July 2005 Press Conference Highlights
Opening Remarks
Guru Dev. Now we are immersed in creating that intense coherence in world
consciousness, which is going to be more and more permanent from the level
of the Peace Government. This is the supreme level of offer from any parental
role for the world: peace, happiness, and fulfilment for the individual;
positivity, coherence, and integration on the level of national life;
and invincibility to every nation in the international world.
‘I wish today’s talk by Dr Hagelin could be heard by the people
day after day and week after week until their governments realize and
undertake to raise their country to that high level of integration and
coherence where problems will not arise anywhere. Listen to the scientist
of America. You may not listen to me, because still I find people writing
about some funny things here and there even after fifty years. My language
may not be the common language of the market of the world, but listen
to the expressions of an accomplished scientist of America.
‘That is a country where everyone feels darkness is radiating day
and night. From that land of darkness, like the lightning in the dark
clouds, is coming the voice in simple words of an accomplished scientist
of the Peace Government. How? Just a few thousand or a few hundred people,
here, there, everywhere, or anywhere in the country practising the Transcendental
Meditation Technique and its advanced techniques including Yogic Flying,
will create and maintain forever a strong influence of coherence in national
‘A strong influence of coherence in national consciousness means
a lighted house where darkness cannot penetrate. If the lamp is lit, there
is no room for darkness. Fighting the darkness is not our profession.
Lighting the light is our individual profession. Now, after about fifty
years, we have come to the conclusion that a few groups of individuals,
practising this programme together are completely enough for that area.
If the group is bigger, it is good enough for a nation; if the group is
bigger, it is good enough for the international world.
‘If there are questions from the press, it is all right; it is always
a joy. Our joy lies in creating now, day after day, more and more of an
intensified state of coherence in world consciousness. His Majesty Raja
Raam, the First Ruler of the Global Country of World Peace, is crowning
eight Rajas, eight rulers of the world, from the level of consciousness
where consciousness has created its home in the physiology and runs the
physiology from within it. Raja Raam’s discovery, we have been announcing
to the world, has shown that consciousness is the fundamental level of
life on which all the physiological structures of the universe are based.
We are masters of that level of life which is basic to all expressions
of the universe.
‘Dr Hagelin said in beautifully simple words that the Constitution
of the Universe is on that level which is almighty, everywhere, omnipresent,
omniscient, the light of God. Remember the expression of Dr Hagelin, “The
science of today is the science of today. It is not the science of yesterday.”
Yesterday there was the science of mathematical accuracy and mathematical
equations. Today’s science is certainly not devoid of that mathematical
accuracy, but it is translated into the technology of daily life.
‘What is the science and technology of daily life? We call it all
the knowledge, Total Knowledge, assembled in the package of the Constitution
of the Universe, the Veda. Veda is Total Knowledge. “Total Knowledge”
means knowledge of this, that, and everything, knowledge of all positivity,
knowledge of plus infinity to minus infinity—knowledge of the plus
of the point of infinity to the minus of the point of infinity. This is
Total Knowledge—simple—the Veda.
‘Veda is delivered to us from the Vedic Tradition. The tradition
pertaining to the knowledge of the Veda is the Vedic Tradition. There
still are remnants of this Vedic Tradition—the Indian Vedic Tradition.
We are going to encourage those people and are encouraging them. They
have been driven out in this wave of materialism, running after money,
and not minding their own traditional heritage. We are trying to uplift
them. . . .
‘India can only be India if the leadership in India has the authenticity
of the Veda. “Brahmanam Paramam Shruti”—the ultimate
authenticity belongs to the Veda. Veda is “Vedo Akhilo Dharma Mulam”—Veda
is total Dharma. . . .
‘The leadership in India has no basis in that immense authority
and power of Lord Vishnu, Lord Rama, Lord Ganapati, Surya, and Rudra.
. . . It is the dictates of Dharma that will sustain your life and raise
your life to invincibility, raise your life to Moksha—freedom from
bondage. . . .
‘I want to awaken India. It does not matter, time will do it. .
. . I have created Raam Raj—”Vishva Vyapi Raam Raj.”
That is “Vaidik Vishva Prashasan.” The government of the universe
is run by Veda—Total Knowledge. The Atma of everyone is Total Knowledge,
“Gyana Svaropa Atma”, self-referral consciousness, which Dr
Hagelin calls the Unified Field, the self-referral Unified Field.
