Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

9 November 2005 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks

Maharishi: Jai Guru Dev. Dr Hagelin’s beautiful expressions of truth are timely for the world that is coming out of the field of darkness. I have been listening to him, and what I have noticed in the exhortations of the top scientist of this scientific age, and what everyone should always remember from the words Dr Hagelin said today is, “The time of ignorance is over.” The time of ignorance is over. The time of ignorance is over. This is the voice of the scientific age, which is replacing the age of ignorance—doubts, lack of knowledge, and lack of technology—with life in perfect enlightenment. The days of ignorance are over. . . .

‘We are singing the glory of the Constitution of the Universe, which governs the infinite diversity of the universe with perfect order and is always evolutionary to everyone. The Constitution of the Universe is our ground of play. It is a beautiful time. We do not have to see the downfall of all governments. Dr Hagelin has very clearly indicated, as the voice of the coming age, the voice of perfection in life, that it is not the humanly structured constitutions that will ever be able to satisfy the need of human life, but it will be the divinely inspired, ever the same, uninfluenced by any boundaries of space and time or position, completely self-sufficient on its own Constitution of the Universe, the light of God.

‘It is rising; it is dawning. The dawn of a new, beautiful time for human life is rising as it always should have been. Life has always had the potential of infinite bliss and the potential of infinite order and the potential of coherence.

‘All the international family of nations is now going to be a United Nations. It does not matter that we have the United Nations. Past generations have used the same name, “United Nations”. Future generations will have the United Nations, but now, the United Nations will be meaningful. So far, it has been faulty. We do not have to go into this. We admire the sincere effort of mankind. We admire the sincere efforts of the governments of the world, but they have been basing themselves on a wrong ground—a messy ground. And it must sink into the mud.

‘But the past does not matter. The days of ignorance are over. The brilliance of divine performance controls the destiny of the ever-expanding, galactic, diverse universe. It is such a joy to give this strength to our people, who are in politics, who are in economics. The whole thing is going to be on a right platform.

‘Politics and economics—the whole thing—will be very smooth, automatic, and without any conflicts. There will be such an intensity of coherence in the world that automatically, very soon, this will happen.

‘I do not think it is within the competence of the deeply intense falsehood, which is the fertilizer of every government today, to succeed. No, it will all go out. We hear the great, wise custodians of the constitution of different countries make very wild statements. But their words are like children, who have no support from their parent and are devoid of the support of the parental role. But it does not matter—whatever the situation.

‘India has been through this history. There was a time that was a thousand times more terrible than what the Indians are facing today. There was a huge, powerful Narasimha. When the little boy, the son of India—the Vedic land, the land of enlightenment—was asked, “Where is your Raam (Totality)?” The child said, “Where particularly can I tell you? I will tell you where my Raam is. It is in this pillar; it is in this here, in this here, in this here.” And there appeared, roaring Raam. Narasimha appeared and ate up, did away with, this supremely black point in the history of administration.

‘India has seen all these quiet operations of the divine. All that power is rising, and we are witnessing the dawn of it. We feel it is very safe for everyone. We say, “You do not have to worry.” . . .

‘We are creating that intense collective effect with a patch here and there. We are creating a few patches. Then they will be like the streetlights. For miles, the whole street will be lighted by single, single streetlights here and there at distances.

‘It is not our choice to convince anyone anymore. Everyone will have his own destiny. We will always be very unhappy to see the fall of anyone, but we will be happy to see the rise of reality in that fall, the rise of human destiny, the rise of human command over Natural Law. It is very beautiful. We sit each week after week to enjoy and see if there are any questions here and there. . . .

‘Vedic India is quietly coming up with the internal strength, Daivi Shakti. It does not depend on the vote here or vote there. . . . What will help is the infinite Creative Intelligence within the Atma of everyone. And throughout the world, this programme of creating coherence-creating experts in groups—Yogic Flyers in groups—is quietly going to bring that light which will never allow the darkness to come up anymore. . . .

‘It is our lighting the lamps one by one, one by one, one by one in the country that will take away the ignorance of the people. Then the whole thing will be completely in light. Even historically the record is there. Kali Yuga comes, and Kali Yuga goes. Sat Yuga comes, and all live longer. India knows it.

‘It does not matter what the Indian government is today. Tomorrow, it will change and change and change. India is always going to remain a lighthouse for the world, for each country. Not only India, but also Russia, and all the big countries are in the bubbling state, nothing is steady. No one has the proper line of action—all conflict, conflict, conflict. But it does not matter that there is conflict. It does not matter what the intensity of the patches of darkness is. By lighting the light, the light-maker will create a lighted ground for everyone to enjoy.

‘This wave of sunshine that is rising on the land of the setting sun in the West is a great source of inspiration to us. Somewhere it is working. When it is working, then it is going to work all over.

