remain.
‘But everything remains. Everything remains [in the] outward direction,
outwardly directed; and everything remains inwardly directed at the same
time. Unity centralizes all diversity, and in centralizing all diversity,
it maintains order in the flow of diversity. Otherwise, the outward flow
will make the whole thing null and void. But outward and inward, outward
and inward, outward and inward—two opposite directions—activity
is that most perfect, most balanced state of administration that upholds
infinite diversity of the ever-expanding universe in its steadiness.
‘This is Brahm. Our Guiding Light, Guru Dev, Brahmanand Saraswati.
Saraswati is the steady, non-flowing flow of total intelligence that spontaneously
maintains order in creation. That system of administration is coming back,
and that is the dawn of light, after the long darkness of the night, coming
back. So the administration in all our world family is getting to be from
that most basic level, which is the level of Purusha, containing Prakriti
within itself. Beautiful time for the world is coming. And it's not ''will
come''. It is coming. It has started its value. Our aspiration is to quickly
establish this most natural system of maintaining order in all our countries
in the world.
‘Today is the Vijaya Dashami day, the day of victory, victory of
the sun over the darkness of the night. It's a beautiful, beautiful fortune
of ours that we got today's Vijaya Dashami day to do the Puja to Guru
Dev, and we have done Puja to Guru Dev.
‘And I am with the ruler, the first ruler of the universe, on the
ground of total Natural Law, the state of consciousness, silent rule.
And this is the day, we thought this is best to coronate the Rajas under
training. Very fortunate day for us to have the coronation ceremony performed
under this warmth of the Puja to Guru Dev. And we have done that Puja
to Guru Dev. We are in that atmosphere of total order, total order maintained
by the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, 'A', which is the flow
of Atma, Atma. Aham Atma, I am Atma. Aham Atma, I am Atma. I am Veda—Veda
Aham. And one more ''I am”—I am the extension of the Veda,
which is Vishwa, Vishwa the universe, I am the extension of the Veda.
So Veda Aham, Aham Vishwam, Aham Brahm, Totality.
‘What is this Totality? We have been talking with Purusha. Purusha
is aware of what this Totality is. Totality is infinity and point in togetherness,
togetherness of infinity and point. And where is this togetherness? On
the level of memory—Smriti, Smriti. Infinity has memory of the point
value “Ma”. “A”, infinity, has memory of the point
value, “Ma”. “Ma” is point value. Point of infinity
is “Ma”. So the relationship between the infinity and its
point is a moving relationship. “A”, infinity, moves onto
“Ma” on the Smriti level, on the level of Smriti—on
the level of memory. And “Ma” has memory of “A”,
and “A” has memory of “Ma”. “A” has
memory of “Ma”; “Ma” has memory of its origin,
“A”. “A” infinity, has memory of point “Ma”.
Point 'Ma” has memory of “A”.
‘This circular motion from “A” to “Ma”,
from “Ma” to “A”—this is Atma, Atma, Atma.
. . . Forward in the descending order. . . forward in the ascending order.
So ascending and descending, ascending and descending—going forward,
coming backwards; going forward, coming back. This is Atma, Atma, Atma.
Atma is always movement. Kriya Shakti, power of action, is Atma. Power
of becoming from the state of Being—Being becoming. Being becoming.
‘This is Atma. So Atma is in a circular motion, back and forth.
And going forward, coming back; going forward, coming back. This is Atma.
And it's not one after the other. It's simultaneously back and forth.
The simultaneity is the miracle. . . . Simultaneously it is this and that.
It is the meeting point, junction point. There is neither this direction
nor that direction—directionless, but nevertheless unity of two
opposite directions. Unity of two opposite directions is that state which
is able to handle with perfect accuracy, with perfect order, with perfect
help to both, the minimizing of infinity to point and maximizing of point
to infinity.
‘The whole field of infinity—maximizing from infinity to point;
and minimizing from infinity to point; and maximizing from point to infinity.
