Maharishi's Global Press Conferences Highlights

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Dr John Hagelin and Dr Bevan Morris. link to press conference highlights archive
'Now I welcome the influence of the world press to bring the message of—Total Knowledge—to every individual in our world and invincibility to every nation in our world. Whatever life has been so far, it has been endeavouring to be better and better. Now should be the time to step onto the plateau of the fulfilment of all the endeavors of the wise throughout the ages.'—Maharishi

18 August 2004 Press Conference Highlights

Opening Remarks

Maharishi: ‘Jai Guru Dev. Dr Hagelin, the President of the Peace Government in USA, has celebrated today the Capital of World Peace. He announced to the world something that has been missing throughout the recorded history of mankind. What the world has missed in the past was administration through total Natural Law—administration through the Unified Field.  

‘It needed a scientific age, and it needed a successful scientist who would have insight into time, and insight into the administration of the all-space and all-time value through the government of the Unified Field. What has the President of the Peace Government recognized? Till now, the world has had one hundred percent of its administration based on the dynamic value. What the world has been missing is administration through the silent value.  

‘Dr Hagelin is that scientist of the quantum field who has declared the Unified Field as the ultimate reality of all physical differences. He has pointed out that now the world will have something that was lacking so far in its administration. What was lacking was the element of peace.

‘The Unified Field is a super-symmetric field. Dr Hagelin just defined “super-symmetric” as a union of dynamism and silence. A union of dynamism and silence is that super-symmetric field which is total Natural Law, which is all powerful.

‘The world has been lacking the government of peace. The greatest scientist of today, an expert in the quantum field, has declared today an additional administrative wing in the government. Washington was chosen to be the first demonstration of this great unity. Now in Washington, the capital of administration through dynamism, the administration of silence is being added.  

‘Now the administration of America is that competent administration which will take away the weaknesses of administration of all the past ages. In the past ages, the administration was dominated by power. Now, peace comes to unite with that power. Administration will be identified with the power of the Unified Field—super-symmetric power. The result will be no weakness in the field of dynamism and no weakness in the field of silence. 

‘This is the expression of that supreme intelligence in the Vedic Literature called Shiva and Shakti. Shiva is silence, and Shakti is dynamism. Today, what the President of the Peace Government of USA has beautifully demonstrated to the world is a perfect, ideal system of administration, where the administration is competent in all fields of dynamism and in all fields of silence. 

‘Today, in the inauguration of the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Washington, was the appointment of His Highness Raja Dean—"Raja" means administrator. Raja Dean is the administrator of that value which was lacking on the world platform for centuries in the past. Due to that lack, there was a lot of suffering, uneasiness, negativity, and problems. But now, with the upsurge of that supreme intelligence which is infinity in the value of silence—from the silent point to silent infinity—it is such a joy to express that we have a perfect model of administration which shakes hands with the ideal administration of the universe. The administration of the Unified Field, super-symmetric power—all power of silence, all power of dynamism—is seated in the capital of the most powerful country of the world, United States, Washington.   

‘It’s such a joy to see the upsurge of perfection rising in the capital, Washington. His Highness Raja Dean is the expression of great, eternal silence. I have seen into his rising level of consciousness coming to a point where silence will not be disturbed by the surrounding dynamism. His silence is in union with dynamism. This is just that super-symmetric level of intelligence and energy which is total Natural Law, the will of God.  

‘We are supplying the missing link which, even though always at the basis of human life, was not brought out systematically, scientifically, and for the common man. Now with the experience of this being lively in the consciousness of the Government of Peace, and in the consciousness of the Raja of Washington, the world will be blessed with perfection of administration, where neither in the field of dynamism nor in the field of silence will there be problems, negativity, weakness, or suffering. 

‘Today is the dawn of a new sunshine for the destiny of all mankind to be in the light of God, in the supreme level of intelligence of Natural Law. This inauguration in Washington will soon distribute its precious gift to every government, educational organization, and medical college in the world flora prevention-oriented approach to health, agriculture, administration, and economy. In every field of human concern, there will be a new sunshine of perfection rising from today.  
‘I would like to thank everyone. The President of the Peace Government of USA, Dr Hagelin, and the Raja of Washington, Dr Dean, have offered so much fulfilment to His Majesty Raja Raam, who they represent and whose gifts they distribute. His Majesty Raja Raam has scientifically declared, proved, and demonstrated to the world that all values—physical, chemical, electrical, magnetic—and any field of existence, any kind of energy, are all different expressions of consciousness, of the Self of everyone. That consciousness—the Self of everyone, the light of God within everyone, total Natural Law, the will of God within everyone—is now being distributed, and will continue to be distributed for all the coming generations through this organization of the Peace Government and these Rajas everywhere. 

