Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

Maharishi's Address to the First Session
of the World Congress of Rajas

23 November 2007


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Founder of the Global Country of World Peace, gave the following introductory address to the World Congress of Rajas (Administrators) held in MERU, Holland.

Maharishi: ‘Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev. Today’s Puja of Guru Dev [was] with all the administrators of Raja Raamji, with the offering to Guru Dev to give us the ability to administer our world family with the instrumentality of silence, the same pattern of administration that the Constitution of the Universe, the Veda, silently administers.

‘All the Rajas, as the administrators of our world family through the instrumentality of silence, we have all offered ourselves—our thought, speech, and action—at the lotus feet of Guru Dev so that the totality of Natural Law be awake in our consciousness, so that our administering is spontaneously on that perfect level where all the diversity has come to be Unity from the level of Brahm.

‘The most ideal, adorable system of administration is spontaneously and all the time conducted through the innumerable values of creativity on the level of Veda, on the level of Dharma—one’s own duty. So, Guru Dev, give us the light of spontaneous administration in silence so that our world family enjoys affluence, integration, permanent peace, and invincibility.

‘We surrender ourselves to Guru Dev. Please use us. Whatever we are, we are your creation. We are your projection, and we are sure that we will always be successful in administering our scattered world family, as it is today, on a level of unified wholeness. And we are here, with all the creativity of our Maharaja’s Raja Raam’s silence, and we are prepared to be ourselves so that our creativity in silence comes out with maximum simplicity, innocence, integrity, and our world family for all present and all future enjoys the Will of God.

‘Guru Dev, give us your green light, which we will be discussing and deciding during this World Congress of our Rajas. All Glory to Guru Dev. And we offer to Guru Dev, Thy Will be done on earth as in heaven. This aspiration of mankind from times immemorial, now today, we are fortunately under the influence of Guru Dev reviving to be our field of action. Guru Dev, inspire us in this Congress of Rajas. Jai Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.

‘Prime Minister and Kuberji, from the field of Maharaja Raja Raam, welcome the Rajas and start the proceedings. The proceedings will be to prepare ourselves physically in a network of structure, which is contained in the phrase, “Administration through silence”. All Glory to Guru Dev. Jai Guru Dev.’



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