‘He found the self-referral Unified Field with all those mathematical
equations. Being a practitioner of Transcendental Meditation for so many
years, and having been through the advanced techniques and the Yogic Flying
programme, he knew how correct was his finding of the Unified Field, even
though the experience of the Unified Field and the phenomenon of rising
above the ground—getting above the ground against the force of gravity
which always keeps everyone drawn to the ground—is not yet in the
mathematical equations, because the entire numerical science is in the
relative field. The absolute number is not yet in the current mathematics
of the world.
‘The mathematics of the Unified Field is the mathematics governed
by, conducted by, and run by the absolute number on the numbering side
of it, and it is governed by the absolute language. Language has a meaning.
A number is not based on meaning; a number is the number system—one,
two, three, four, etc.
‘The absolute number is the guiding feature of the mathematics of
the Constitution of the Universe. “The absolute language”
means a language where every little phrase, every little syllable, and
every little word has a total meaning—Total Knowledge—to deliver.
This is absolute language, which is the language of the Veda. It is called,
in the Vedic language, Nitya and Apaurusheya. “Nitya” means
eternal; nothing can damage its real value. Whatever it is today, tomorrow,
the next day, or the next, all the thousands of years past and future,
it is indestructible, it is invincible. Only the absolute number calculates
that, and only the absolute language describes it.
‘In order to live it in life, one needs the absolute level of consciousness
which we have been teaching for fifty years. Transcendental Consciousness
is the level where the absolute number is. It is the seat of Total Knowledge,
the Veda. Now we want all our people in the world, all our world family,
all the children, and all the students of student age everywhere to have
this Total Knowledge. It is going to be there.
‘Countries have come with their aspirations and asked us, “What
is your International University teaching?” We said, “We will
not disturb your education.” This is very important good news, Dr
Hagelin. Some country said, “Now we want to introduce your Consciousness-Based
Education. What do we have to do?” I told them, “You do not
have to do anything, and I do not have to do anything new. I will teach
what I know, and you keep on teaching what you know. Only, give me about
ninety minutes per day of your class time, whether it is a high school
or a college or whatever. Give me ninety minutes a day, and I will make
the whole purpose of your education very fruitful.”
‘The purpose of education is to create educated people. Educated
people are people who will not make mistakes. The people will not make
mistakes only when their mind is full of Total Knowledge. We will inspire
in them, we will awaken in them, that consciousness which is a lively
field of all knowledge. Then they will not make mistakes. When they do
not make mistakes, they will not suffer. They will live in the light of
God, they will satisfy their religion, and they will satisfy the purpose
of their education.
‘We will not disturb them. Whatever you are teaching, you teach.
Each day, give us ninety minutes. We will issue all the tapes which have
been made for so many years, and all the charts which are there. Everything
is there; we have to do nothing new.
‘Total Knowledge will be delivered on the level of conscious awareness.
When the conscious awareness—that means the thinking mind, the deciding
intellect, the feeling ego—is full of knowledge, then it will not
go wrong, it will not make mistakes, it will not get into problems. Our
Consciousness-Based knowledge and experience will provide you with problem-free
life for the individual.
‘This is what we are offering to the education department of the
government, and they have started to come on to it. It has taken fifty
years, but now the door is open. It is very good news. The bright sunshine
is dawning.
‘Dr Hagelin, you have launched this on the Fourth of July in the
memory of the forefathers of America. You have given a very, very right
tribute to reconstruct America. You will succeed because huge builders
are there. You can get hold of a hundred or two hundred big, big builders,
and start the programme to provide homes according to Sthapatya Veda and
office buildings according to Sthapatya Veda.
‘This is such a great science. People do not know why their children
are fighting in their own homes, and why one brother is not in a very
good mood with the other brother living in the same family. This is due
to the lack of proper orientation of the housing. The house is not properly
oriented to the north, south, east, and west. There are ten or twelve
values in Sthapatya Veda: the entrance should be in the east, and the
slope should not be on the west or south. These are simple, simple things.
But without knowing, architectural decency is taught in terms of this
or that. Mostly, houses are not constructed according to Sthapatya Veda.
It is a special science of architecture.
‘Here I will refer to what I said before about the absolute number
and the absolute language. Why is language absolute? Because it expresses
Total Knowledge. It is a language which does not leave behind anything,
and which takes in everything together. “Everything” means
the plus and minus together. The plus and minus together in the numerical
system belongs only to the absolute number. Any amount of plus will not
be able to add anything to it; any amount of minus will not be able to
take out anything from it. That is zero—a zero. A zero is an absolute
number—a zero—hollowness, unmanifest, the transcendental field
of self-referral reality. It is nothing. That is an absolute number, from
minus infinity to plus infinity.
“A” is that absolute language where everything is centralized.
Everything is centralized in this total language. All minuses of language,
all pluses of language, all unity of language, all variety of language
are in “A”. “A” is the first word of the Veda.