‘Now, when I am looking at this phenomenon today, what I find is that this is just one step of fulfilment for the existing system of administration. The existing system of administration is democracy. “Democracy” means everyone should have government satisfactory to himself. Not one party suppressing another party—that’s not democracy. Democracy will be: those who want to fight, they are allowed to fight; those who want to meditate and to be in peace, they are allowed to be in peace. One government will not dominate both.  

‘No one government can fulfil the requirement of all. The system of one government changing every three, four years is like requiring children to change their parents every four years. The masses are required to change their administrator every four years. It has not been a happy or totally satisfactory situation.

‘Now, anyone who wants to be on the dynamic side, or anyone who wants to be on the peace side, both will have their governments. The Peace Government is filling in the lack of administration. It can satisfy those who are not satisfied with the destructive aspect of administration, which depends on punishments—many years of jail or hanging—and destroying countries. Not all the people in any country want to share this kind of destructive governmental administration. Therefore, the rest of the population, who may not like destruction, will now have a government of peace. They will not be required to submit themselves to those whom they don’t like. Those who want to destroy can go with the destructive aspect of the administration. Those who want to be in peace, with all its advantages, will come with the Peace Government. That will be real government by the people, for the people.  

‘To put the peace-loving people under the government of destruction is cruelty. That cruelty in administration is being taken away by the President of the Peace Government of USA, and the administrator of the Peace Government in Washington, His Highness Raja Dean. There will soon be, created by the Peace Government, a University of Total Knowledge; prevention-oriented health care without these harmful effects of modern medicine; organic agriculture without the poison in the food; competence in administration through the administrative skill of the Global Country of World Peace under the Constitution of the Universe, in the light of God, the Veda—Total Knowledge. 

‘It’s very beautiful that this structure has now been put up on the ground. And the structure will bring fulfilment to the requirement of time. The requirement of time is for a perfect government in order that both ends of life, dynamism and peace, are handled on the ground of the scientifically researched and declared reality of the Unified Field. . . .  

‘I am very, very proud of what has happened in Washington, and it is fulfilling for His Majesty Raja Raam. It’s a very great sunshine.’

Question: Role of Peace Government in Creating Harmony

Dr Hagelin: ‘Venezuela just held a presidential recall election, and that nation is deeply polarized, deeply divided. Now there is a presidential campaign under way in the United States, and the entire nation is deeply divided. Close to 50% of the people appear wed to the current administration, and 50% vehemently oppose it. Many political commentators wonder if this deep rift in the country can ever be healed. My question for Maharishi today is this: What will the newly established Peace Government do to help unite a nation, such as the United States, which is deeply divided by political differences?’

Maharishi: ‘The newly established Peace Government will create a steady wave of peace. Under the wave of peace, conflict will not grow. Conflicting tendencies will naturally calm down in the same way as the darkness naturally disappears with the onset of light. The influence of peace and harmony in collective consciousness will be the ground on which these differences, oppositions, negativities, will simply not arise. This is the purpose of the Peace Government. 

‘Quietly, the members of the Peace Government, in their own home, morning and evening, will contact the transcendental field, which is absolute peace. There is a theory of attention—this measurement theory in physics—that says attention stirs the area of the transcendental field. Stirring that area, its influence arises in the field of mental activity, intellectual activity, activity of the senses, and the whole behavior. Basically, it will eliminate disturbances in the field of harmony. This is what it will quietly do.  

‘This is the purpose of the Peace Government—that all the people, joining the Peace Government, will be practising higher states of consciousness. In higher states of consciousness, the qualities of the lower states of consciousness which are destructive, negative, and problematic, just don’t arise.  

‘This is the value of today’s inauguration by the greatest scientist, who favours the super-symmetric reality in the daily life of the people. It’s very beautiful. It’s an automatic thing. There is nothing much about it. Automatically, as when you put on the switch, the light is there. These Vedic Universities will do all this in the field of education: raise the consciousness of the people to that high level of coherence, to the super-symmetric level of all possibilities, so one doesn’t have to get disturbed.’