‘Life is all over, and the character of life is the same all over. The bliss of life, harmony of nations, problem-free administration, automation in administration, perfect education, perfect health system, perfect agriculture, and perfect architecture are the values that are going to put the human race on the top level of authority in the administration of the universe.

‘To summarize: one thing that is necessary is Vastu principles of living. Living the daily routine of taking the individual mind to the cosmic level, transcendental level—becoming familiar with the Constitution of the Universe, with the Veda inside Transcendental Consciousness—is another thing. The melody of the Veda, which removes all kinds of ups and downs, is the third thing. And another thing is higher states of consciousness—rising to higher states of consciousness. . . .

‘Regarding living in Sthapatya Veda, as long as one does not live in houses built by Vedic Architects, one cannot expect to be guided by Natural Law. One simply cannot. It does not matter for what reason. The second point is that as long as one is not raising one’s mind to be in tune with the cosmic mind in Transcendental Consciousness, so long the individual will remain deprived of his potential and will always remain suffering. The third point is that as long as the individual is not eating proper Vedic Organic food grown according to the Vedic theme of growth, so long the food will always remain—now underline this word—poisonous. Whatever you do, if you eat poisonous food, whether you are living in a Vastu house or whether you are practicing TM every day, nothing would matter. What influences one is the poison in the food.

‘So non-poisonous food is one value. A second is to every day, morning and evening, practise the Transcendental Meditation Programme and Yogic Flying, which raises the individual mind to the level of cosmic mind. A third is housing construction according to Vastu Vidya, and fourth is any medicine, any health service, must be Vedic, which means full of knowledge.

‘There is huge uproar against modern medicine, but even then, there are governments that promote it. A huge upsurge of many millions of people reported suffering from modern medicine, but governments are there to promote it. They think there is nothing else to do but promote modern medicine. This kind of deceptive, authoritative behaviour on the government’s part is going to quietly eat up the reality of governments.

‘As has been very beautifully described, our education promotes total brain functioning and gives proof of it through brain function measurement. All these things, which we are teaching, have been proven to be right things, replacing all those that are poisonous to life for all time.

‘These four, five points are going to be practised by the people only when the collective atmosphere of the world is harmonious, coherent, and integrated. We are going to create that through our groups of Yogic Flyers everywhere.

‘We are predicting that the time to enjoy is not very far away. The dawn is already being experienced. We have already inaugurated it. We have already welcomed Sat Yuga on the ground of Kali Yuga. So we are happy to announce that, yes, we are going ahead with our parental role in the world, wishing everyone the best of luck. Good luck to everyone. Dr Hagelin, congratulate everyone, that they have given us the opportunity, the chance, to at least wish them good luck.

‘Consciousness-Based Education, giving nectar in food through agriculture, and in architecture, straightforwardly, are the programmes to eliminate poverty—that is all. This elimination of poverty programme is not made from the wealth of the wealthy. The poverty elimination programme of ours—our programme to create a world free from poverty—is not, a thousand times underline the word “not”, dependent on the wealth of the wealthy. It is dependent on the ability of the simple, poor farmers in every country to create money from the dust particles of the motherland in their country. That is why we are proud of our programme. There is going to be automation in the creation of a world free from poverty.

‘Dr Hagelin, take over and thank the people. Invite the writers to express their aspirations.’


Question: Total Knowledge in Consciousness-Based Education Brings Fulfilment to Every Student


Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi, for this extraordinary, beautiful introduction. There are some very interesting questions from a new generation of younger people, university students, who are very excited about the possibilities in life, this dawning new civilization. The students want to know what they can do to build a better world.

‘I would like to introduce Dr David Lynch, who has so beautifully brought a wave of Total Knowledge to tens of thousands of students across America, to reflect on the nature of the questions that have come from the young people and present a question to Maharishi from one of the students who attended our talk. David Lynch.’ 

Dr Lynch: ‘Jai Guru Dev, Maharishi. This question came in from a student: What can students do, Maharishi? So many students today are worried about the state of the world. Their worries are not just about war and peace, but also the environment, the economy, and the health care system. Every area of life seems to be in serious trouble. What advice or direction can you give students who want to be sure that the world they will inherit from their parents will be a world of peace and tranquility, and not destruction and disease?’ 

Maharishi: One word for that, Dr Lynch, is “Total Knowledge”. It is knowledge—Total Knowledge—to the population of the world. What is the education system today? The education system is not Total Knowledge. We are promoting Consciousness-Based Education. That means that we are giving Total Knowledge on the ground of pure Transcendental Consciousness. We are promoting Total Knowledge for every student, right from the first day of his schooling time—right from the first day.

‘Our programme is to give the student a taste of a fruit of guava. He eats a guava. Later on, tell him that what he is eating in the guava is hundreds of trees of the guava, which are present in each seed of the guava. You do not have to tell him about the tree of the guava. Give him the taste of the fruit. Later on he will find that he was able to eat huge trees in one little seed of the guava. That means the knowledge of the tree comes later,
start with the taste of the fruit.