In this is centralized total Veda and this means all knowledge. All knowledge
means all knowledge of positivity, all knowledge of negativity, all knowledge
of silence existing with all knowledge of dynamism.
‘With all dynamism and all silence, this is how the whole numerical
system has to step onto a field where it can account for the absolute
state of life in the midst of all diverse values. In the midst of all
identifiable individualities and in the midst of all diversity, absolute
silence coexists. This is Total Knowledge. This is the human awareness
which is a lively field of all possibilities.
‘We have very beautiful appreciation for Dr Hagelin’s beautiful
remarks. I would like the people to listen to Dr Hagelin’s exhortation—especially
today’s—for the people to come out of suffering. In what other
words could he speak? They are so simple, so simple.
‘Here is someone who is speaking Total Knowledge, who is acting
Total Knowledge, and who has the rightful ambition to see this field of
Total Knowledge be the incoming and outgoing breath of every civilization
in our world family.’
Hagelin: ‘Thank you so much, Maharishi, for this beautiful
opening and for these very kind remarks. I wish I could trade my scientific
language for Maharishi’s language with its all-nourishing effect,
and which is so penetrating, so striking, and so enlivening that it has
captured the hearts and minds of millions of people all over the world.
We need more people who can speak just like Maharishi, and we will have
an enlightened world.’
The Rebuilding of America by the Peace Government
Hagelin: ‘During Maharishi’s address to the Fourth
of July press conference in Washington, D.C., Maharishi said that the
US Peace Government would “rebuild America in harmony with Natural
Law on many levels”, but would start first with the physical level
of buildings in cities and towns. In what other ways will the Peace Government
build America?’
Maharishi: ‘Building
is a very physical thing. Just like the body which must be neat and clean
and functioning properly, like that should be the home and the building
of the home. Reconstruction of the home is a very physical thing. It has
a deep influence on the reality of life, and then on the mental integrity,
on the clarity of making decisions, on the pure wakefulness of the ego
of the individual, and then on the wakefulness of the cosmic ego in the
character of the individual ego. These are all the different levels that
have to be reconstructed.
‘We have been working in the US and all countries for how many decades?
Now is the time to come out openly with formulas for each of these physical,
mental, intellectual, and existential values. We are being guided by the
transcendental, eternal, immutable field of intelligence and energy, which
cannot be dodged about by anything.
‘This being our basis, it is not a matter of our starting. We have
been doing all these things now as an organization. We found that there
are thousands of builders and developers who are working anyway. Architects
are working anyway. There are codes of building; every state has its own
building code. But when our people looked at the building codes and into
all these different, different laws that govern the structures of the
homes, we found they lack the insight into the reality of life. What level
of reality? The reality of life that connects any phase of the individual
with the phase of the cosmic structure.
‘Every individual life has a connection with cosmic life. The sun
comes and every individual has some influence from it. The sun goes and
every individual is influenced by it. All the cosmic phenomena, governed
by someone, have their influence in the individual life. This connection
of the individual with his own cosmic potential is important. The connection
of the individual with the individual’s cosmic potential is very
necessary to be maintained. It can only be maintained by coherence between
the physiology, mind, intellect, ego, and cosmic ego.
‘This is what? These are different aspects of the knowledge of the
Constitution of the Universe. These are different aspects of the law that
connects the individual with his own cosmic potential. Cosmic potential
is nothing far away from the individual potential. It is there, only the
conscious mind is not open to it. As long as the conscious mind is not
open to it, it might as well not be there. Like the treasury hidden underground,
if he does not know, if he has not been told, if he has not gone into
the treasury house, then it is non-existent for him.
‘Like that, the cosmic potential of the individual is within the
individual potential. Anyone who says, “I”, it is the “I”,
but whose “I”? The “I” is the voice of the Atma;
“I” is the voice of the Self—“I”—Self,
Self, Self, Self. The Self has its value in the individual domain which
has space-time boundaries, and its absolute connectedness with the boundless,
space-time boundary-free, transcendental field of consciousness.
‘It is just a matter of knowing what is there. The field of education
is for this unfoldment of the knowledge which is behind sight, which is
just behind sight. The whole field of education is very, very simple in
the unfolding of the cosmic potential of the individual.
‘That is why we are asking all governments to give ninety minutes
every day to us, and their cosmic potential will be raised. We will not
raise the cosmic potential of your students; we will bring the students’
awareness to their own cosmic potential. Now they say, “Oh, I want
to do this. How do I do it? I do not know what to do.” But in a
year or two years, after having gone through this consciousness-based
knowledge of Transcendental Consciousness and the experience of Transcendental
Consciousness, when the thought comes, “How can I do this?”
they say, “Oh, this is how I will do it.” Nothing will remain
difficult for them. Nothing will remain unachieved by them. This is what
we would like our children to do. This is a beautiful thing.’