Question: Unique Features of Maharishi’s Vedic Education

Dr Hagelin: ‘Is there one crucial point of philosophy or methodology that distinguishes Maharishi’s schools from all other schools in the world? What would it take to practically bring these unique features of Maharishi’s Vedic Education into any school? ’

Maharishi: ‘It’s a very beautiful question. The answer is: Total Knowledge will be given in Vedic Universities. Veda means Total Knowledge—Total Knowledge for everyone. We are able to really proclaim that because this is the proper system of gaining knowledge. 

‘There are two approaches to knowledge. One knowledge is: give the Total Knowledge first, and then, as constituents of that, elaborate on different fields of knowledge. This is one approach. The other approach is: don’t tell him what Total Knowledge is; lead him from one area to another area to another area. How many areas you can lead him to? You would never reach the totality by reaching one or two areas. This is the fragmented approach to knowledge, which is the situation with the present system of education. Physics, chemistry, physiology—so many different subjects—one would never get onto Total Knowledge. 

‘In the Vedic approach, Total Knowledge is given first, in one syllable. In one syllable “A”, Total Knowledge is given out. Then, as different constituents of that Total Knowledge, instructions are given for engineering, medicine, architecture, agriculture, for this and for that. But the Total Knowledge is given first.  

‘From where does this come? This comes from the very natural system of the evolution of a seed. There is hollowness inside a seed. If you give him the knowledge of the seed, then you say, “Now this is the seed of a mango, or seed of an apple, or whatever, and see how it sprouts, and how it grows: it becomes a branch, a leaf, a flower, and a fruit which is bitter first and then sweet later, and then again it becomes a seed.” So you have given the knowledge of the whole tree when you have given him the knowledge of the seed. Otherwise, you give him the knowledge of the leaf, you give him the knowledge of the flower, you give him the knowledge of this branch, you give the knowledge of this or that—but you never give him the basic value of the leaf and the basic value of the flower. What is the basic value of the seed? The sap. And the sap comes from that hollowness. 

‘The Vedic system of teaching is: Total Knowledge first. When you have given him Total Knowledge, then as constituents of that Total Knowledge, you give him the perspective of different areas of knowledge. This is what makes a man a custodian of Total Knowledge. The proof of it comes when his thoughts are so knowledgeable that total Natural Law guides his thought. And when total Natural Law supports the thought, then infinite energy and intelligence propel the thought for action and the fruit of action. Immediately, the thought is materialized—so no hard work is necessary to actualize one’s intention.  This is the ability that the Vedic University brings to every student by bringing Total Knowledge. . . . 

‘This present system of education is: the blind leading the blind. No professor today can claim that he has Total Knowledge. When the teacher doesn’t have Total Knowledge, what is going to be the fate of the student? So the whole thing is very unfinished, to say the least of it.  

‘But it doesn’t matter, a lack of light is natural in the night-time, in this Vedic time period of Kali Yuga. But now, with the grace of Guru Dev, the seven states of consciousness are rising to the supreme level of consciousness. In these forty, fifty years, a few people have started to practise this thing. Now the time has come to open the gate to everyone, and this is what we are going to do.  

‘Peace Palaces will be places of Total Knowledge, like lamp-posts here, there, and everywhere. Hopefully soon, it will be possible to have these lamp-posts of Total Knowledge, lamp-posts of enlightenment, lighting their light in every country. But this is well started today in Washington—very well done.’

Question: Vedic Defence for Natural Disasters

Dr Hagelin: ‘This question has to do with Vedic Defence for natural disasters. There is a long history of man causing destruction to his fellow man through violence and warfare. But there is an equally long history of Nature causing destruction to man through earthquakes, floods, droughts, and hurricanes. Maharishi has spoken of Vedic Defence as a way to safeguard man from his fellow man. But is there a Vedic Defence to safeguard man from Nature, and if so, how would it work?’

Maharishi: ‘The reaction of what we call “from Nature” is our own. We do something, we throw the ball, and it descends back to us. There is a common knowledge: action has an equal reaction. If we are good to people, good will come to us from the people. If we are not good to people, non-good will descend from the people to us. So we say, “Nature brings.” Nature brings under one law: “As you sow, so shall you reap.” If people are doing wrong, they cannot expect good weather, good conditions, and good reactions from the neighbour.  