The summation of it, unity of it. Here comes a word, unity, a state of
two opposite directions, held up in perfect balance. Being becoming this
way, becoming this way. Being, state of Being, Atma, Atma, Atma. “Aham
Atma”—I am Atma. “Aham Atma. Aham Veda. Aham Vishwam.
Aham Brahm.”
‘So the rule of Brahm, the blessing of Guru Dev is that the rule
is going to be orderly now, because the ruling is going to have that balanced
state of intelligence in itself. The ruling power is a balanced power
now today under the influence of Guru Dev. Otherwise ruling has been a
hodgepodge for centuries. That is the time of Kali Yuga. Four people say
we want this, ten people say we want this. They fight and get the majority.
This is, in simple words, ignorance. And truthfully speaking it is a lack
of knowledge, and one word for lack of knowledge is stupidity. The whole
field of government today and for the last centuries in the past has been
‘Government is meant to govern, and governing is support, growth,
maximizing one's status, that is what governing means. And where there
is conflict and party fighting, the present and the past of the world
has been deleterious as far as the administration is concerned. And now
with the Grace of Guru Dev, Be, you Be, and you Be, and you can become
this way, this way, this way; but always you remain Be while becoming,
always remaining Be while becoming. This most spontaneous value . . .
is now coming to be lived in the life of the people throughout the world.
And that is the reign of Raja Raam.
‘We have Raja Raam with us today. We are performing the ceremony
with the new Rajas in the world. Today is a very fortunate day that we
have this Puja to Guru Dev and we have these blessings of Guru Dev. The
Finance Minister of Raja Raam, Dr Feldman, introduce the Rajas who are
being coronated now. The Coronation ceremony will continue ten days, we
are on this tenth, the miraculous situation—''Thou art the tenth''.
Atma, “Ma” to “A”, “A” to “Ma”,
“Ma” to “A”—the circle, the circle, the
circle. The circle is a big zero. Circle we are tenth; nine Prakritis
unified, ninth Prakriti; eight Prakritis divided. So the whole of the
Veda, whole of the Constitution of the Universe is in terms of eight,
eight, eight, eight, eight. Ak ni mi le pu ro hi tam—eight, this
is Rishi. Yag yas ya de vam rit vi jam—this is Devata eight. Chhandas:
Ho ta ram rat na dha ta mam. Each word is made of two: Ak—Ak ni
mi. . . . So there is a union of the two. And this union is two times
four—the union of four in two.
‘It is such a beautiful, beautiful assemblage of the order—Veda
that maintains order, is always in terms of two, in terms of one: two
in one, two in one—and this two in one is a miraculous, unified
state of governing, administration in silence. Administration in silence,
100, 200 people, maintaining their own Being, and all the millions of
people in society will be under the coherence. And that is the coherent
society that will enjoy perfect order.
‘We are fortunate to have the torchlight in our hand. We are fortunate
that we are the engineers of creating the powerhouse. We create the powerhouse
and light will be enjoyed by all the people. This is the Grace of Guru
Dev, and this is the day we are imbibing ourselves in the light of Guru
Dev. Beautiful forthcoming ten days—Dr Feldman, congratulate all
the participants, the Rajas participating whose coronation starts from
today, and we'll continue for ten days.
‘This is the Vedic Tradition of imparting the rulership in the Rajas.
So we will be doing Puja to Guru Dev and then there will be the Vedic
recital of the Coronation of our ancestry, ancient Rajas—starting
with Raja Raam today, and then ten days there will be recitations of the
Coronation. And this will impart the ruling authority, the advanced state
of Total Knowledge and organizing power lively in all our Rajas, and we
will bask in the sunshine of that radiance—every day Puja and every
day listening to the coronation of our tradition of the past, Vedic Tradition.
All Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.'
* Puja is a Vedic performance of gratitude; Guru Puja, of gratitude to
the spiritual teacher
** Maharishi's Master, Shri Guru Dev, His Divinity Brahmanand Saraswati,
Jagatguru Shankaracharya of Jyotir Math, Himalayas