‘This means give the taste of Total Knowledge right in the first day of schooling, and the different values of the knowledge later on. The whole of life is there to verify the different values of knowledge emerging from that Total Knowledge which was given to them the first day. What was given to them the first day? The children are taught one alphabet—“A”, “I”, “U”. You keep on showing them how much more knowledge there is in “A”. As they grow, they find more and more avenues of different fields of knowledge arising from “A” with which they are familiar. So the answer is that Total Knowledge, right from the beginning in the field of education, will create fulfilment through every developing state of life in the whole of their educational career.

‘Dr Hagelin, explain this to them. Give them the fruit of all knowledge, which means Total Knowledge in the beginning, and then later tell them about this branch and this fruit and this flower and this leaf and this color. All are emerging from the same thing. So the word is “Total Knowledge” right in the first syllable, right in the beginning days of their schooling career. This will be the Consciousness-Based Education. “Total Knowledge” is the word—finished.

Question: Criteria to Determine One’s Duty in Life

Dr Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi. A second question has often come up from students, having to do with what is right action for a student, what is fulfilling Dharma for a student. In Maharishi’s commentary on the Bhagavad-Gita, he defines Dharma as “activity which upholds a person’s evolution according to Natural Law”. And last week, Maharishi cited the Vedic expression, “Established in one’s own Dharma, perform your allotted duty.” So it obvious that performing one’s Dharma is essential for spiritual and material progress in life. My question for Maharishi is: How does a student know what their Dharma is, so they can do their allotted duty in life? Are there criteria one can use to determine what is one’s own true Dharma?’

Maharishi: The criteria are in one Vedic aspect of knowledge called Jyotish. Jyotish is a level of consciousness, which expresses the true light of its own existence, the total value in itself. Jyotish gives all the criteria on the basis of its own language. It reveals the different influences—from infinity to point value—at the time of birth.

‘The child is born. Birth is never an accident. It is well calculated, very systematically computed where a particular person will be born, at what time. And there is a system of calculating what he is born to do, what he is born to enjoy.

‘The big variety of diversity, the whole diversity, has been broadly divided into four pieces—one, two, three, four. There is a great deal of very precise, very diversified, and very unified knowledge that completely determines the Dharma of the person. That is the family tradition of the forefather, his forefather, and his forefather—how they are when the child is born—that determines whether he is born into the first category, second category, third category, or the fourth category.

‘The categories of different species are the same thing as the categories of different seeds. There is the apple category, there is the banana category, there is grain, there is wheat, there are all these different categories. Now what will happen if you grow rice in some field which is very fertile for growing wheat? Rice will grow, but it will be a sort of very weak growth of rice. If the child is born in a family which is in the teaching profession, and if that child becomes a builder, he will not be as efficient a builder as he can be a teacher.

‘There is a great science of understanding of the natural division of life. Some life is born to be on this earth here, or on the moon there, or on the sun, this sun or that sun, this moon or that moon—so different. The birth in a place determines the action in that species. He does not know, but the tradition of the human species knows this.

‘Everyone has a mother tongue. Wherever born, one has a mother tongue. It does not matter what the differences in the mother tongue are, but one is born with a mother tongue. The mother speaks, “A” to him. The child repeats the word, “A”. The mother goes to him and says, “A”. The child comes to her. There is the spontaneous Dharma, the duty for which he is born. Everyone is born to speak the mother tongue. Every mother is born to speak to the child in her own mother tongue.

‘There is a big specificity already in all these fields of diversity. It is not an unknown field. Those who do not know, they do not know. But those who know, they know. There is some naturalness in the division of one’s own allotted duty. Whether he is a Brahmin or a Kshatriya or a Vaishya or a Shudra or a Mlechchha or what or what, it is all assigned. There is a great science of understanding about it, and it is not a mistake. It is not a humanly made system of division. It is natural, it is automatic, it is spontaneous, it is universal.

‘India has maintained all those values of Vedic Culture. Vedic Culture has all the duties of the Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, Shudras, and Mlechchhas—all that. The mixing up of this is what presents the behaviour of Kali Yuga. Mixture is an impurity. Pure is that naturally ordained, naturally specified duty of one’s own birth—the duty of his own birth.

‘There is an American word “human rights”. . . . The basic human right is cosmic intelligence—Aham Brahmasmi, I am Totality. This is equally the right of everyone, whether he is a Brahmin or a Kshatriya or a Vaishya or Shudra, because it is above everything. So there is a world of division; there is a world of completely unified value in the seventh state of consciousness. We are teaching the people all the different seven states of consciousness—teaching unity—by growing to that level in a sequential way, doing one’s own allotted duty. Then, we come to the level where the allotted duty could be Cosmic Intelligence, the state of unity, the state of divine intelligence.

‘Government will then be what Dr Hagelin has labeled it, a Peace Government, endowed with infinite dynamism. We are establishing the Peace Government. Very soon, peace-creating groups in the world will the createPeace Government.’





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