‘If I want to tell you something that I have heard many, many times, don’t take it to be exaggeration. What I have heard in many cases is that when a hurricane comes, it reaches the home of meditators, and the hurricane gets diverted. It doesn’t sweep off the meditator’s home. We have heard so many instances. The people in that house are meditators enlivening the positivity of Natural Law, and therefore are radiating a positive effect. That positive effect gives a turn to the wind. In many cases it just gets diverted to the other side. 

‘This is all mentioned in the Vedic Literature. Prevention—there is a phrase in Vedic Literature “Heyam Duhkham Anagatam.” It is a standard policy of Natural Law “Heyam Duhkham Anagatam” —avert the danger that has not yet come. Avert the hurricane that has not yet come to you. And by what? By creating a positive effect in your home. From the lighted lamp, light emanates. So from a peaceful home, peace emanates. And from a burning home, the heat emanates. 

‘There is a whole system of “Heyam Duhkham Anagatam”; there is a whole system of averting the danger that has not yet come to us. That system is called Grahams. There is a whole literature about it. Grahas are those influences that overtake one’s intellect, one’s mind, one’s behaviour. Wrong Grahas, and when they come, is the field of the Jyotishis, the astrologers. They make the horoscope at the time of birth, and from there they predict, “In that year, this will happen; in that year, you’ll get big amount of wealth; in that year, you’ll rise to this degree; or in this year, you’ll fall sick.” For that, preventive systems are observed. They are called Grahas and Yagyas. Yagyas and Grahas procedures are the set systems in the Vedic performance that can avert the danger. 

‘We are inaugurating today a very concrete system of Peace Government that is open to the world—these Yagyas and the systems of Grahas. Everyone’s horoscope will be made in order to see in what year they are going to face some difficulty, and before that time comes the difficulty will be neutralized. The systems are made, the procedures are there. The performance of Yagyas is peaceful. The performance of the neutralization, of the effects of Yagyas, of the Grahas, is a peaceful performance. It’s a performance, but a peaceful performance which will avert the danger that is due to come to us, but it has not yet come.

‘This is going to be observed for the whole population by every government. Then the government will display its parental role for the people by performing Yagyas and Grahas for collective good. The procedures are there, only they have not been brought to the governmental level. On the private level in India, even today, people have Grahas and Yagyas done. But it has to be on the governmental level. Then there will be no fury of nature, and no anger from Natural Law. All these hurricanes will become cool, refreshing breezes for everyone. 

‘The procedures are there. We are now wanting it to be shared with everyone, because the whole population of the world is our family. “Vasudhaiva Katumbakam” is the Vedic expression of the whole world is my family. “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah” is the expression meaning be good to all—non-good to no one, all good to everyone. These are the beautiful, enjoyable expressions of the Vedic Literature. All that will be very naturally, spontaneously, made available to everyone through these Vedic Universities, through these Peace Governments. The Peace Government is a complementary thing.’

Question: Vedic Education and Increased Luck

Dr Hagelin: ‘Is a meditating entrepreneur a luckier entrepreneur? And if so, what makes him luckier?’ 

Maharishi: ‘What makes one luckier is: the good that he has done to others, it comes back to him. A man doesn’t become lucky by doing wrong. He becomes lucky because he has done good to others. That good comes back to him, and now he is lucky. So what he does is his own, the result of his own karma, the result of his own action. If a man is unlucky, this is very clear, he is unlucky because he has nullified the life of somebody else—he has made his life “un”—so, unlucky.

‘When you do good to others, when you make the life of other people lucky, that is the technique to be lucky. To be compassionate, loving, kind, serviceful: these are the values which are said to be lucky. Wrongdoing is always unlucky, because by doing wrong things you make the other man suffer, you make him unlucky. So unluck comes back to you. As you sow, so shall you reap; it’s a very simple thing.  

‘All these are very old concepts of life everywhere, in all languages. Doesn’t matter where one is, the result of one’s action is what one has to go through oneself. Through Vedic Education, the education of total Natural Law, one builds up one’s own mind so that the mind will never go wrong, it will go right in the direction of sequential evolution.  
‘Sequential evolution is a great point of education. When we say Vedic Education, it is the sequence of the Smriti, Puran, Shruti. In beautiful language they lay out the steps of evolution from point to infinity. It’s all set.  

‘In life there is nothing new. Life is a super-symmetric field, as you have summarized, it’s naturally a super-symmetric field. And if you don’t know how to be the super-symmetric actor, then you default, and either you do more silence or you do more dynamism—anything more will be imbalance.’




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