The Effects of Sthapathya Veda
Hagelin: ‘Thank you very much, Maharishi. This next question
comes from a television station that would like to air Maharishi’s
response on the same subject of the reconstruction of America. The question
is: Why move? Maharishi, why should a home owner immediately pack up and
move his family to a Vedic home? What will be the benefits? How will it
change the day-to-day life of his family?’
Maharishi: ‘How
will it change? It will change life in the same way as when one has been
living in darkness or semi-darkness, and the lamp comes. It is a different
kind of living. All kinds of inhibitions in one’s own thinking are
due to wrong orientation of the housing. If the entrance is not in the
east, if it is tilted like that, or if the entrance is in the south, there
can be very great calamities.
‘Dr Eike has investigated into the whole depth of this science of
Vedic Architecture, Sthapatya Veda. He has a great amount of literature
which he is going to supply to all our centres everywhere in the world
and to all the builders.
‘When they are building homes, this sense of modern architecture
has different criteria. Governmental rules, where you construct like this
or like that, have their own reasoning, but that reasoning belongs to
human understanding, human logic, human vision.
‘Sthapatya Veda has that logic which is constructed through the
absolute number and is always the same, never convertible, never changeable.
Authenticity belongs to something that is stable. Authenticity does not
belong to something that is right today here or wrong tomorrow there.
‘The whole performance of every government in the world today is
very precarious. It is only the blind leading the blind. I am not criticizing
the government. I am only informing the world press to tell their dear
governments that they must rise to adopt this total field of Vedic Knowledge
in order to successfully play their parental role for their people. Otherwise,
whoever the president is, he may change his cabinet today, he may change
his cabinet tomorrow. He can keep on changing and changing until he himself
is changed by the people, because the people are not satisfied. The people
will never be satisfied by any government until the government has the
support of the government of the universe, which is always evolutionary
to everyone.
‘There is a government which we know to be the government of the
universe. The government of the universe is always supportive and evolutionary
to everyone. This government of the universe is seated within the self-referral
Unified Field, the Atma of everyone. Here is the seat of that almighty
government, and education should be able to give to every student the
awareness of this government, the constitution of this government.
‘I think we are going to do it, irrespective. Nobody is satisfied
in the world, neither those who are governing—that means the members
of any government are not satisfied—nor the people who are governed
by the government. Our word going around will depend on how soon the world
press can really ring our proper message to the people. Ring it and ring
it and ring it and ring it in whatever language they can understand. Otherwise,
governments have been changing anyway; everything will change anyway.
‘It does not matter what government is today, or which man. It is
very, very wrong and very pitiable for the press to give importance to
what an individual says. It is not the individual. It is the principle
that is important and that will take the boat of life to the shore. It
is not the individual. . . .
[Maharishi speaks in Hindi for two minutes.]
‘India is a Vedic country. Sthapatya Veda is a very great science
of life. I have been telling the Indian government for how many years,
twenty years, but they are continuing to struggle there. They like to
struggle with each other. As long as these parliament buildings and the
working places of the government are not built or not rebuilt according
to Vastu, no one can expect anything peaceful or harmonious or progressive
from the government.
‘Ask the press, Dr Hagelin, to ask every head of state to find out
the orientation of their government buildings. Find out if their buildings
are in proper orientation with the dictates of Vastu Vidya. If not, for
the sake of God and for your own sake and for the sake of the people,
begin to live in proper Vastus. Very quickly reconstruct your capitals
and demolish your old buildings. Think as if an earthquake has come and
gone, and what will you do tomorrow? Go by this logic or continue to ramble
on until you go out. The next generation is going to rebuild all the working
places of the governments. Then there will be alliance with the cosmic
potential of life, with the individual potential of life, and with the
national potential of life.
‘Our joy is that we are going to do it, and very quickly we are
going to do it, because now we are asking those whose profession it is
to build. We are asking the builders and developers of the world to build
and develop. Quickly, quickly, inform the people they should rush out
of their non-Vastu homes and quickly rebuild Vastu homes everywhere. We
are engaging professionals who will work for their profession. And what
will we have? A rebuilt nation, a rebuilt India.
‘It is very beautiful. Dr Hagelin, ask the Minister of Finance and
Planning of the Global Country to speak. He told me he has some very good
plans for engaging all the professional builders of the world in every
country. Within six months, we should be able to demolish a lot of rubbish.
He is going to stabilize the influence of cosmic character.’